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Interlude: Interview with a Jigglypuff ~ DarkZoey

Interview with a Jigglypuff

This is my interlude to “For the Future”. It was caused by 4 hours of sleep, the ep. “The song of Jigglypuff”, and major writers block for the actual story. It’s about Zoaka (Zoey or Agent Rocket), the X-Files, (which don’t belong to me, nor does Pokémon). Oh yeah. I don’t own the kewl Mortal Kombat Announcer Dude either.


We enter Zoey’s room and see a cloud of dust with the typical cartoon fighting signs, you know the stars and stuff. A Jigglypuff is caught in an explosion caused by a thrown bomb and flies out a window.


And a voice ala Mortal Kombat: Zoey wins.

*Insert maniacle laughter here*


Zoey is having an interview with Jigglypuff because people really “want to know what it has to say”. *yeah right!* Actually she’s getting 500 big bucks for it. How could she turn down an offer like that? :)


Jigglypuff: Jiggly~puff, jiggly~e~ee~puff, jigglypuff, jiggly~e...

Zoey: *snore* *snore*

Jigglypuff: (goes into “I’m PO’d” balloon stage) PPPPPUUUUUFFFF!! (uncaps marker she stole from Ash) Jiggly puff puff!

*squeak* *squeak* *squealch*

*20 min. later*

Zoey: Ahh...that was nice. (She turns around to her mirror. Her eyes get 3 times their normal size and her pupils shrink) AAAAAAHHHHHHHH! (she rubs her face frantically, trying to remove the letters, numbers and squiggles drawn by Jigglypuff.)

Jigglypuff: Puff, puff!!

Zoey: That was low...

Jigglypuff: (trying to make a point) Jiggly! Jiggly puff puff jiggly!

Zoey: Uh huh...whatever.


Zoey: I don’t know what the [beep] you just said, but I don’t like the way you said it!!


Zoey: Them’s fightin’ words!

Jigglypuff: Puff jiggly!

Zoey: That’s it!

Announcer: Zoey smacks Jigglypuff and sends it goes flying, losing most of it’s HP right there in that one hit! Jigglypuff comes back with the imfamous Double slap! That looks painful. But BOOM! Zoey throws a bomb!

Mortal Kombat voice: Finish it!



I bet you think that’s the end.


Don’t bet on it...


A plain office, except for the “I want to believe” poster and other alien memorabilia.

Mulder: So Agent Rocket, did you find anything out in yesterdays Pokémon interview? Are they really aliens? They are, aren’t they? C’mon, I know I’m right. I always am!

Zoey: (sarcastically) Of course. What else could the poor Jigglypuff possibly be?

Zoey ,aka Agent Rocket, hands Mulder a stack of papers. Mulder quickly scans them.

Mulder: Agent Rocket?

Zoey: Yes Spooky?

Mulder: (calmly) What the [beep] is this [beepin’] [beep]? What the [beep] happend to it?

Zoey: Well, it got caught in my explosion...

Mulder: You know what this means... (he pushes the intercom button) Agent Miyu?

Miyu: Yes sir?

Mulder: (turns to Zoey) Now that is the respect I deserve.

Zoey: Ri~ight...

Mulder: Miyu, get Agent Alex Krycek on the phone. Tell him...



Krycek: Krycek here.

Miyu: I just called to tell you that your date with Zoey has been cancelled.


(o^.^o) Pika Pika!

The End!

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