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A Day at the Beach ~ Kasumikewl

A Day at the Beach

By Michelle Minyin Chu a.k.a. Kasumikewl

Disclaimer: I know this and you know this. Satoshi Tajiri created Team Rocket and Pokémon, and he owns them (which I don’t think is very fair ^.^) But any ways, this fan fic isn’t meant to infringe upon his rights. And I apologize to him. I hope I won’t be punished by being tied to wild Ponyta and being stretched for the writing of this fan fic.

Feedback- flames, comments, suggestions, what have you at I really, really, REALLY need to know what you think, so please, tell me!

Category: Romance! (I’m a very hopeless romantic ^_~)

Summary: Team Rocket spends a day at the beach (hence the title) But nothing is as expected…

Written: June 27, 1999

YAY!!! This is my very second FINISHED fan fic!!! I’m on a roll!! And I’m also VERY proud to announce that I have broken my curse of never being able to finish fan fics!!! HA HA!!! (I hope you don’t think it’s bad, though…)

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

It was a hot, sunny day. Too hot. Too hot to work. Too hot to even think of evil schemes. So, instead of chasing after Ash and Pikachu that day, Team Rocket was at the beach.

“Ah, what a lovely day”, remarked James.

“Hmph. I’m all hot and sweaty and sticky and gross. I’m not happy when I’m all hot and sweaty and sticky and gross”, Jessie said.

“Oh yeah? You tink dat’s bad? Try having fur all over your body! And it’s humid too! I hate it when it’s humid! When it’s humid, my fur gets all coily!” a rather curly-haired Meowth complained.

“Well, I happen to think it’s a lovely day,” said James, who had, of course, already shed his hot Team Rocket uniform in favor of much cooler light blue swimming trunks.

They set up a nice beach umbrella, and two lounge chairs, with tall cold glasses of lemonade, of course. Once that was all settled, no one complained much about anything, not even Meowth, who had curled up in the dark cool shade of the umbrella, which was white with a big red R.

“Ack! I’m roasting!” Jessie said, immediately pulling off her uniform to reveal a two-piece red bikini. It was VERY flattering, and she knew it. Of course, anything was flattering on HER She took out a bottle of suntan lotion. “Nothing’s more unattractive than a sunburn.” She slathered some on her body, but had a problem when trying to reach her back. James, likewise, had a problem putting suntan lotion on his own back. Jessie, thinking quickly, came up with a very easy solution to their problem.

“Here”, she said, handing her bottle to James, “You do my back and I’ll do yours.” It came out a little quicker than she had meant it to, but she didn’t think that James would notice. He never noticed, not even when she wanted him to.

“Ok”, it also sounded a little more eager than he had intended. He had been thinking along the lines of the same thing, but he was afraid that Jessie would mallet him if he suggested it. Now she was giving him permission to…

He decided not to think about it too much. His head was starting to hurt.

Jessie noticed how he had jumped at the chance, but quickly dismissed the thought. No way could he possibly…

She cleared her throat. “Well, what are you waiting for?”

“Er, nothing”, he poured some of the lotion out onto his hand as she turned around and offered him her back. Her skin was nice, soft, and silky. His mind stopped functioning almost completely as he began to rub it into her back. He didn’t even notice how hotly he was blushing. However, Meowth did.

“Hey James! Whatcha blushing so hotly for?”

“Um…er…” James mumbled. Then he mumbled something about being out in the hot sun for so long. His face was still bright red when he finished.

Jessie turned around reluctantly. It had felt so nice. And he had been blushing?

She smiled to herself at the thought. “Ok, James. It’s your turn now.” James gulped a little. He obediently turned around and Jessie began to blush a little herself as she ran her small hands down his muscular back. She was enjoying herself immensely, however, and both were quite disappointed when she was done. James was blushing so brightly he didn’t dare look up at Jessie. When he did, he was met with the shocking sight of her face the same bright red as his.

Jessie noticed him looking at her, and quickly turned away. “Boy, is it hot! I’m making a beedrill line for the water.” She ran into the water, and James watched closely as she gracefully dove and resurfaced, dove and resurfaced. The water was a beautiful blue, he noted, the blue of Jessie’s eyes. After a little while, Jessie came back to where he had been watching her. Her long red hair was dripping, and it hung straight down her back. It shone radiantly in the sun, in varying shades of red. A few strands of wet hair dangled in front of her face, giving her a ravishing look. Her matted wet lashes resembled midnight lace, complimenting her dazzling sapphire eyes very well. She batted them a couple of times, to get the water away, but only succeeded in making herself look prettier and flirtatious.

“I’m lonely out there”, she hinted a little, “Why don’t you come swim with me, James?”

“But, Jessie…I, um, I, er, I d-don’t know how to swim!”

She smiled. “That’s alright, James…I’ll teach you!” Before James knew what had happened, he was dragged into the ocean water with Jessie.

“Jessie, help me! Jessie, help! I’m drowning!” James sputtered as he splashed around. “I don’t know how to swim! Jessie, help!” he was still crying as his head went under.

Jessie laughed to herself. “Stand up, James!” she commanded, trying to sound exasperated. She reached into the water and grabbed his hand to hoist him up. When he stood up, it was plain to see that the water only reached a tiny bit past his knees. “If I’m going to teach you, we’re going to have to go into deeper water than this!”

She took his hand, and he held on tightly as she led him into the water, until it was up to his chest, and a little above hers. “See? It’s not so bad, now, is it?”

He mumbled something and clung to her in fear. She smiled a little and removed his arms from around her.

“Here”, she said, “Relax. I promise I won’t let anything happen to you.” She wrapped one arm around his waist, and took his hand with her other hand. “Just trust me on this.”

“Mm hmm”, he answered. Of course he trusted her. And he didn’t mind being this close to her, either.

After about 2 hours, through Jessie’s surprisingly gentle guidance, he was swimming almost like an expert. It would have taken sooner, but they were both reluctant to stop, and James kept interrupting to cling to her.

“Look. You’re so good now. I don’t know what you were so worried about. But, I , um, have to swim a on my own for a little while now. I hope you understand.” She turned away so he couldn’t see her face that perfectly matched her hair. James understood perfectly. They both needed to calm down after such close physical contact for such a prolonged uninterrupted period of time.

Jessie swam off, diving every now and then. She had no idea that teaching someone to swim could be so much…fun. Especially if that someone was James. She definitely enjoyed being able to wrap her arms around him just because she felt like it, and without having to explain anything to anybody. Maybe he enjoyed it too, she smiled. He had been blushing a lot of the time, too, when he thought she didn’t notice. She picked up all the little details like that. And that could mean…She felt like jumping up and down. She did a couple little flips in the water. She giggled. She was able to let all her pent-up feelings out, because no one was there to see if she kept calm and composed, no one was there to watch her make a complete idiot of herself over a boy. She laughed out loud, giddy.

Suddenly, she heard a faint shouting from behind her. She swam towards it, and it got louder. She immediately recognized the voice. It was her James!

“Jessie! Save me!” he spluttered.

“James, this better not be in shallow water again!!! Or a trick!!” she yelled, trying to be mad, but the concern in her voice was unmistakable. She swam towards him frantically.

“Jessie!” he cried as his head went under the water once again.

“James, you better not be fooling around!!!” she didn’t even attempt to mask the fear and apprehension in her voice this time. She quickly realized that James was in VERY deep waters. She swam as if her life depended on it. And in a way, it did.

She reached his side as soon as mortally possible. He had stopped splashing a long time before she had reached him. She gathered up his limp body in her arms, and carried him to shore, all the while whispering to him. “James, don’t you DARE die on me!” she said roughly. Her tone softened. “Please, please, please…” She laid him gently upon the sand. Tears welled up in her eyes. “Please, don’t die James…You can’t…I need you…I-I-I don’t know what I’d do without you…” She checked his pulse. He had a heartbeat! That was good. But he wasn’t breathing…She started to give him artificial resuscitation, all the while talking to him. “I-I-I desperately need you… I-I- can’t live without you…” She pressed her lips to his and forced air into his lungs, then pumped his chest. He still wasn’t breathing. “I’m so sorry…It was all my fault…I promised I wouldn’t let anything happen to you…” She continued forcing air into his lungs. “I’m sorry for all the times I beat up on you, and it wasn’t your fault…I’m so, so, sorry…” Her warm tears dropped down upon his face. “Please, forgive me for all the times I’ve been awful… You were always there for me… Anything. I’ll give anything just to have you back…”

He seemed to almost take a breath then, but when she checked, there was no sign of life besides his heartbeat. She figured it was her mind playing tricks on her because she wanted him to breathe again so badly.

“Please James, wake up…Wake up…for me, even if I’ve been awful…because…because…” She broke off, and he just lay there, motionless. “Because James…” her voice was a hoarse whisper through her tears. “Because I love you.” She sobbed softly. “I love you, James…You have to come back…I’m helpless without you…I love you… I always have…” She pressed her lips against his, desperately, just to force life back into him.

Suddenly, she felt motion as the body beneath her reached up a hand to stroke her hair. And James, now revived, began kissing her. Her eyes fluttered open to see James, very much alive, wrapping his arms around her in an embrace. She was so surprised that she broke off the kiss, and James sat up in the warm white sand.

He smiled. “I love you, too, Jessie.”

She had thought she would never be able to see him smile at her again. She was so happy she was speechless.

All she managed to choke out was, “James, you idiot…you scared me so much!” She threw her arms around him and hugged him to herself. She was crying and laughing at the same time. Tears of joy ran down her face. And she kissed him, not even bothering to notice that he had heard every word that she had told him. Maybe she did notice, but that didn’t matter to her. James was back, alive and breathing, and that was all that mattered to her in the world.

And as they kissed passionately on the beach, it was as if they were the only two people that existed in the entire universe. And to each other, they were. The sun set in the sky, turning everything as if covered by liquid gold. The sky turned rose, red, purple, pink, mixed with a little blue. The waters turned orange and gold. It was a truly beautiful scene indeed, but to Jessie and James, the most beautiful thing about it was that they were embracing their love, finally. And love is the most beautiful thing of all.

~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~*~~~ ~~~*~~~~

That night, James held Jessie in his arms as she slept. She had her arms wrapped around him tightly, as if afraid to lose him. Meowth watched them in the fire’s glow, satisfied.

“Well, it’s about time”, he remarked. “But just one question, James…”

“What?” he asked, softly, so as not to wake Jessie.

“Suppose Jessie finds out ya’ve been a great swimmer all along?”

James merely smiled and shrugged.

“Humans!” Meowth muttered to himself. He gave up trying to figure James out and turned over to go to sleep.

James, still smiling, planted a tender kiss on Jessie’s lips. She smiled in her sleep. He held her closer and was truly content.

“She probably wouldn’t mind that much…”he murmured sleepily. He drifted off into sleep. Their dreams were sweet, because they were ones of each other. But the sweetest one of all would be to wake up and find themselves in each other’s arms. They had each other. As they slept, it was comforting knowledge that their chests rose and fell with each breath, in unison, as if they were one. It was the perfect end to a perfect day at the beach.

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