Stuck in someone else's frames? break free!
Thank you for visiting our web page. We are a small hobby rabbitry located in southern Maine, that houses between 50 and 100 rabbits at any given time. We enjoy showing our rabbits at shows in Maine, New Hampshire & Massachusetts.
Meet the family: Erick specializes in Mini Rex (black, blue, broken, castor, chocolate, himalayan, lilac, red, tortoiseshell and white) and Holland Lops (black, chestnut, tortoiseshell and brokens).
Mel is a bit fuzzy brained *grin* and has the wooled breeds: Jersey Woolies (BEW, REW, selfs and shadeds), American Fuzzy Lops (tortoiseshell, sable points and brokens at this time), English Angoras (most colors), and French Angoras (REW and Chinchillas for the time being).
Tanner has a Heinz 57 variety including Jersey Woolies (REW), Holland Lops (tortoiseshell, sable point and brokens), Mini Lops (chestnut agouti), American Fuzzy Lops (black and broken), and a sole English Angora (black).
Michaela is a bit too young to show as of now so she doesnt have any bunnies yet!
After thoughtful consideration I have decided to take down the Breeders' Directory from our pages. With a new baby in the house as well as everything we have going on including starting our own web design service it saddens me to say I just dont have the time to keep up with the numerous request per day that I receive for new breeders and corrections from breeders already listed. I am still more than willing to help persons looking for a certain breed of rabbit in their area, just drop me an email and I will try to put you in touch with a repuatable breeder near you!
May your nest boxes be full and your ribbons be plentiful.