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More Family Reunions: Part Two - Meet Angel ~ Casey

More Family Reunions

Chapter 2:Meet Angel

The girl was about Brocks age with long, beautiful grayish blue hair and sparkling green eyes. She wore a black and white non-sleeved tang top under a purple jacket like coat with ripped sleeves. She had on green cargo pants with high dark boots. Her belt seated slanted on her tiny hips, attached to it was a hat and some Poke balls. Team Rocket looked down at her, they had finally all found something to stand on to see.

”Wow! ties cute!” smiled Meowth staring down from on top of James head.

“Hmfh! I’m prettier then her!” sneered Jessie. James stared at the girl funny and didn’t say anything at first, But then again she look awfully familiar.

Brock’s mouth almost dropped to the ground in awe,” what a babe!” he drooled.

Misty rolled her eyes “not this again!’ she mumbled and quickly nudged him to snap out of it.

”Mommy!” smiled Jim and threw his arms around her,

“MOMMY?!” said Team Rocket,

“MOMMY?” said Brock, disappointed.

“MOMMY?” said Ash and Misty,

“PIKA?” cried Pikachu also shocked! Angel looked annoyed,

“Jim aren’t u SUPPOSE to be home with the babysitter?” she said eyeing the little kid.

“Sorry Mommy but she’d fallen asleep..” he started,

” fell asleep,” she corrected.

“Yea so I came over here cause I really wanted to watch u! Paul said I could and called the babysitter home,” he explained innocently. Angel turned her attention to Paul.

”Ah heeh,” Paul smiled, a big sweat drop formed around his head.

” Please don’t be mad at Paul mommy, I want to watch u battle! It would be a good experience for me,” he smiled sweetly.

Angel sighed,” little Jim you know I don’t like when others, especially loud, are watching me.”

"Oh I’ll be quite! Just please let us watch please!” pleaded Jim.

“ US?” said Angel, one eyebrow went up.

“Yea, Ashley wants to also, maybe Paul pweasee!!” he said.

Angel strung her fingers though her hair,”(sigh) ok, but be quite!” she smiled.

” Yeah!! Thank u!” cheered little Jim giving her a big hug.

” Ok, ok, now u and Vuly go sit,” she scooting his hind with her leg.

She finally looked at Ash and them,” so who r u guys?” she asked referring to their names.

Brock immediately leaped forward and grabbed her hand,” hi I’m brock nice to meet ya, u going with anyone cause I’m also a gym trainer,” he kept babbling.

Angel gave him disgusted look,” EW lay off spiky!’ she growled and punched her smack in the face, sending him flying all the way back to Ash and Misty’s feet.

“ I think she likes me,” Brock said bewildered on the floor.

”Wow did ya see that punch! It must have been even more powerful then Jesse’s!” said meowth.

“What!” said Jessie and smacked him hard off James’s head. He landed from a far drop on his head,

” maybe not,” he groaned.

“ Now WHO is my next challenger? She asked.

“Um I am!” said Ash wearily and stepped forward.

One of her eyebrows raised,” you kid? What’s your name?”

“I’m Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town and I’m going to be a Pokemon master!” Ash stated proudly.

Her eyes narrowed on him funny,” oh really, how many badges do ya have?” she asked.

“ Ah 6,” said Ash,

“ ah huh” she said not impressed. Her eyes moved down to pikachu,” Is that your Pokemon?” she asked.

“ Yep that’s my Pikachu!” said Ash proudly.

“And how long have your had it?” she eye-browned him.

“Um about 6 months,” he said.

“ WOW! 7 entire months!” she stated sarcastically.” Some trainer! Your Pikachu SHOULD be a Raichu by now, which means you must be some pretty pathetic trainer!” she smirked.

“Hey! My Pikachu is better than any other PIKACHU! OR ELECTRIC POKEMON!” yelled Ash.

“Whatever kid! Well being a gym leader I have to take on EVERY challenge, no matter HOW pathetic they are so lets just get his over with!” she muttered turned and clapped her hands.


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