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And Make it Double? ~ Lessa

“And Make It Double?”

author: Lessa

summary: The end of Team Rocket?

rating: PG

date: June 1999

disclaimer: J, J and M arent mine, neither are any of the Pokemon or the rest of the world and people in it. But you knew that allready, didnt you?

feedback: Feel free! Good and bad welcomed. email:

“I don’t care if I never see you again you, you... imbecile!”

“Then you wont! I’m going to go get a new partner, one who’s less violent, and who appreciates my special talents!”


“Fine!” Jessie and James turned away from each other with a “hmph!” and stormed in opposite directions.

“Meowth! Wait for me James!” Meowth called, running after him.

“Why you little... traitor!” Jessie yelled after the cat Pokemon. She had been so sure that the cat would side with her... But she didn’t need either of them! She could make it on her own! She angrily stormed towards the way they had come this morning, Team Rocket headquarters.

Meanwhile, James scratched his head and looked around the small clearing.

“Where are we Meowth?” He asked. They had only taken a few steps and were allready completely lost, seemingly engulfed by the tall, scary trees.

“I don’t know. You were heading this way, I just followed you!” Meowth said peevishly, arms crossed.

“I was just going this way because Jessie was going that way. But now I don’t know where I am!” He wailed.

“Grrr... you idiot! Meowth! ” Meowth blew on his glittering white claws as James moaned in pain, four electric pink scratches now shining on his face. It was hours before they found their way out, but if Jessie had been with them she would have pointed out right away that the exit was right behind them.

Jesse dragged out a back pack the exact same color as her hair, and started packing. She climbed onto the top bunk and started to methodically put her things into the pack. Jigglypuff pillow... check. Diary... check. Hairspray... that was underneath the bed with the other economy sized cases. She jumped down to get it and tripped, falling into an uncomfortable heap on the ground.

“Oww! This is all James’ fault!” She cursed, seeing something peeking out from under the covers on his bed. She pulled it out violently and started to stomp on it when she saw something sticking out of the corner. She stopped and sat on the ground, opening what she guessed was a scrapbook. Inside the front cover was James name and a date... wow, it was old! This was from when they were back in Pokemon Tech! She looked at the first picture, one of her and James in front of the school, her making bunny ears over his head. She smiled slightly, but then remembered what an idiot she had recently decided James was and easily fell back into an angry mood. How dare he not tell her about this? She angrily turned the page and found one of them going through the Pokemon battle simulators on the Pokemon Tech computer. She beat him, as usual, but he didn’t look too upset. In the corner of the page was a picture of James with his old Growlithe, Growly. There was an unsent letter behind the picture which she curiously began to read.

“Growly- I miss you lots! Pokemon Tech is okay, but the only thing that makes it worth staying is Jessie.” There was a picture of a young Jessie sticking her tongue out at an annoyed upperclassman, a red faced James standing behind her. She chuckled, remembering that the mean student had made fun of James because he hadn’t managed to win one Pokemon fight yet, simulated or in real life. She had stood up for him... what the picture didn’t show was her thwaking the rude student into oblivion with a mallet five minutes later. “The other students are really mean. I miss you Growly,” and there was nothing else.

“Okay, the interviews for a new partner are now open.” James said. “Meowth will let you into the interviewing office one at a time.” He shut the door behind him, hearing Meowth arguing with the people outside his door. Moments later a petite young woman with bobbed green hair and dark brown eyes bounced in, sitting happily in the chair in front of James.

“Hi, my name is Cindy! I like, want to, like, be a part of your team because, like, you guys are sooo radical!” James blinked, remembering the time he and Jessie had disguised themselves to give away tickets to the Saint Anne as part of the Bosses plan. Jessie had spoken that way to fool those brats, but she was much more intelligent than the person who sat before him right now. Besides, who says radical anymore?

“I’m sorry, but I was looking for a...” He tried to think of a nice way to get her to go away. “A redhead.” She smiled perkily and said,

“That’s okay! I can be a redhead too!” She pulled off the wig she was wearing and there was an identical bob underneath, except red. He tried not to gape too much and said,

“I’m sorry, I mean blonde.” She smiled even wider and proceeded to become a blonde.

“Meowth!” He yelled, “Help!”

Jessie flipped forward a few pages and saw a very stunning picture of her and James posed in front of one of their hole diggers. That idiot always dug holes, and then forgot where they were located. She always remembered... no, she thought, no point in keeping up an image when James wasn’t around. She was just as much at fault for the holes as James was. And he was always there to fall on. And he was the one who helped her up. But what was she saying? James was a jerk! He always had been and always would be! She jumped angrily to her feet and slammed the book closed, flinging it back at James’ bed. Then she finished packing hurriedly and stormed out, unwilling to think about the book anymore, afraid that it would test her firm resolve to hate James even more.

“Hello. I’m a SWF looking for a LTR I thought I could find in TR, with a SWM, you. My turn-ons include nighttime walks along the beach, and---”

“MEOWTH!” Several candidates later James sighed. Jessie was smarter than all the females he’d interviewed put together. She didn’t talk like she was in a personals ad, and her hair color was natural.

“James... I never thought I’d say this but I want Jessie back.” Meowth said quietly, locking the door behind him.

“I... agree. She might not hurt us too much if we find her soon.” James said, standing quickly.

Jessie stomped away from Team Rocket Headquarters reluctantly, trying to bring back all James’ worst moments so that she could stay mad at him... but it wasn’t working. She suddenly realized that she was headed towards the forest where James had last gone, and started to turn in a different direction when she felt the ground give way beneath her... a hole! As she crashed into the bottom she felt her ankle twist at a painful angle underneath her, and bit her lip to bite back the pain. She always used to fall on James when they hit holes, not on the hard ground. And she was never so alone, and in the dark... She shivered, trying to stand. Then maybe she could climb out. She finally worked up the effort to stand, but it hurt too much on her ankle. She fell back down and sat, wrapping her arms around her knees. As she heard a Fearow howl in the night, she felt like mimicking the cry.


As they left the office building Mewoth had rented for th epurposes of finding a new partner, James thought he heard something.

“Maybe it’s a rare Pokemon.” Meowth suggested.

“Hmm. Maybe.” James agreed, disturbed. He and Meowth hiked down towards Rocket Headquarters, where the cry had originated. But there was no repeat of the noise, and the night was strangely silent.

“Oh well. We might as well get back to HQ anyway. Jessie might still be there.” Meowth suggested, hopping up onto James’ shoulder in one quick motion, fully intending to use James as an easy mode of transport. They walked down a few more steps before James slipped. He pulled back and slid to the side, managing to regain his balance, but there was no mistaking what he had almost fallen into. A hole.

Jessie bit back another cry as she saw a flash of blue and gold up above her, and dirt fell into the hole. This was it. The wild Pokemon were coming to get her. But at least she still had Arbok. She reached into her pack, feeling reassured by the smooth metal of the Pokeball. Then a familiar face leaned over the side of the hole, squinting at her in the dark. She dropped the Pokeball back in her pack with a strangled cry of joy. Then she remembered her self image and composed herself, commanding,

“James. About time. Get me out of here!” A smile broke out over James face, and she wasn’t sure wether to be happy he was there or upset that it took him so long. Soon enough he had scooted over the edge and stretched his arms out. She grabbed on and used him to better lever herself out as he pulled her up. When she was finally out they collapsed on the grass by the hole, exhausted. Then Jessie turned to say something to James, but when she caught sight of the look in his bright green eyes she stopped, unsure of herself for one of the first times.

“Jessie... Umm...” he started to say something but couldn’t seem to find the right words. Meowth appeared over his right shoulder and grinned wickedly at Jessie saying,

“What dumbo here is trying to say is, lets be Team Rocket again.” Jessie thought of everything in the scrapbook, everything the two of them had been through together, and then everything James had just done. She nodded slightly. Meowth smiled, but James looked unsure, moving up to sit on his knees. Jessie smiled wickedly, catching the gleam off Team Rocket headquarters in the backround. He followed her gaze, and they were both silent for a moment before Jessie suddenly said,

“Hey James.”

“Hmm?” Another wicked grin, and:

“Prepare for trouble?” his eyes lit up, and the words came easily.

“And make it double!”

“To protect the world from devastation!”

“To unite all peoples within our nation!”

“To denounce the evils of truth and love!”

“To extend our reach to the stars above!”



“Team Rocket, blast off a the speed of light!”

“Surrender now, or prepare to fight!”

“Meowth, that’s right!”

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