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TytE PoEMs....


The love which was so warm and comforting,
now as cold as jack frost’s icy breath…
the hand that held mine own…now lost,
in the eternal void where my heart once rest…

reality retakes the position of rule,
as the wonderful fantasy begins to fade…
things become bleak, and grey, and cold to the touch…
a fatal error has been made…

the treacherous stars!
How can you defy me of my destiny?
You took away the girl I love…
You stripped away the best in me…

Is this how things were meant to be?
Everything I love? Coming to an end?
I always believed that I loved life…
Now I just pretend…


~*tHe kEy*~

I had closed the door upon my heart,
And wouldn’t let anyone in,
I have trusted and loved only to be hurt,
But that would never happen again…

I had locked the door and thrown the key,
As hard and as far as I could,
Love would never enter there again,
My heart was closed for good…

Then you came into my life,
And made me change my mind,
Just when I thought that tiny key,
Would be impossible to find…

That’s when you held out your hand,
And proved to me I was wrong,
Because inside your palm
Was the key to my heart,
You had it all along…



Mommy went to Heaven, but I need her here today,
My tummy hurts and I fell down, I need her right away,

Operator can you tell me how to find her in this book?
Is heaven in the yellow part, I don't know where to look.

I think my daddy needs her too, at night I hear him cry.
I hear him call her name sometimes, but I really don't know why.

Maybe if I call her, she will hurry home to me.
Is Heaven very far away, is it across the sea?

She's been gone a long, long time she needs to come home now!
I really need to reach her, but I simply don't know how.

Help me find the number please, is it listed under "Heaven"?
I can't read these big big words, I am only seven.

I'm sorry operator, I didn't mean to make you cry,
Is your tummy hurting too, or is there something in your eye?

If I call my church maybe they will know.
Mommy said when we need help that's where we should go.

I found the number to my church tacked up on the wall.
Thank you operator, I'll give them a cal



If you pay attention
after every sunshine
there is a rain
that washes all of the worries away
and leaves only a trace of hope
that we may reunite as one
with the moon, sun, and stars
as the sun replenishes our skin and hides our scars
but after the rain everything shows true
and reveals things you never knew about you .

-Melanie Brewster


Tears run down my face slowly
dripelt by driplet, drop by drop
so soft and wet
the shattering feeling coming
is my heart breaking
getting weaker by the minute
feeling of crying uncontrollably
as I sit in the car
with the roar of the engine
say nothing
just whimper
offer me a tissue and I refuse
Suddenly braking
the tears soon come
whimpers growing louder
give me a hand
hold on tightly
you let go
children out the car window
trying to look over
thinkings it's a party
shame on them!
too young to understand the facts of life
the feelings pour out
emotions raining
hours before so alive
and now so dead
crying silently
I pause.....

-Tiffanie Kay Dailey
edited by: Chyld

The rest of these poems were taken from TRUEPINAY's Site

Don't fall in Love
author: Unknown

Did you ever love someone
But knew they didn't care?
Did you ever feel like crying
But knew you'd get nowhere
Did you ever close your eyes
And Say a little prayer
Did you ever look into their heart
And wish that you were there?
Did you ever watch them walk away
Not wanting them to go?
And whispered, "God I love you..."
But never let them know?
You cry all night in misery
And almost go insane
There's nothing in this whole wide world
That causes more pain
If I could choose between love and death
I think I'd rather die.
Love is fun, but it hurts too much
The price you pay is high
And so, I say, Don't fall in love
You get hurt before it's through
You see, my friend, I ought to know
Because I fell in love too.

A frail old Angel cry

LaSt NiGhT i hAd a dReAm
It hAd a tALe tO TeLL.
I dReAmEd i sAw aN AnGeL;
POoR ThiNg, hE wAsn'T fEeLiNg WeLL.
HiS bOdy brUiSeD aNd bAtTeReD
HiS wiNgS wErE RiPpEd aNd tOrN
tHiS aNgEL cOuLd hArDLy wALk,
hE LoOkEd sO TiReD aNd wOrN.
i wALkEd RiGht uP tO hIm tO aSk;
AnGeL? hOw cAn ThiS Be?
hE tUrNeD arOuNd aNd pAuSeD (a bit).
tHeN hE sPoKe tHeSe wOrDs tO mE:
"I'm yOuR gUaRdIaN aNgEL,
a gReAt TaSk aS yOu cAn SeE.
yOu'vE rUn amOk mOst All yOur lifE:
LoOk whAt it's dOnE tO mE.
ThEsE bRuisEs aRe frOm shiEldiNg yOu
In timEs bOth diRe aNd íll.
ThOse alcOhOliC bOutS aNd dRuGs yOu'vE uSEd
I'vE OftEn pAid tHe bill
yOu sEe My wiNgs aRe riPpEd aNd tOrn;
hOw OftEn thEy hAvE flOwn yOu
FrOm Evils unAwaRe.
eAch mArk is it's Own stOry
Of dEadly wOuNds dEstrOyEd.
yOu mAdE mE wiSh mOre thAn OnCe-
thAt I wAs unEmplOyEd.
If OnLy yOu cOuLd mAkE it
StAndiNg On yOuR Own;
Oh, dOn't yOu frEt Or wOrRy
bUt pleAsE tRy tO rEmEmbeR
I'm gEtting old aNd frAil.
I cOuLd nOt bEliEvE all I hAd heArd,
Let alOne hOw muCh hE cArEd.
I wEpt upOn his shOuLdEr,
ThEn lEft him ín dEspAir.
tHe nExt dAy I sAt aNd pOndErEd:
shOuLd I rEally tRy?
aNd in tHe diStAnCe I thOuGht I hEaRd;

A frAil Old AnGel cRy.

Endless Love

Written with a pEn sEalEd wiTh a kiSs
iF u LOvE mE, plEaSe AnSwEr mE tHiS:
dO yOu LOvE mE, Or dO yOu nOt?
yOu tOld mE OncE bUt I fOrgOt
sO tell mE nOw And tell me tRuE
sO I cAn tell yOu............I LOvE yOu
Of all the peOpLe I'vE EvEr mEt
yOu aRe the oNe I wOn't fOrgEt.
And if I die befOrE yOu dO,
I'll gO tO heAvEn aNd wAit fOr yOu.
If yOu aRe nOt thErE On jUdGemEnt dAy,
I'll knOw yOu wEnt the othEr wAy,
I'll give tHe AnGeLs baCk thEir winGs,
aNd riSk tHe LOsS Of EvErythiNg,
jUst tO prOve my LOvE iS trUe,
I'll gO tO hell tO be with yOu.


nEvEr sAy I LOvE yOu
If yOu rEally dOnt cArE
NevEr taLk abOut fEeLiNgS
If thEy ArEnt rEaLLy thErE
NevEr hOLd my hAnd
If yOu aRe gOing tO bReAk my heArt
NevEr sAy yOu aRe gOing tO
If yOu dOnt pLan tO stArt
NevEr LOok intO my EyEs
If all yOu dO is lie
NevEr sAy hellO
If yOu reaLLy mEan gOod bye
If yOu really mEan fOrEvEr
ThEn sAy yOu will tRy
NevEr sAy fOrEvEr
Cause fOrEvEr mAkEs mE cRy

-=Can’t FiNd thE wOrdS tO sAy tO yOu=-

I cAn'T FiNd tHe wOrDs tO sAy
tO TeLL yOu tHaT i FeEL tHiS wAy
I wAnt yOu
What cAn I dO tO mAke yOu wAnt mE nExt tO yOu
If yOu LoOk At mE yOu'll undErstAnd
ThAt all I wAnt is tO hOLd yOur hand
I feLt this wAy fOr sO lOng
It hUrTs mE thAt I dOn't beLOng
WaNtiNg yOu iS all a dReAm
My heArt aChEs I wAnt tO sCrEam
I sMiLe aNd LaUgh jUst thiNkiNg abOut yOu
TOgEthEr nOw i wiSh it was trUe
I AlwAys imAginE yOur gEntLe tOuCh
If OnLy yOu knEw I feLt tHis muCh
nOt bEing with yOu I'm faLLiNg ApArt
bEcAuSe I dOn't knOw hOw tO gEt yOur hEaRt
If yOu cOuLd OnLy sEe tHe LOvE in my EyEs
All Of thOse niGhts I sAt And cRiEd
JuSt lOok At mE stAnding hErE
cAll my naMe aNd I'll be thErE, hOw LOng tHe wAit
I dOn't knOw
But whEn thAt dAy cOmEs I'll lEt it shOw
If Only yOu knEw my fEeLiNgs fOr yOu
I'll stAy hOpEfuL thAt yOu fEeL the sAMe wAy tO!

{DReAm oF LovE}

I drEam Of LOvE EvEry niGht.
The sAmE yOuNg mAn in my siGht.
He fiLLs my LiFe with rOmAnCe.
He hOLds mE tiGht As wE dAnCe.
HiS kiSs sEnDs mE tO hiGh AbOve.
It sEems tO mE thAt this is LOvE.
I wiSh I cOuLd sLeEp fOrEvEr.
In my drEaMs wE aRe tOgEthEr.
BUt thEn thE mOrNiNg liGht cOmEs
aNd reAlity sAys I hAve nO oNe.
I'm AwAke aNd aLOne.
No oNe tO hOLd, I'm On my Own.
So if AwAke, I mUst bE bLUe
at leAst aSleEp, LOvE is tRuE

~$LOvE iS....$~

Love is a fire that burns deep inside,
It’s a crazy emotion you can’t bear to hide.
But just like a bee love can sting and hurt,
When the one you love rubs your face in the dirt.
Love is devotion, tenderness affection,
But it’s also painful and full of rejection.
Love is a feeling people have longed,
But please be careful you may be wronged.
Love can be joyful makes you laugh and sigh,
But it can tear your heart and make you cry.
The path to love is dark and steep,
It keeps you up and away from sleep.
Love is a fire that burns deep inside,
It’s a crazy emotion you can’t bear to hide,
But love intrudes and recedes just like the tide.

Alwayz Be My Baby

You'll always be my baby till da very end
Even if you found someone new.
I loved you with all of my heart
And baby you'll always be my boo.
Whenever you need me, I'm always here
You were my first love and will be my last.
In this lifetime all I want to see is for you to be happy
And baby don't take things too fast.
I wish and pray for your boo to treat you right
Cause you deserve all the loving you can get.
Make sure you get treated with da most respect
Cuz seeing you hurt, I won't let.
Baby, you'll always be my boo.

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