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The Northern Lights ~ Rocket Raichu

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Both Jessie and James watched helplessly as their Pokemon fell to the Pikachu that they would never catch. Both Jessie and James returned their Pokemon, and ran away.Both Jessie and James silently cried in their sleeping bags at nighttime, knowingthat failure was their destiny. Both Jessie and James were wrong.

The First and Last Chapter: AFTER DARK

James looked at the night sky through blurry eyes. Smears of tiny white points were here and there, sprinkled across the dark purple sky. He wiped away the tears that were keeping him from seeing the moon and stars clearly. He looked over at his partner.


She was sound asleep, turned away from him.

Or maybe not.

James remembered all the pain that day, when Pikachu had electrocuted him. And Jessie. Burn marks scarred his formerly white Team Rocket suit. He sat up. Quietly. Making sure he wouldn't wake Jessie up. If she was asleep. Shards of memories flooded hisalready full mind. None of them happy, cheerful memories. All of losing and failure. He reached under his pillow and brought back to his feelings... love. He pulled out a small notebook. His journal. And a pen. He flipped open the book, and stared down at his own handwriting. His un-sent love letters. To Jessie. Anotherone wouldn't hurt...

Jessie lay there, awake. You would swear she was asleep if you saw her from behind. She looked at the blurry field in front of her eyes. No one had ever seen this side of her personality. No one. And she intended it to stay that way. Sure, James had broken down in front of her a few times. She comforted him. She was sure he would do the same if it were vice versa.


She wiped the tears that were fogging her view from her eyes. Everyone for themselves in Team Rocket. Except James. She fought back the urge to tell him what she felt nagging at her every single second.

Love. But she couldn't. She tried to not love him. She tried to not like him. But it was no use. Finally she gave up fighting herself. And gave in. Little did she know James felt the same way...

James looked over the love letters in his hands. Like he did every night. Each one was carefully corrected where ever he erred. Each one was in mint condition. And each one was still in his journal. He sighed. How was he ever going to tell her?

*If* he was ever going to tell her. He was almost positively sure she wouldn't understand. But then there was always that little sliver of hope. He looked at Jessie, then back at his letters. If he couldn't say it to her directly, he might aswell just say it. "I love you, Jessie..."

Jessie thought she heard James' voice. But, no. She was probably just thinking about him again, and thinking of his voice. She hugged her pillow. If only James loved her as much as she did him. She knew she couldn't keep hiding these feelings forever. Okay, so maybe she could. But she didn't *want* to. If she couldn't say it to him up front, she might as well just get it out of her bottled up feelings fora while.

"I love you, James..."

James lay back down again. He could have sworn he heard Jessie. But, he *was* the one in the Team known for day dreaming. He decided to shake it off. Especially since what he heard was something Jessie would never say to him. She wouldn't say to him she loved him. Almost definitly not.

He decided he was going to say it. Right hen. To her. Even though she was asleep. He pulled himself out of his sleeping bag, and crawled over behind Jessie.


Jessie's eyes shot open. She wasn't asleep, but she was trying to drift into dreams. Something had startled her. What...?

"I don't know how to say this. I-I just had to get it out in the open," behind her, she heard a familliar voice squeak out of it's originally intended tone. James. She silently sighed.

"What is it?" she turned over, and looked into the shocked emerald green eyes of James.

"I... I thought you were asleep, Jess!" James said, breaking a sweat.

"No. I was just thinking. Well, now that you're over here, what is it?" Jessiesmiled.

"I-I was just... I had to tell you something," James said, suddenly unsure of himself.

"You can tell me," Jessie said, fighting the urge to tell him her best kept secret...

"I-I-I..." James couldn't make up his mind to tell her or not. "Want you to see something." Okay, *that* was hard enough. But now the *real* work began. James went back to his bag, and took the journal from under his pillow. He swallowed his emotions, and handed Jessie his deepest, darkest secret... *ever*.

"What's this?" Jessie took the journal from James.

"Open it," James said. Jessie opened it, but was unprepared for the attack of the love letters. They flew all over.

"Sorry!" Jessie said, and started picking up the notes with James.

Their hands met on one. The one James had just written.

James let Jessie pick it up.

"You can read them all," James said, looking down at his right hand. The hand that had touched Jessie's.

Jessie unfolded James' first letter. She couldn't believe it. Under the starlight she could barely make out the writing, but... it was what she would have least expected...

'Dear Jessie,

I don't know how to state my feelings the way some people would, so I'll do it the way I've tried before. I don't know if you understood me then, but hopefully you will now.Double Trouble time, right?~James

PS: Please don't bring a mallet over my head for telling you how I feel.'

Jessie looked at James. So, he did feel the same way about her, after all.

"That sure sounds great to me, James," Jessie said, blushing slightly. James smiled, and hugged Jessie. Jessie accepted, and hugged him back. Just like the night James decided to love Jessie over Jessiebell. Just like the night Jessie gave into her feelings. Almost 'Holy Matrimony...'


Wooh! My FIRST fiction ever! Wow! Well, email me what you thought of it at Was it so good it inspired you? Was it so mushy it made you puke? Flames, praise, whatever. JUST PUH-LEEEEESE EMAIL ME ABOUT IT!!! And I*know* it was stupid, Okay? Just don't rub it in *too* much. Heh heh...

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