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Team Rocket: A Story of Jim and Jess ~ Haunter

Team Rocket: A story of Jim and Jess


After about Five years of chasing Ash and co. trying to capture his pikachu, Jessie, James, and Meowth Finally seceded. They personally presented it to the boss. However, the boss was very displeased with the pikachu ,which was fairly weak compared to most of the other pokémon Team Rocket had in it's possession. But, the boss being the man he is kept it anyway. Seeking to redeem themselves in the boss' eyes once more, Jessie, James, and Meowth set out to find and capture one of the legendary birds. It took them another four years to find one, and then another year to capture one. However, during this time their relations ship began to decline very rapidly until they just couldn't stand each other any more. In the last year, Jessie and James split to go their own way in Team Rocket. Each managed to capture one of the legendary birds. James and Meowth(He didn't dare go with Jessie. In her current mood, he might not have survived that many head smashing) managed captured Zapados, for he had been shocked by pikachu so many times, that the electricity sent out by the bird hardly affected him. Jessie on the other hand managed to capture Moltres, for finally rid of the other two's idiotic and incompetent minds, she managed to come up with a plan that finally worked. They each presented their captured prizes to the boss at the same time, witch pleased him greatly. Another year later, they retired from team rocket and started families of their own. Jessie got back with her first boy friend, whom she fell back in love with, married, and had a daughter whom they named Jess. James on the other hand finally fell in love with Jezebel(We don't know why, and I honestly don't think I'd want to find out for myself.), and had a son which they named Jim. Meowth however, never was able to replace the Persian as the boss' favorite, and was constantly being reassigned to new teams all the time. Several years passed and each are still happily (well, as happy as anyone could be with Jessie or Jezebel for a wife) married. Their children are now at the age Jessie and James were when they first joined Team Rocket, and have joined the organization. They were assigned to be as a Team, and Meowth, older, but still not top cat, was assigned with them. The team has currently been raiding gyms and pokécenters for their pokémon, but recently come up against a pokémon trainer who continues to cause them trouble. And now I present to you a brief story of part of this new team's trials.


Jim's view.............................


It was a typical summer night.. Warm, cool breeze, a few clouds in the sky, stars out, and perfect for pokémon poaching. The plan was a simple one, blunt, and strait to the point, as always. Jess disliked and often screwed up the more complicated ones, so Jim tried to keep them simple. Besides, they worked best anyway. They would walk into the pokécenter like any other normal trainer, then Jim would pull out his bazooka. They'd say their motto, Jess would steal all the pokémon while Jim covered her and Meowth keep a look out for the cops, then make a hasty exit to their balloon which they would set down and hide near the center. Jim smiled to himself. Yes, this plan would work.

Then he frowned. That is, if that stupid kid didn't kid and her followers didn't fowl things up again. She was always getting in the way. For two weeks strait the brat had been showing up in every poke center and gym they had gone to rob, foiling their plans. He grinned. But not this time. No, this time he was prepared even for her. He looked over at Jess who was staring blankly into space, chowing down on a box of doughnuts she had. How she kept her figure with all that she ate he'd never know. He secretly loved her, but he wouldn't let her know this yet. It'd spoil his image as a ruthless pokémon poacher. Jim took after his mother in this regard. In fact, he took after his mother in a lot of things. Unlike his father, he was intelligent, brave, extremely vain, and had a slight mean streak. He had a reddish purple hair color that when viewed afar looked red, but when up close purple. He keep it long, and tied it in a single pony tail in the back. He dared anyone to even consider ruining it. He'd make sure it was the last time they ever touched hair. He'd had an easy life, being as his parents were stinking rich. He'd gone to all the finest schools, and even graduated from them. His mother had tried to get him to do things the "proper" way, and he even had listened to a lot of her advice, but, in the end, he just couldn't take it anymore. That, and the fact that everything was practically handed to him on a silver platter. He despised the fact that he was living off someone else's fortune. He wanted to make his own fortune. Sure, he loved money, but he wanted to get rich for himself, not just spawn off his folks. So, he had decided to join Team Rocket. He did so of course without his parents knowledge, but he was sure that his father wouldn't have minded anyway. They finally arrived at the target city and he landed the balloon on the roof of an abandoned building near the pokécenter. He turned to Jess who was munching on the last of her doughnuts, still staring off into space. He smiled and just watched her, thinking of all the times they'd spent together. It was Meowth who broke both of their thoughts.

Meowth:"Are you two going or are you just going to sit there and daydream?" Jim hastily started acting like he was checking his bazooka.

Jim:"In a minute, just let me finish checking this." A second later, he announced he was done and the threesome left for the pokécenter. Before entering, Jim made sure everyone remembered their part.

Jim:"Alright, everyone remembers what to do, right?" He looked towards Meowth.

Meowth:"Yea yea. Meowth knows what to do." He then faced Jess.


Jess:"Um......let me yea! I remember now! I go in with you, say the motto, then take all the pokémon, and grab whatever candy they happen to have." Jim sighed. At least she had the important part down.

Jim:"Alright, let's go. And remember, act like nothings going to happen." They started to enter. One of the Nurse Joy's was busy behind the desk talking to a trainer. Other than that, there was no one else in the place. Jim grinned. Perfect. He waited until the trainer left, then pulled out his bazooka and struck a pose.

Jim:"Prepare for trouble!" Jess struck a different pose next him, holding a fan.

Jess:"And make it double." Jim's grin got wider. He loved doing this!

Jim:"To protect the world from devastation!" Jess started to fan herself.

Jess:"To unite all people's within our nation.

Jim:"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"

Jess:"To extend our reach to the stars above."

Jim:"Jim!" Jess stopped fanning herself.


Jim:"Team Rocket defeats all at the speed of light!" Jess folded up her fan and stuck a more menacing pose.

Jess:"Surrender now, don't force us to fight." Meowth yelled out from his spot over by the door.

Meowth:"Meowth, that's right." Jim waves his bazooka around menacingly.

Jim:"Nobody move!" Jess went over to the counter to ask for the pokéball, when an all too familiar female voice shot out.

Voice:"Oh, not you two again." Jim looked over to where the voice had come from. He turned towards the door, and sure enough, she was there. Their thorn in their sides. None other than Gene Oak and her band of know-nothing followers. Jim looked at Meowth and yelled.

Jim:"Meowth, I thought I told you to keep look out!" Meowth ran over to his side.

Meowth:"You told me to look out for the cops, you didn't say anything about the twerp patrol." Jim sighed in disgust.

Gene:"I thought we left you two stuck in a back in Pewter city?" Jim pointed his bazooka strait at the assembled kids.

Jim:"Yea, well, we got out." He yelled back to Jess.

Jim:"Jess! You done yet?" Jess came running up to his side with a large bag bulging with their captured goods. Jim smiled.

Jim:"Well, looks like you got lucky today. I won't have to use this after all. Ta ta." he reached into his pocket, pulled out a smoke bomb and tossed it between them and the twerps. It instantly exploded, filling the room with smoke. Gene and her bunch of followers started coughing madly.

Gene:"*cough cough* Pidgeot, I *cough cough* choose you!" She pulled out a pokeball and tossed it to the floor. Gene:"Pidgeot* cough* blow this smoke away with your *cough cough* whirlwind attack!" The Pidgeot did as it was told, clearing the room of all the smoke. But, when the smoke was gone, Team Rocket was no where to be seen. Nurse Joy ran over to Gene and her followers. Nurse

Joy:"Are you alright?"

Gene:"Yea. But, what about team rocket?"

Nurse Joy:"They only pokémon they took an electrode that was abandoned here. Other than that, they stole all the candy we had for the vending machines and this years Halloween." Gene made a disgusted face.

Gene:"Is that all? And here I was worried for a second." Nurse Joy thought about this, then shrugged.

Nurse Joy:"I guess you're right. It could have been worse. And besides. Maybe they'll give that electrode a good home." Meanwhile, Team Rocket Had made it their balloon and had lifted off to leave. Jim laughed maniacally.

Jim:"MWhahahahahah! We did it! And those twerps couldn't stop us this time!" He stopped and reached for the bag. Jim:"Now, let's see what pokémon we've got." He opens the bag to find it stuffed with candy. Jim:"What?! Candy?" He looked up at Jess. Jess put her hand behind her head.

Jess:"um......Well.........That's all there was room for after the pokémon I did get."

Jim:"What pokémon?" She reached for the bag and pulled out a rather small electrode and smiled.

Jess:"I don't know. I couldn't figure out how to get it out. But, with a pokeball this big, it has to be special!" Jim looked on in horror as the electrode started to glow.

Jim:"That's not a pokeball! That's an Electrode!" Meowth looked on in horror and sighed.

Meowth:"I'm getting to old for this."

Jess:"Oh, it is?" She turned it around, and finally saw it's face. The Electrode grew brighter. Jess;"Oh, silly me. So it is. Oh well, at least we have one pokémon. The electrode suddenly exploded, sending all three rockets flying and totally destroying the balloon.

Meowth:"Look's like Team Rocket's blasting off again!"


Jess' view.........

It was a typical summer night.. Warm, cool breeze, a few clouds in the sky, stars out, and perfect for pokémon poaching. The plan was a simple one, blunt, and strait to the point, as always. She hated the complicated ones. Jim would make them so difficult, that not even he could really keep up with them. Besides, the simple ones worked better anyway. The plan was, they would walk into the pokécenter like any other normal trainer. Then, Jim would pull out his bazooka, they'd say the motto, and she'd steal the pokémon while Meowth keep watch and Jim held everyone at bay with his bazooka. When it was over, they'd make a hasty exit to their balloon which would be hidden nearby. She sighed to herself and at another doughnut while staring off into space. Maybe this time they'd get it right. After two weeks of failure, the boss was not very happy. But, Jim had promised her that this time the plan would not fail. She trusted him in this. She always trusted him. She'd not tell him, but ever since she'd seen him, she'd had one of the biggest crushes possible on one person. She continued to munch on her doughnut as she saw a cloud pass by that looked remarkably like him, followed by one that looked like her mother. How strange. That he should be so much like her mother, and yet she the total opposite of her. She finished that doughnut and started on another one. Unlike her mother, she wasn't all that vain, was rather calm, had a fairly large appetite, wasn't all that bright, shy, and somewhat a klutz. Her hair was and extremely dark red. When viewed from afar it looked brown yet up close it was clearly red. She kept it long and loose at her back, unlike her mother's stiff, strait out style. Her mother had made sure that she would not have to go through the hardships that she had endured. So, she had lived in a life of luxury, even though they weren't the richest family on earth, it seemed like it at times. She finished another doughnut, and started on the last one, while reminiscing on past memories when Meowth interrupted her.

Meowth:"Are you two going or are you just going to sit there and daydream?" Jess lost her concentration. She glared at Meowth, then finished her doughnut.

Jim:"In a minute, just let me finish checking this." He started to inspect his bazooka. He was always inspecting it. A second later he announced he was done, and they all left for the pokécenter. Before entering, Jim stopped them to make sure they new what their job was for tonight.

Jim:"Alright, everyone remembers what to do, right?"

Meowth:"Yea yea. Meowth knows what to do."

Jim:"Jess?" She suddenly realized he was staring at her, and lost her concentration.

Jess;"Um....let me" She started to think. What was it she was to do again? Oh yea, now she remembered. Jess:"Oh yea! I remember now! I go in with you, say the motto, then take all the pokémon and grab whatever candy they happen to have." She smiled to herself. She had added the last part herself. After all, if they were going to steal pokémon for the boss, why not steal some candy for themselves?

Jim:"Alright, let's go. And remember, act like nothing's going to happen." That was easy enough. She didn't know how to act for if something where to happen. They entered the pokécenter. One of the Nurse Joys was sitting behind the desk talking to someone. Jess just stood beside Jim waiting for his signal. When the trainer left, Jim pulled out his Bazooka and started the motto.

Jim:"Prepare for trouble!" Jess pulled out the fan her mother had given her, and struck a pose.

Jess;"And make it double."

Jim:"To protect the world from devastation!" She started to fan herself. She enjoyed this part of the job. She wasn't sure why, but she did.

Jess:"To unite all peoples within our nation."

Jim:"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"

Jess:"To extend our reach to the stars above."

Jim:"Jim!" She stopped fanning herself. He seems to be rather confident tonight.


Jim:"Team Rocket defeats all at the speed of light!" She folded up her fan and struck a menacing pose that even her mother would have been proud of.

Jess:"Surrender now, don't force us to fight." She hated the battling part. Meowth yelled out from somewhere.

Meowth:"Meowth, that's right!"

Jim:"Nobody move!" She ran over to the counter and asked nurse Joy where the pokéball were kept.

Nurse Joy:"In the back room." She pointed behind her. Jess grinned and ran back there with a sack in hand. So many pokéball! Where to begin? She picked one up, but then dropped it. In the center of the room was the biggest pokeball she had ever seen.

Jess:"Wow! A pokeball this big must have a huge pokémon in it!" She ran over to it, and stuffed it in the bag. It almost filled it up. She walked over to grab another pokeball, when she saw several boxes labeled with candy brand names. She couldn't resist. She walked over to them, made sure no one was watching, and dumped all the candy into the bag. It was now full. She was on her way out when she heard Jim yell for her.

Jim:"Jess! You done yet?" She ran up to his side with the filled bag. Jim smiled.

Jim:"Well, looks like you got lucky today. I won't have to use this after all. Ta ta." Jim pulled out one of his smoke bombs and tossed at the door. He grabbed her hand and led her out of the building and to the balloon followed closely by Meowth. After they had lifted off, Jim began to laugh as he usually did when a plan had seceded.

Jim:"MWahahahaha! We did it! And those twerps couldn't stop us this time!" He grabbed the bag she had set to the side.

Jim:"Now, let's see what pokémon we've got." Jess smiled, beaming with pride.

Jim:"What?! Candy?" She meet his eyes as he looked at her annoyed. She put one of her hands behind her head.

Jess:"Um......Well.....That's all there was room for after the pokémon I did get."

Jim:"What pokémon?" She took the bag form him, pulled out the giant pokeball. She showed it to him with the largest smile possible on her face.

Jess:"I don't know. I couldn't figure out how to get it out. But, with a pokéball this big, it has to be special!" The pokéball started to glow. Oh, this is so cool! Now I won't need that nightlight anymore!

Jim:"That's not a pokeball! That's an Electrode!"

Meowth:"I'm getting to old for this." An electrode? But, don't those have faces?

Jess:"Oh, it is?" She turned the pokeball around and finally saw the face on it, all the time it got even brighter.. Ah, there it is.

Jess;"Oh, silly me. So it is. Oh well, at least we have one pokémon." Suddenly, it exploded, sending the rockets flying out into the air and the balloon falling to the ground in ruins.

Meowth:"Look's like Team Rocket's blasting off again!"

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