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More Family Reunions

More Family Reunions Chapter 1: FT?

After about a week of wondering, Ash, Misty and Brock finally emerged though another forest, to arrive in Jade town. It was a small, woody town but had one of the hardest pokemon Gyms around.

“Alright another Gym challenge!” Yelled Ash eager to take on another badge as he looked down at the town.

“ Can we worry about that stupid badge later! I’m exhausted!” whined Misty. “ Where’s the nearest pokemon center?” Brock was glancing at the map and didn’t answer.

“ Aww there’s plenty of time for rest later, right Pikachu!” said Ash, no answer. He turned and saw Pikachu lying on the ground. “ Ah, Pikachu!” cried Ash and picked up his tiny body.

“ Well it certainly looks like you Pokemon is tired Ash, so it would be best to stop at the Pokemon Center first,” spoke up Brock.

“Oh ok we will,” moaned Ash, disappointed, and they all started off to the Pokemon Center. Just behind them a tired Team Rocket poked out of the bushes,” finally were back to civilization!” moaned Jessie ruffling some leaves out of her hair.

“ Yeah, I thought those dumb kids would never hurry out of that dam forest!” moaned Meowth. They were both silent waiting for the third member to complain about something too, but they heard nothing. They both gave each other a puzzled look, “ James?” they both yelled at the same time. Then all of a sudden something flipped down form a tree branch right in front of Jesse’s face.

“AHHHHHH!” she screamed, completely caught off guard! James looked at her funny, “ what?” She smacked him off the branch and he fell .

“ehh!” he screamed as he landed on his head.

“ Don’t do that! What’s your PROBLEM!” scolded Jessie.

“ I think all of this nature has really gone to the guys HEAD,” snickered Meowth,”get it Head.” Jessie conked him on the* head*. James rubbed his head,” what’s my problem, what’s yours? Can’t ya let me have a little fun!”

“ Fun! You calling trying to give me a HEARTATTACK FUN!” she hollered.

“ First of all you’re too young for a heart attack,” he pointed out. “ And secondly I use to do it all the time when I was younger, what’s stopping me from doing it now?”

“ Our Mission,” said meowth, rubbing the bump on his head.

“ Oh yeah,” James moaned, rolling his eyes.

“ Well enough of this child’s play we’ve got to get moving after those kids to carry out our plan, come on,” motioned Jessie, sneaking down the hill, meowth followed. James let out a heavy sigh and quickly followed, it did get awfully annoying doing this All the time.


After Ash and them refreshed at the Pokemon Center, and had Pikachu revitalized, they headed to the Gym.

“So whose gym is this,” asked Ash finishing up some fries.

“ This is Angels Gym,” responded brock looking once again at the map.

“ Angel, what kinda name is that?” Ash snickered, Brock shrugged.

“ Well which Badge?” asked Ash.

“ It’s a new badge that was just authorized by the Pokemon League,” said Brock.

“ Really what’s it called?” he asked curiously.

“ Um, its called the F.T badge,” Brock responded making a weird face.

“F.T? What does that stand for Brock?” asked Misty, letting Togepi have a sip of her drink.

“ Ah it stands for fire and thunder Pokemon,” said Brock.

“ Wow both Fire and electric, that’s legal?” said Misty,

“ I guess so,” Brock Shrugged.

“ Ha! I can beat them! I’ve got the best fire pokemon charizord and the best electric! Right Pikachu!” smiled Ash to Pikachu on his head.

“ Pika!” Pikachu agreed.

“ But Ash are you sure you should use charizord it is a lot stronger for you to handle,” misty pointed out.

“Hmm maybe your right, oh well I’ll use my Bublsaur! He is sure to beat that Angel!” said Ash.

“ I wouldn’t be too sure Ash, I’ve heard from Nurse Joy that this person has sent a lot of Pokemon to the center,” said Brock. Pikachu's brown eyes widened,” pika” it said and drooped it’s ears.

“ Don’t worry Pikachu you can beat them! You’ve never lost a battle, even by your evolved form Riachu, plus we’ve got bublsoaur if we use two, so theres no way we can lose!” he announced.

” Hmfh that brat thinks he’s pretty hot stuff,” laughed Jessie.

“ How good is this person’s gym anyway?” asked James.

“ No idea I’ve never heard of them, but they’ll be no match for our new plan,” she smiled. “ So when do we attack?” asked Meowth.

“ We will watch them for a bit and figure out our strategy then we’ll strike,” Jessie smiled.

” Here it is” said brock pointing to it. I was pretty small for a Pokemon gym, with a lot of paintings of pokemon on the walls. On the front were the letters F.T on it.

“ Rather small for a gym isn’t it,” Ash commented eyeing the gym funny. “hmm,” he shrugged and walked to the door and knocked.” Hello! Is anyone there,” Ash yelled.

” I’m coming,” said a voice the door creaked as it opened. A young man stood there, he was a little younger than Brock. With shaggy green hair, pretty nice figure, and dark blue eyes. Misty’s eyes widened with interest at the cute guy. He eyed them funny and looked them over.

” May I help you?” he asked still staring at them weird. Ash stepped out,” I would like to challenge the gym leader to compete for a F.T badge,” he proudly stated. One of the guy’s eyebrows raised,” you want to challenge my sis, fhmp,” he made a little laugh. “ Good luck! You don’t stand a chance!” he smirked and motioned them in.

”Grrr,” mumbled Ash stamped in. Misty was still staring at the guy,” he’s cute!” she blushed. Ash grabbed her I out of her daydream and Brock followed.

“ Hey Sis SIS!” the guy yelled, “ ugh,” he groaned. A young girl, about ash’s age, strided by,” hey Ash have ya seen Angel?” asked the guy stopping her. She had short purple hair, sparkly purple eyes, and a cute figure. She was wearing a blouse, with a sweater over it and a short black skirt.

” Why Paul?” she asked. ‘ Paul, cute name,” Misty blushed again. She then saw Ash and them.

” Oh, who are you?’ she asked politely. Ash turned bright red and jumped out to greet her.

“Hi! I’m Ash!” he smiled and shook her hand.

“Ah hi I’m Ashley,” she smiled. Ash turned red again, Misty jerked him back.

“ They want to challenge Angel,” said Paul.

“ Oh, well she’s in the workout Room, I’ll go get her!” she said and quickly ran off. Ash was still dreamily staring at her when all of a sudden pink creature jumped right on top of him! Shocked Ash fell to the ground.

“ VUL!” it said trying to pin him down.

“ Ash are you okay?!” asked Brock.

” Oh Vuly!” said a kid’s voice and a small boy popped out. He looked Ash “ Oh! I’m sooo sorry!” he said and whistled to the small vulpix. It jumped off Ash and into the boy’s arms. Paul looked down at him,

” Little Jim what are you doing here? Your SUPPOSE to be back at home with the babysitter!” he scolded.

” Sorry Paul, but that old babysitter fell fast asleep! So, since I know the way, I came here.”

Team Rocket was listening from the window,” hey, isn’t that your nickname James?” said Jessie, who’s back she was standing on.

“Huh?” said James as he stood up sending Jessie flying off his back and to the ground. He jumped up to take a peak.

” HEY!” Jessie said, rubbing her soar butt.

“ Sorry,” he said quickly struggling to see. Meanwhile, “ Well Angels not gonna be pleased with you! Plus she has a challenge!” said Paul, pointing to Ash and them.

“ Oh! Oh! Can I watch? Can I? Can I? Pleasssseee! I loveee to watch her battles!!” pleaded Little Jim tugging on Paul’s pant leg.

” I don’t know,” he said thinking. Jim gave him a innocent smile,” oh ok,’ groaned Paul.

” YEAH!” said Jim and gave his brother a big hug.” Thanks!” he said. Ashley ran back in,” she’s coming, she just has to get dressed,” said Ashley, panting. She noticed Jim, “ little Jim what are you doing here?” she asked.

“ Paul, Paul say I can watch the battle!” Jim said, excited.

“ Oh, can I watch too, I do need it for educational purpose!” smiled Ashley.

“ Fine, fine, but first I’m gonna go call the babysitter to tell her she can go home and check with Angel,” said Paul and walked off. Vulpix jumped out of Jim’s arms and went over to Pikachu.

“ Ohh! A PIKACHU! CUTE! Said Ashley, she looked at them,” can I pet it?” she asked.

” Of course you can!” Ash immediately responded. Ashley picked up Pikachu,” Oh I love pikachus, even though their hard to handle, I still think their the cutest!" she smiled, hugging and petting it. Pikachu smiled and cuddled in her arms.

” So how good is your sister?” asked Brock. Ashley looked up,’ Oh, she’s really good! If I were you I wouldn’t let your cute Pikachu battle! It’s not nearly powerful enough to beat my sis, I don’t want it to get hurt!” she said hugging it.

“ Well, we will see cause I’ve already got these,” Ash proudly showed his badges. Ashley set down Pikachu and glanced at them,” Is that all?” she asked. They all fell over. Jim went over and petted Pikachu too.

“ So which one of you kiddies, is gonna to be my next victory,” said a voice, they turned. The lights clicked on and reavled a women figure.

To be continued… Go Back to Frogwoman's Fanfics Page