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James and Crioptia ~ Chansey46

James and Crioptia

Jesse and James were travelling through a clouded wood. The trees were dense and dark. James had been looking at each, counting each one. Meowth was on vacation with his girlfriend, Julia.

James interuppted the silence, "I think you got us lost." he stated. Not the right thing to say. He was quickly whacked with a backpack Jesse was carrying. That was his Jesse. He liked her a lot. She liked him too, but he only noticed a little bit. They finally came to a clearing near a lake. James went around to explore.

'She never understands me,' he muttered. 'I wish someone would come and understand.' he said. He walked to the lakes edge and dipped his worn boot in the water. He looked at his reflection, and was suprised to see someone else staring back at him! It was a beautiful girl. She rose out of the water in a shining blue and aqua marine dress. Her hair was long and blue.

She said to him, "James, do you need someone to talk to?" James just nodded.

"Then, when you need an outlet to your feelings, come to the lake shore and say, Crioptia, come to me, and I shall come." With that she vanished back into the water. He sat there dumstruck, by her beauty and her timedlyness. Just then he heard a noise behind him. It was Jesse. With a rose. He watched her come towards him.

She knelt down behind him and whispered in his ear, "The camp is getting awfully lonely." in a seductive manner, he grinned and followed her back.

"Oh, James, you ignorant fool, soon I will have you all to myself." said Crioptia's voice and a cold, cruel cackle sounded from the lake.


James was sitting with Jesse's head in his lap. He brushed her red hair out of the way, so he could see her face. It was truly beautiful, and he kissed it.

Just then she murmured, "James who were you talking to?"

"Oh, no one." he lied. He thought that Jesse was fooled, but in her mind rose a suspicion. What is someone stole her James? No, that could never be, he loved her. But still, she was suspicious.


"Crioptia, come to me." murmered James in the dark. A voice softly replied

"Yes, James?" He was a bit appaled, but soon started to talk.

"Well, today Jesse and I were kissi- I mean conversing, when she told me something."

"And what was that?" asked Crioptia eagerly.

"Well, she was wondering if I loved her....Well of course I said yes, but I don't think I was that sincere."

"So, what do you want?" she asked seductively, but inside her head was reeling, she had found his weak spot! And it was Jesse.

"James....." a far off voice called. That was Jesse.

"Well, I got to leave, and Crioptia, you're great." He ran off.

She thought to herself, "If I had Jesse out of the way, James' mine!" she shrunk back into the water.


James' visits to Crioptia became more and more frequent, and he used almost any excuse to go to her. This was arousing Jesse's instincts to keep him back here, and to not let him get away. She decided to plan a romantic dinner for James and her, only her.


It was the night of the dinner. James had come in his best uniform and Jesse had been putting on Makeup and hairspray for hours. When dinner came, the table was set, and even a romantic firelight was there. Jesse was in a pretty gown. She sat down and asked what James wanted for a drink.

"Tea!" he added quickly, "Oh, no water, I better go to the lake and get some!" and he was off. Jesse decided to follow him this time. James was faster, and he made it to the shore quicker.

"Crioptia, come to me!" he said urgently. Crioptia sprung out of the water, and looked at James in a come-and-get-me-big-boy sort of way.

"Crioptia, what's wrong?" James asked but she had lunged at him, and in a moment they were kissing.

"This is wrong! Wrong! I belong with Jesse! Not you!" his mind screamed. It was just then Jesse came through the forest. She gasped in horror and ran away, sobbing.

"Jesse!" James had managed to pull away and ran after Jesse.

"It's all going according to plan" she thought. "Tommorrow, I strike." she said and slipped into the water.


James sulked in the forest.

"What had he done?" he asked mentally. "Jesse was so perfect, I didn't mean to hurt her." he thought. Just then he heard sobs. Jesse! His heart leaped. He ran after her. He heard a faint scream. JESSE!


James arrived on the shores of the lake just in time to see Crioptia holding Jesse with a wave of water.

"James, I can't swim!" screamed Jesse.

"Shut up, girl!" yelled Crioptia. James was overrun with anger and fear. Croptia had betrayed him, and now Jesse was paying for it. The wave dropped Jesse in the water. She screamed. A high pitched cruel laugh could be heard coming from Crioptia.

"JESSE!" James lunged to try to save her, but he couldn't. There was a forcefield in front of the water.

"What will you do now, James?" she chortled. James knew this might be the end of him and Jesse.

"Jesse...Jesse, I want you to know, whatever happens I will always love you." He could hear a shriek from Crioptia.

"You said it! You said you loved her!" She began to melt away. Soon she was just a puddle and the forcefield had disappeared.

"Jesse?!" But she was nowhere to be seen. He knew his Team Rocket clothing would weight him down, so he took it all off down to his boxers. He jumped in the water. He swam under, and saw Jesse. She was limp, like a broken ragdoll, floating in the water. He swam to her and brought her back up to the surface.


Jesse's eyes fluttered open.

"Where was she?" her mind asked. She suddenly realized that James was holding her tightly. He was slumbering next to her, with a happy-go-lucky smile on his face. She smiled. She realized just then, that there was no blankets on James (Who looked funny in only his Happy face boxers) and all of them were on her. She pulled some blankets on to the shiverring James, and snuggled closer to him. She kissed his cheek gently, pulled the hair out of his eyes, and snuggled into the warmth of his chest and heartbeat. Little did she know, James had been awake.

He smiled and whispered, "My Jesse."

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