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Death With Life

Part 1: Pure Disaster.

Jessy was in the hospital laying there unconscious, Giovanni was waiting by her side waiting to tell her the news that she would remember for ever...

She woke up an hour later. When she was a wake Giovanni told her the news.

"It's about James..."

Giovanni started, he cleared his throat. "This is hard for me to say but in the explosion caused by the Togepi James was killed instantly."

Jessy looked at Giovanni in pure shock. They had captured all of Ash's trio's Pokemon but Togepi who made a huge explosion that got Ash's Pokemon back and killed her only partner. She tried to get up but saw she had a broken leg. "Why didn't I get killed?" She said. Giovanni hesitated and replied."James jumped infront of you when Togepi made the Explosion. He saved you." She fainted. Giovanni expected this. He left behind a date and time for James' funeral and left.

Part 2: The Goodbye.

Jessy saw everyone who was there, Ash, Brock, Misty, Jessiebell and James' parents. She felt worse than anyone there... She lost her only friend in the world. After the funeral James was buried... Then Giovanni came up to Jessy with a book. "I found this book than you might want to read." He started "It contains a legend about the connection between Pokemon and people." Jessy thanked him silently as Giovanni walked off. She was taken back to the hospital and on the way she read the book.

Part 3: The Legend.

(Actually this is just the legend Jessy is reading)

It is believed that when someone dies His or her soul doesn't go to Heaven or Hell but is brought into a newborn Pokemon remembering nothing of the original life. But there are some who had a deep love for someone and remember only that person and spend they're life searching for that lost person. Some believe that if the Pokemon ever finds that person that his soul will restore his or her human body instantly reviving that person. But there have been no records of this happening.

Part 4: Pika!

The little pikachu was walking like he was looking for someone... Someone special... He remembers a young woman about 17 with Red hair but that's all... It spotted a Team Rocket member and hide. But the member saw him.

"Hey Cassidy!" Shouted Butch. "There's a pikachu here!" He threw a Pokeball at the pikachu but it fortunately missed.The Pikachu ran off but Butch and Cassidy were chasing after when the Pikachu ran into a woman.

"A pikachu?" The woman picked dit up as she saw Butch and Cassidy running towards her.

"Give us that pikachu!" Cassidy didn't notice who she was yelling at. The woman turned her head and hit Cassidy in the face with one of her crutches.

"OW!!" Shouted Cassidy as she fell. She saw she ran into Jessy, who stall had the broken leg.

"Agh! Sorry, Jess. I didn't know." Cassidy ran back to Butch as Jessy took the little pikachu and set him down.

"Go on home little guy."

"Pikachu!" It replied running back to Jessy and Hugging her.

"What?!" She tried to push him off but it wouldn't let go.

"Pika Pikachu!" He said happily. Jessy then remembered the Legend.

"James?" She said. She carried the pikachu home and read the rest of the book.

Part 5: More of the book.

(Same as Part 3)

When the Pokemon here the name it had when it was a human it remembers more of it's life and can speak the language it knew in it's human life... (This might explain why Meowth talks).

Part 6: James is back.

"I guess the revival part wont happened..." James said quietly. He had a pikachu like version of his voice (it was deeper than the normal voice and sounded a little like James).

Jessy was happy that she had James back. She didn't care if was a Pokemon or not but as long as she had her friend back.

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