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Untitled ~ LeaMarie

Um...this is the second part of the other story. Well kinda.

"Daddy, daddy tell us how you and mommy use to try to catch Pikachu!" The little four-year-old pleaded.

"Yeah, come on dad." Her five-year-old brother said.

"Okay, I'll tell about the first time your mom meet your grandparents." He started.

"James you spoil them rotten!" A voice said from the door. James turned towards the door.

"Well what else am I suppose to do?" He asked. Jessie shook her head and sat on the edge of one of the beds.

"I want to her how you tell this one. " She explained.

"Well when your mother and I where younger." James started. "As you know we use to try to catch Ash Ketchenm's pikachu. Well one day..."


"Jessie, I don't see how this plan is going to work."

"James just shut up, they'll hear you." Jessie hissed pushing open the bushes.

"Let's start the motto, then when we get to the part that we announce our names we jump out of the trees." Jessie said. "James give me a boost." She ordered.

"Jess, you lost some weight?" James asked. "You where a lot heavier the last time I picked you up."

"I don't think so, maybe you're just getting that much stronger." Jessie replied. Down on the roade Ash, Misty, and Brock and the prized Pikachu. Where walking Jessie quietly cleared her throat and announced loudly.

"Prepare for trouble."

"And make it double."

"To protect the world from devastation."

"To unite all people with in out nation."

"To denounce the evils and truth and love. "To extend out reach to the stars above."



"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light."

"Surrender now or prepare to fight."

"How many times have we been though this?" Misty asked.

"I don't know. To many to count?" Ash replayed. "Let's just cut to the battle. " Ash demanded.

"Who said anything about battling?' Jessie asked sarcastically. "James the anti-pikachu-containment-unit." James pulled out a small remote control with a single red button on it.

"With a push of this little button we'll have your pikachu!" James declared as he pushed the button, a giant net dropped on top of Ash and the others.

"Pikachu, Thunder shock!" Ash ordered.

"Pikachuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!' The pokemon yelled.

"Pikaaaaaaaaaaachuuuuuuuuuuuuuu that's enough!" Ash yelled getting shouted.

"I know how we can get out of this stupid net, Vulpix, go!" Brock yelled. "Vulpix burn through the ropes!" As Vulpix started to burn through the ropes, a burst of water came from the ropes extinguishing the flame.

"What!' Brock yelled.

"We thought about this before we attacked." Jessie explained. "We had the ropes made from a special fiber that's virtually indestructible. Jessie and James started to laugh.

"R2 to R1." James said into a walkie-talkie.

"There ready to go." Jessie walked over to pikachu and pulled him out from under the ropes. Pikachu desperately tried to electrocute her but failed miserably. Just then the Rocket balloon flew over head. Jessie and James jumped abroad.

"We caught him!" Jessie shrieked, once again throwing her arms around James. James smiled and returned the hug.

"Now what?" Meowth asked taking the pikachu from James.

"We take him to the boss." Jessie explained.

"Jess, your plan worked perfectly." James said placing an arm around her.

"You two going out or something!" Meowth inquired. James looked over at Jessie.

" Um. Jessie, would you like to go out with me?" James asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Yes." Jessie answered blue eyes sparkling with happiness. Meowth shook his head.

"Next those two will be married." Meowth said. Jessie was looking at some of the controls and gages on the balloon, and didn't hear. But James did, and was turning an amusing shade of red.

"Um. How much fuel do we have left?' James asked changing the subject.

"We should have enough for about another half an hour or so." Jessie replied. James looked out and saw the scariest thing since Jessiebell.


"James?" he vaguely heard. "James?" he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. He jumped.

"James what's wrong?" Jessie asked.

"Um.... Nothing!" James said quickly. She could tell that something was wrong, but Jessie didn't pry. James didn't like to talk about something's and this seemed to be one of them.

"We have to land now." Meowth said.

"No!" James yelled. "Um...can't we squeeze some more time out of the balloon?" He asked quickly.

"If we don't land now, I'll have to crash land this thing." Meowth replied. James face was full of terror.

"James you don't have to worry our Pokemon will protect us." Jessie said soothingly. James still looked uncertain.

"Meowth, are you sure you can't get us closer to the town?" Jessie demanded.

"I'll try." Meowth managed to get them about a half a mile to the town.

"Meowth and I'll set up camp. Just relax for a while ok? You seem a little jumpy." Jessie said.

"Ok." James replied.

"Hey, why does he get to goof off and I have to work my tail off?" Meowth demanded. Jessie pulled out her mallet and hit him with it.

"Get to work!" She ordered taking Pikachu out of the balloon. After the set up, Jessie had an idea.

"Meowth, do you think you could watch Pikachu with out losing him?"

"Yeah, why?"

"James and I are going out." She said grabbing James's arm.

"Were are we going?' James asked.

"Out." She replied. She pulled him to a small restraint.

"Jessie, I'm broke." James whispered after the waitor had seated them.

"Who said you were going to pay?" asked eyes sparkling in the candlelight. "It's the 90's, women can pay now." Dinner was quiet. Jessie could tell that something was still bothering James. After dinner, Jessie took James out to a movie. During the previews, Jessie took his hand.

"James? What's wrong?" James looked a little startled.

"I wish I could tell her. But she'd never understand. "He thought to himself.

"I can't talk about it, not yet." He replied.

"Oh, well if you ever want to talk, I'm hear."

"Thanks Jess, your the greatest." Then the lights dimmed and the movie began.


Meanwhile Ash and the others were looking for Pikachu, when they came to a cliff. "There's no way around it." Brock said.

"Then we'll just have to climb down." Ash replied, and started down, and with that, he started to climb down. Misty looked very nervous.

"Are you sure that there's no other way down?" She asked.

"I'm positive." Brock said stating his descent.

"I'll just stay here until you get back." Misty said.

"What's the matter Misty? Afraid of hights?" Ash taunted.

"It's not the hights I'm afraid of it's the falling." she replied.

"I won't let you fall." Ash said gently. "I didn't let you fall when the bridge went out, and I won't let you fall now."

Misty nodded her head. "Ok." She said softly. Misty started to slowly climb down.

"Okay, Misty move your left foot down just a little and to the left." Ash instructed. After about an hour of climbing they came to a little ledge.

"Let's take a brake hear." Ash said."I think we could all use a little break."

"Yeah." Brock said.

"How much further till we get to the bottom?" Misty asked.

"Oh, about another hour or so." Brock said.

"Don't worry, Your doing fine." Ash said soothingly, taking her hand. Brock shook his head. After a few minutes of rest, they were ready to begin.

"Misty, you want me to go first and then Brock follow? Or do you want him to go first and then you follow me down?" Ash asked. "Can Brock go first?" She asked. "Sure." Brock said. And so the climb began again. When they reached the bottom Misty threw her arms around Ash. Ash was in total shock. When she let go Ash asked, "What was that for?"

"For not letting me fall." She replied.

" There's a house over there." Brock pointed out. "I think we can reach it before night fall."

"Let's go." Ash said, and they started walking to the house.


"That movie was great!" James declared.

"Yeah, the special effaces where great." Jessie agreed.

"I have and idea!" Jessie said suddenly.

"What is it?" James asked.

"Let's go get some ice-cream."

"Ice-cream? I haven't had ice-cream in a long time." James said.

"Well then let's go!" Jessie said excitedly.


"Wow! Look at the size of this place!" Misty declared.

"It's huge!" Ash said in awe.

"You know that's the third or fourth time you've agreed with her today." Brock stated.

"So?" Ash asked.

"Just stating the fact that you two never agree." He said shrugging. Misty and Ash looked each other for a moment. Ash reached his hand out and knocked on the door. Moment's latter the door opened. Standing at the door was what appeared to be a butler.

"May I help you?" He asked.

"Um...could we use your phone?" Ash asked.

"We were robbed and need to call the police." Misty explained.

"Come in." The man said. When they entered the house, they saw a pitcher hanging over the mantel. He kid in the photo had shoulder length blue hair and green eyes.

"That looks like James." Misty whispered to Ash.

"Yeah." Ash replied quietly. The turning to the butler, "Who's that kid in the photo?"

" That's the mister and misses son. He ran a way a few years ago. Why?"

"He looks like someone we know." Brock replied.

"Please wait here." The butler said and walked out of the room.

"I would love to live in a place like this." Misty said after a few minutes of looking around the parlor.

"Me too." Brock agreed.

"Ash? What are you looking at?" Misty asked.

"Just some more photos." He replied.

"It doesn't look like..." He started but was interrupted by a voice.

"Timothy said you know where our dear James is?" The woman asked.

"Please excuse my wife, she always forgets her manners when someone mentions our son's name. My name is Jason and this is my wife Johanna." He said.

"I'm Ash, this is Misty and Brock." Ash introduced.

"Do you know where James is?" Johanna repeated.

"I think we might." Misty replied.


When Jessie and James got back, it was late.

"I'm going to bed, how about you?" Jessie asked.

"I'm going to stay up awhile."

"Okay. I'll see you in the morning." Jessie said.

"Yeah, night."

"I wish he'd tell me what's on his mind." She thought as she climbed into her sleeping bag.

Later that night James looked over at Jessie's sleeping form.

"She so beautiful." James said out load. "I wish I knew how to tell her about my past."

"James?" a tired voice asked.

"Oh, Jessie did I wake you?" James asked very concerned.

"Yeah, but that's okay. What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I was just thinking."

"About what?"

"My past."

"Oh, You can tell me if you want." Jessie said softly.

"You wouldn't understand."

"Try me." James took a deep breath, "Before I joined the academy, I lived with my parents. My mother was like an older version of Jessiebell. My dad only cared about money and me carrying on the family name. I couldn't watch TV, listen to music, play video games, or anything that wasn't 'proper'. Then one day they introduced me to Jessiebell. They told me that she was going to be my wife. That's when things got unbearable. She followed me everywhere. Sometimes, I thought she was going to come into the bathroom with me! That's when I ran away." James sighed. "And that's the short version of what happened." Jessie laid her head on his shoulder.

"I'm glad you left."

"You are?!?!?" He asked in suprise.

"Yeah, if you had stayed we wouldn't be hear together."

"Yeah" James said. After a few minutes James looked down at Jessie and saw she was sound asleep. He smiled and went to sleep.


"He just disappeared?" Ash asked.

"At first we thought he had been kidnapped. But when no ransom note came the police decided that he had run away, and they gave up." Johanna sobbed. "We haven't seen him in so long." She continued.

"Do you know where he is?"

"We don't usually find him, he finds us." Misty said.

"But we can show you were we saw him last." Brock said.

"We would be very grateful." Johanna said.


The next morning when Meowth woke up and looked over at Jessie and James's sleeping bags, he was suprised to see James's still rolled up and Jessie's empty. He quickly searched the area and was relieved to see them cuddled up against a tree. Seconds later James woke up. He looked down at Jessie. He smiled and gently touched her hair. The soft motion woke her.

"Morning beautiful."


"It's about time you two got up." Meowth commented. "I've been up for hours."

"Let's get ready to go." Jessie said now fully awake. "We have to get the pikachu to HQ."


Meanwhile Ash and the others accompanied by James's parents were walking to where Team Rocket had caught Pikachu.

"This is the last place we saw them." Misty explained.

"And the balloon went off in that direction." Ash said.

"Thank you." Johanna said. Jason pulled out a pokeball and tossed it. "Go Growlithe." a Growlithe pooped out for the ball.

"This was James's before he left." Jason explained. "Growlithe, find James." He ordered. The K-9 pokemon started to sniff. It soon caught his sent. It took of running and barking. When they caught up to it, it was standing agents a tree barking. In the tree, they saw Jessie and James wrapped in each other's arms, and Meowth holding onto Pikachu.

"James you're safe!" Johanna cried.

"James get out of that tree!" Jason ordered.

"Mother, father what are you doing hear?" James asked surprised, still holding onto Jessie.

"James who's that girl that's clinging onto you?" Johanna asked disapprovingly. James jumped out of the tree and helped Jessie down.

"Mother, Father, this is my girlfriend Jessica."

"Jessica?" Meowth asked quietly.

"James where have you been living?" Jason asked.

"Um..." James looked nervously at Jessie. "Hear and there." Johanna was slowly walking around Jessie. "And you?" She asked Jessie.

"Um...the same?" Her answer being more of a question. She continued to asked many questions like that about their lives. Meanwhile, Ash and Meowth were arguing over Pikachu, who was stuck in a rubber ball.

"Give me my pikachu!" Ash yelled.

"Never!" Meowth yelled back.

"I'm sick of all this yelling!" Misty yelled. She pulled out one of her pokeballs. "Gooooooo Staruuuuuuu! Staryu water gun!" Staryu's attack was right on. Meowth went flying back and he dropped the ball. It bounced over to Ash's feet. Ash grabbed the ball and pulled him out.

"Pikachu, your back!" Ash cried hugging Pika.

"Let's get out of hear before Jessie and James notice what's going on." Brock said. Brock started out first, with Misty and Ash following him.

"Misty? Thanks for saving Pikachu." Ash said as he leaned over and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek. Misty started to blush.

"You're welcome." Misty whispered returning the kiss. When Meowth got up, he noticed that Jessie and James were being pulled towards the house.

"Hey guys wait for me!" Meowth shouted running after them.

"We're having guests tonight, you will be there as well James." Jason said. Jessie was beginning to see why he had left. When they had gotten back to the mansion Jessie's face was full of awe.

"This place is huge." Jessie whispered.

"I wish I could give her all this but the only way to do that would be to merry Jessiebell." James thought to himself. The butler opened the door and let them inside.

"Timothy, please take Jessica to one of the spare rooms." Johanna said. He led her to a room and opened the door.

"You may want to start getting ready for dinner." He suggested. She nodded and shut the door. She saw a little wardrobe and opened it. Inside she found some clean clothes. She went into the private bathroom. Half an hour later she was sitting on the bed wondering what to do next when she heard a knock on the door.

"Can I come in?" James asked opening the door.

"Yeah, I'm dressed." James came in and saw Jessie in a beautiful gown.

"You look...Wow." James gasped.

"Thanks you look nice." She said observing James's clothes. He was dressed in a suit minus the tie, and his hair was in its usual disarray.

"Ready for dinner?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm a little nervous though." She amitted.

"Don't be, I'll be at your side." He said taking her hand.

"Where's Meowth?"

"I told him to stay in the room. I wasn't sure how my parents would like a pokemon at the table." James said as he led her to the dinning room. When they got to a set of big double doors, he stopped.

"We're here. Ready?" He asked offering Jessie his arm.

"I'm ready if you are." She replied taking his arm. James sighed and pushed open the door. Inside there were elegantly dressed people.

"Why are there so many people here?" Jessie asked starting to panic.

"My parents love guests. These people are almost always around each other. You see those two over there?" James pointed. "There are Jessiebell's parents."

"James!" A voice cried. Jessie and James turned to the voice. It was Jessiebell. A look of fear passed over James's face and a look of anger over Jessie's.

"I'm so glad to see you finally came to your senses! Oh, Jessie what are you doing hear?"

"Where I go she goes too." James stated. Just then, the dinner bell rang. James to Jessie to the large table. He pulled out the chair for her and pushed her in.

"Thank you." Jessie said softly. Dinner went very well. The only thing that was wrong was that Jessiebell was constantly trying to get James's attention. After dinner, James followed Jessie to her room.

"Would you like to come in and you know talk?" She asked.

"Um...I guess I could." James replied a little suprized. Jessie pushed open the door and turned on the lights.

"I don't think our rooms could be any further apart." James commented.

"What do you mean?" Jessie asked taking a seat on the bed.

"My room is on the other side of the house." James answered taking a seat beside her. There was an awkward moment of silence.

"So you'll be staying here?" Jessie asked suddenly.

"Why would you say that?" James asked suprised.

"Well you seem really at home here." She said. Turning her head away from him. James touched the side of her face forcing her to look at Him.

"Jess, I'd never leave you." Jessie's eyes filled with tears.

"James, I'd never leave you." She said laying her head on his shoulder.


"James time to get up!" Johanna said as she opened the door to see that it was unslept in except for a small pokemon.

"Where's James." She demanded.

"I don't know." Meowth said sleepily. "He never came in last night." Johanna turned on her heels and took off running to where they had put Jessie. She pushed open the door and found James and Jessie cuddled together.

"James!" she yelled.

"Mom?! What's wrong?!?!" James said as they jumped off the bed.

"Look at which room you're in!" she shrieked. Meowth walked in

"Seeing those two cuddling isn't big suprize." He commented.

"Is this true?" She demanded.

"" He said standing up straighter and placing his arm around Jessie. Jessie cuddled into his arm.

"I can't see why you left a life of luxury for traveling around on foot. And I really can't understand why you left a classy girl like Jessiebell for trash like her!" Johanna yelled.

"I won't stand for you talking about Jessie like that!" James yelled now very angry. "I love her mother! And I'm not going to stay here and listen to you belittling her and me!" He yelled. "Let's go Jessie." James said storming out of the room, with Jessie right behind him.

"Meowth come!" Jessie ordered. Meowth obediently followed. James led them through the house and out onto lawn.

"I can't believe her!" James yelled pacing back and forth.

"James settle down." Jessie pleaded.

"Yeah, you're going to give yourself a headache." Meowth commented. James sighed and sat down on the grass.

"Thank you." Jessie said sitting down next to him.

"For what?" James asked.

"For sticking up for me." Jessie explained.

"It's a nice day." James absently commented. "We should do something." He said softly.

"Like what?" Jessie asked.

"Let's see if we can catch Pikachu." Meowth suggested. James and Jessie looked at each other and nodded.

"Okay, let's go. " James said. And they started out looking for the elusive pikachu. They caught up to Ash and the others after an hour of searching.

"Look, there they are!" Jessie said softly.

"What are we going to do?" Meowth asked.

"Jump down do the motto and battle." James said.

"Ready?" Jessie asked.

"Prepare for trouble! And make it double! To protect the world form devastation! To unite all people within our nation! To denounce the evils of truth and love! To extend our reaches to the stares above! Jessie! James! Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light! Surrender now or prepare to fight! Get the pikachu!" TR shouted.

"Go Arbok!" Jessie yelled, throwing her pokeball out.

"Go Weezing!" James yelled throwing his pokeball out. Out pops the two pokemon.

"Pikachu, go!" Ash yelled. Misty and Brock jumped out of the way.

"Arbok tackle attack!" Jessie yelled.

"Pikachu thunder-shock!" Ash yelled.

"Weezing smoke screen!" James yelled.

"No! James!" Meowth yelled. But it was too late. Once again, James learned that electricity and gas pokemon don't mix. The explosion sent all of them flying. James got up as quickly. But Jessie just laid there.

"Jessie?" James asked concerned. "Jessie!?" He said louder, running to her side. "Jessie!? Say something!" James hollered.

"Meowth go, get help!" James yelled. Meowth took of running in the direction of the town. Ash, Misty and Brock looked on.

"Should we do something?" Misty asked.

"I don't know." Ash replied. "I don't think there's anything we can do." Brock said. A few minute later (But is seamed like hours to James) an ambulance arrived.

"Where's the patient?"

"Over here." James called.

"Let's get her to the clinic STAT!" The driver said.

"Can I go with her?" James asked.

"Yeah." Throughout the entire ride James never left her side. When they pulled into the hospital, the made him wait out in the waiting room. James paced the room, never sitting down. Fifteen minutes after James got their Meowth arrived.

"Any news?" asked.

"No." James sighed. "Meowth, I don't know what I'd do with out her." James confessed. "She's my best friend and I love her." James said as he sank down onto a little couch. Just then, the double doors opened and a doctor came out.

"James?" The doctor asked.

"Is she going to be aright?" James asked.

"She's going to need a few days rest, but she'll be fine." James sank down on the couch.

"She's asking to see you." The doctor said. "But only be a few minutes. She needs her rest." James walked up to the door, and knocked softly. He pushed the door open. On the bed laid the pale, but alive Jessie.

"How you feeling?" James asked taking a seat in a chair next to the bed.

"Awful." Jessie said. "But I'll live." she replied. James smiled.

"James, I'm sorry." Jessie said suddenly.

"For what?" James asked complexed.

"For everything that's happened today." She explained.

"I'm not." James said smiling.

"You're not?" Jessie asked.

"Nope." James said with a sparkle in his eye. " If it wasn't for everything that happened today I don't know when I'd have done this." He said leaning forward to kiss Jessie.




"Shhhh... They're asleep."

"We should get to bed now too. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow." James said softly.


Well that one's done. I'll be putting up another one soon. LeaMarie

And once again thanks Tiki!

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