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Frogwoman's Fanfic Page

Here's my fanfics page! Hope you enjoy. Another note is that I'm majorly revamping. Well, uh, more like I'm slowly killing FRBOS, and moving on to a new website. I'm moving a couple of my stories from here over there. Sorry about the inconvenience...but they'll be formatted differently from the rest of the stories, at least until I'm done with FRBOS...sorry...

If you want to check out my new site, The Pond, just click here.

I would also like to say that none of the authors on this site own Pokémon, in case anyone forgot a disclaimer, and that all original material belongs to its creator, so don't use anything original on this page unless you've written and asked permission. Got me? Good!

Page Policy

I need to put this up right now. I have a rating policy for stories on this site. Here they are:

1. *NO* sex, and this includes references. I must also note that I don't like references to homosexuality. It's a touchy subject, and I would like to avoid it on my page, considering it's a sex-related issue. Thanks.

2. No one sitting around getting drunk or stoned on pourpose. It's okay if there's a glue bottle empty in the corner and someone starts acting weird because of the fumes...but I don't want drugs or alcohol, kay?

3. No wanton violence.

4. Avoid the occult! (that stuff scares me!)

I will, however, accept edited versions of any stories with these things in them. As long as that part is *gone* I don't mind!


Frogwoman's Stories

Hey, everybody! You'd better prepare for trouble, 'cuz it's me, Rocket Jesse! Froggy has bestowed the honor upon me of giving all you Rocketeers out there descriptions of her fanfics. I just wanted you to know that each has at *least* one Rocketshippy part. Now that's what I like! Also, every single one of her stories is well worth the read, even if you're not a Rocketshipper. Well, okay, maybe The Rose isn't for the non-romantics… but it's still one of the greatest ever written! Just like her others! Take a look, and I assure you, you *won't* be dissapointed!

Planes of Existence: This story displays one of Froggy's strong points: her ability to create a completely imaginative world of her own. It's her first fic (hard to believe, huh?) and in it, a sweet little girl with a Pokémon that can switch dimensions finds the Team Rocket of our world and an exciting adventure ensues.

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

Epilogue and Author's Comment

Froggy is writing a series of stories (which others, including myself, will be adding to) about the various dimensions mentioned in Planes of Existence. Some are funny, some are Rocketshippy, and all are very, very, *very* well done!

#1- Team Rocket: Just a regular episode of Pokémon in the world where *our* heroes are everybody's favorite! (moved to The Pond)

Alternate Dimensions #1 - Team Rocket

#2- The Rose: Oh! You've gotta read this one! It's really one of my favorite fics on the entire 'net! Not just because it's dedicated to me (see how *sweet* she is?), but because this is *the* Rocketshipper story. I'm serious-- you will *melt.* I still do, even though I've read it more times than I can count!

Alternate Dimensions#2 - The Rose Note: This one's dedicated to my friend RJ, the queen of TR romance!

#3- The Eyes of a Persian, The Ears of a Growlithe: This story is exhilarating, romantic, sad, happy, and *wonderful* all at once. In this universe, the members of Team Rocket are forced to sacrifice themselves for "the good of the team." It's James' turn to go.

Alternate Dimensions #3 - The Eyes of a Persian, The Ears of a Growlithe

#4- Jessi's Curse: This is another really sweet story; it brought tears to my eyes. It presents the *perfect* theory of why Jessi acts the way she does towards James, even though she loves him.

Alternate Dimensions #4 - Jessi's Curse

#5- Jessi, James, and a Box of Donuts: Read this and bust a gut laughing! I think the title is pretty self-explanatory. =)

Alternate Dimensions #5 - Jessi, James and a Box of Donuts

#6- Ramblings of an Aged Bluemew: A now old, but still special, Pokémon tells the story of Blueboy and Redgirl. It's *so* unique and interesting. You've never read anything like this before!

Alternate Dimensions #6 - Ramblings of an Aged Bluemew

I'll get a few more up as I write them!

Okay, I now would like to post a few non-dimensional stories I wrote.

The Vow: If you think all Team Rocket beginnings stories aren't worth reading, then think again. This one is absolutely wonderful, and it is, without a doubt, the *best* of its kind.

The Vow: Part One - Pokémon Tech

The Vow: Part Two - The Bridge Bike Gang

The Vow: Part Three - Team Rocket: Training

The Medians: Jessi and James are forced to make a decision about Team Rocket's wishes to enslave a cat-like race called The Medians. It'll really get you thinking. And, of course, a few very well done Rocketshippy moments are scattered throughout.

The Medians

The Saga of Odd Rocket: Jessi and James are assigned to capture a MewTwo with Odd Rocket: Kianna and… ::drumroll:: … Frogwoman! Another so-funny-you'll-spit-milk-outta-your-nose story! (Moved to The Pond)

The Saga of Odd Rocket

Alone: An incredibly touching story about how awful things can be when Jessi and James are forced apart even for less than a day. It's got some of the sweetest moments between those two!


Soliloquy: I think this would fit nicely as the "Theme Fic" for Froggy's webpage. You'll see why once you read it! It discloses the deep, serious thoughts of Jessi, James and Meowth in a very believable (not to mention *fabulous*) fanfic.


Lost Dimensions

These are Alternate Dimensions stories that other people have kindly written me, or I've asked them to write for me, Frogwoman. I have one so far, and if *you'd* like to write me a Lost Dimension story, just e me! (!)

Would a rose by any other name smell as sweet?

Lost Dimensions #1: Forever ~ Rocket Jesse

Lost Dimensions #2: Super James ~ Articuno

Oh where oh where have Rocket Jesse's stories gone? Here they are! Click here!

Lessa's Stories

I have a new author here! Her name is Lessa. Here's her story, Prepare for Trouble. It's really cute!

Prepare For Trouble

Prepare For Trouble: Part Two

Prepare For Trouble: Part Three

Another story by Lessa! It's adorable too! Team Rocket is about to break up when Jessi makes a discovery...

And Make it Double?

Leamarie's Stories

I'm not sure if this is a contest entry or not...but I really like it!

Untitled Story

Love?? Jessi and James ROMANCE! (cute as anything...too!)


This one is kind of a second part to Love??


DarkZoey's Story

An interesting little story about Motto trouble and the future...

For the Future: Episode One - Welcome Zoaka!

For the Future: Episode Two - Mission Impossible

Interlude: Interview With a Jigglypuff

This is a new one by DarkZoey, about a song that touches James...

Songs Can Tell Stories

Casey's Story

An adorable story and I love it. It's about a mysterious new gym that has a keeper someone knows...

More Family Reunions

More Family Reunions Part Two

Guess what? I have a pic to go with this story. Here it is!

The Pic

Ben's Story

This is a hilarious story about an alternate reality where James has taken up a very interesting line of work...

The Case of the Pilfered Pikachu

Chansey46's Stories

The first one is about a mansion and love...


The second is about a mysterious water girl who tries to seduce James...

James and Crioptia

And the third is a happy story for Meowth!

Meowth's Love

Meowth's Love II

Meowth's Love III

This one is about winter and the love of Team Rocket.


Charmander Gurl's Stories

This is about a cute little Pokémon invented by CG, and all the trouble it causes...

Twisted Evil

This one's about Jessi and Arbok. I loved it!

Second Chances

Anni's Stories

This is a great one about Butch and Cassidy's revenge...

Rocket Revenge: Part One

Rocket Revenge: Part Two

This is another good one about Jessi and James finally getting caught...

A Hard Time Apart: Part One

A Hard Time Apart: Part Two

This is a sad, sad story...

The End of The Road

Return Journey:Sequel to 'The End of The Road'

And this is a very interesting story...

Poisoned Love: Part One

Kasumikewl's Story

A very cute story about romance on the beach!

A Day at the Beach

Amy Wilson's Story

This is a story told by Meowth, who is a little down, and is considering...

The Way Things Should Be

Pikajen's Stories

Really sad story that makes you think...


Why? (A Sequel to Decisions)

Jessi Rockit's Story

A very humorous story about a...

A Not-So-Pleasant-Surprise

Rocket Raichu's Story

This is a cute, cute, and wonderful story about Jessi and James and...well...confession!

The Northern Lights

Miscellaneous Stuff

This section is for things that were written by fans about Team Rocket that don't exactly fit the description of 'stories'...

First we have a poem by Jamie. It's really good, and she's told me to put up a warning saying that it's only for my page. Thanks Jamie!

Team Rocket's Story

And next I have something REALLY different. Emmy has written REO Speedwagon's 'Can't Fight This Feeling'...isn't that cool?

Music Video - 'Can't Fight This Feeling': REO Speedwagon

Contest Entries

Death With Life

Decisions ~ Pikajen

A New Side of Team Rocket ~ JessieRocket

Magic ~ Kasumikewl

Team Rocket Blasts Off to America: Parts One through Four ~ Haunter

Team Rocket Blasts Off to America: Parts Five through Eight ~ Haunter

Team Rocket: A Story of Jim and Jess ~ Haunter

Jessibelle ~ JessieRocket

Crime For Crime ~ Auryn

The Trainer ~ SilveRocket

Team Rocket Meets Dr. Evil:Part One ~ Meowth_Rocket

Hope you enjoyed the fics!

'The Vow'...?
Would you be interested in reading a version of 'The Vow' from James's point of view?

Current Results

If I put this story up the new stuff that will be in it includes: What happened in the year before Jessi came, some scenes from the bike gang that Jessi didn't know about and what happened to James in training (from a part I haven't put up yet!)

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