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Magic ~ Kasumikewl


by Michirure Minuune Chu a.k.a. Kasumikewl

Disclaimer: Satoshi Tajiri created Team Rocket and Pokémon (not me, though I wish I did!). Any use of them here was NOT authorized. I apologize to him, and want to thank him for creating Pokémon. But this was written for non-commercial purposes only. I hope he doesn’t sic his Pikachu or Growlithe on me for using his characters without his permission. *prepares to run for her life*

Feedback- flames, comments, suggestions, and what not at Please, please, please be nice! It’s my very first finished fan fic *reproaches herself for being so whiny and humble and pleading* Well, I don’t care what you think! Actually, I do… I care a lot! Just tell me honestly, and I’ll be happy! ^_^ (I’ll also shut up) ^_^

Category: Romance (Mushy stuff…Eww! Blech!, as my little sister would say)

Oh yeah, the summary: It’s Jessie and James, but different ones, in a parallel universe, or another dimension. However, some things are strikingly similar… and there’s TV. It doesn’t make much sense, but only the most dense of people can’t figure it out, like Ash. But if you’re insulted because you read the whole thing and still thinks it makes no sense, that’s my fault. -_-‘ *sweatdrop* Gomen nasai.

This is my very first FINISHED fan fic, so I hope you like it! Amazingly, I did the whole thing under an hour. Aren’t you proud of me? ^_^

Written: June 24, 1999

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Jessie plopped down on the couch, and patted the seat next to her as an invitation for her best friend and partner James to join her. “Come on, James! Hurry up…Pokémon’s almost on!”

“Ok, Jessie!” he plopped down next to her, carrying a large bowl of jelly donuts. She smiled. They were his favorite, and she always kept plenty in stock.

“James, you’re gonna eat me out of house and home!” she said scoldingly, but in an affectionate manner.

He couldn’t answer- his mouth was too full. He just looked at her with wide innocent green eyes. She sighed and reached for the remote to turn on the TV. The beginning sequence of Pokémon showed, and then there was a commercial break. A cat meowed and jumped onto the couch next to them.

“Hi, Meowth!”

They were both big Team Rocket fans. And was it any wonder? They even looked exactly like them, no matter how much they denied it. They were 17 and worked together. Pokémon was their favorite show.

“Yay! Team Rocket!” they cheered. Meowth looked up at them. He was their boss’s cat.

“Yay! Meowth!” Meowth cheered. Jessie and James paid no attention to the talking cat. As long as he meowed most of the time, they were happy. But of course, Meowth had a very big mouth for a talking cat. Which meant most of the time, he didn’t keep his mouth shut, and DEFINITELY was not content with meowing.

They groaned when the episode was over. “You know, I really hate those little brats”, Jessie said to James.

“DEFINITELY!” James agreed with her. “Team Rocket is the best.”

“Why do they want that stupid Pikachu, anyway?”

“It’s not that special. They shouldn’t be wasting their time.”

“We should…”

“…write a letter…”

“…to Satoshi Tajiri!” they both finished in unison. Then they looked at each other and laughed.

“We keep doing that!” They both said again in unison.

“But it would be great to have Pikachu.”

“Yeah. I wish pokémon were real.”

Meowth just looked at them. “Talking cats are real.”

“I wish they weren’t!! Especially one as annoying as you!” Jessie hit him with a nearby rolled-up magazine.

“Meoooww!!” screamed the cat as he went flying. Well, not literally flying. Just hit really, really, REALLY hard.

James sighed.

“What’s the matter, James?” Jessie asked, unexpectedly concerned.

“Oh…oh, it’s nothing.”

“No, tell me. We’ve been best friends since we were 5, and you’re supposed to tell me everything, remember?”

"Really, it’s nothing…I can’t tell you…”

“You can tell me anything, James…” she hoped she said it encouragingly, and hinted what she wanted to hear in the way she said it. And maybe, just maybe…

“Well, I’m out of donuts.”


“Oww,” he whimpered. That wasn’t what he really wanted to say, but he couldn’t say the real thing that he longed so much to tell her, or else she would hit him some more. Well, at least she didn’t have a mallet. But she DID hit him with whatever was nearby, and she hit him hard. He rubbed the back of his head. It hurt where she had smacked him. She was rather violent, but he loved her anyway, and he loved her so much…

Jessie paid no attention to her whiny partner. But, she did have to admit, he was VERY cute. She had had a secret crush on him since the day she met him. She cared about him deeply, and as more than a friend. Of course, she could never admit that to him. What if he didn’t feel the same way? She decided to be subtle and hoped he might pick up on the hint. But with James being so dense…

She cleared her throat. “You know, James is *so* hot!” she was surprised at herself for saying something so open and bold. No way could he mistake THAT!!

Of course, James being James didn’t quite pick up on her hint. He automatically assumed that she was talking about James from the show. He wished she was talking about him, though. But that was impossible.

“His blue hair, his gorgeous green eyes”, she continued rather dreamily, with a hint of hope in her voice. She hoped James could pick up on that hint. James had blue hair and gorgeous green eyes.

But of course, James was clueless. “Well, you know…I think Jessie’s very beautiful too.” He wasn’t sure what made him say that. Well, as long as HIS Jessie was talking about THAT James, he might as well…

Jessie took it to be a hint. Maybe he was picking up on her hints. Maybe he was subtly telling her that he thought she was beautiful. Then again, James was quite dense. She hoped that he knew she was talking about him.

She noticed they were sitting closer and closer together, as if they somehow gravitated towards each other. “You know, what I think?” she said softly.

“What?” He asked, very interested. Of course, he was always interested in whatever Jessie had to say. That is, if it wasn’t at his expense.

“I think Jessie and James make the perfect couple.”

“Yes, they should really get together in the show.”

He STILL didn’t get it?!? She was going to have to be more obvious than that. “They’re made for each other. Jessie and James go perfect together.” She moved even closer.

James could barely breathe. She was almost sitting right in his lap. The romantic fragrance of roses wafted up from the rose garden outside. “Er…yes”

“And you know what else I think?” she almost whispered. Her breath tickled his ear.


“We’re Jessie and James. And we ARE exactly like them.”

“Oh.” He said in a very small voice.

“Which means…”

He gulped as she snuggled against him.

It was the perfect moment. She leaned in closer. He closed his eyes. And just as they were about to kiss…

…They heard a snickering and looked up.

“Ooohh”, said Meowth. “Heh heh heh”, he chuckled. All of a sudden, the magic was gone. The mood was ruined. James was nervous, and couldn’t think straight. Jessie, enraged, got up, and threw Meowth out. Literally, this time.

“Now, where were we?” She smiled. “I think it was a little something like this”, she said as she snuggled next to him. She took his hands into her own, and stared deep into his green eyes.

“I love you, James.”

He couldn’t believe it! She had said it! He had been waiting years to hear that!! He couldn’t count how many times he had wanted to tell her that, but wasn’t brave enough to, or was afraid it would bring him pain. And now, she had taken the first step…

“I-I-IloveyoutooJessie!” It came out all in a rush. He took a deep breath. “I-I-I love you too, Jessie.”

And then, the magic was there again. It was always there. Just waiting for this moment. They kissed and held each other tightly, as if afraid to let go. But they needn’t have worried. They had always been there for each other and always would be. Romantic music played. It was fireworks. It was perfect. It was pure Magic.

* * * * * *

Team Rocket’s Jessie and James stared wide-eyed at the TV in the pokémon center they had been staying in. Meowth was curled up, asleep on the loveseat. They were the only ones up, and they couldn’t believe what they had just watched. They had just watched their exact likenesses say and do what they had wanted to say and do for a long, long time. They were dumbfounded and stunned.

Jessie cleared her throat. “Well, James, I do believe that Jessie was right, as always.”

“Jessie?” he questioned. “I- I have something to tell you.”

“Yes?” she said hopefully, forgetting to hide her eagerness. Maybe he knew that…And then he would… And then they could…Maybe, just maybe…She laughed at her own little daydreams. She wasn’t acting like her usual, calm, composed self. But she still hoped…

“Oh, never mind…”

“Really. What is it?”

James took a deep breath. “Well….” He tried to decide whether he should say it or not. It seemed like the perfect moment and…

“Well, I’m out of donuts.”


“WHAT?!? That’s ALL you had to tell me?!?”

It wasn’t what he had to tell her, but it just came out without thinking. (That tended to happen a lot of the time, even to a brilliant guy like him.) He didn’t dare tell her what he really wanted to tell her. He was so preoccupied with the fact that he couldn’t tell her what he really wanted that he didn’t even notice that she had been expecting, longing for, even, him to say something more. He didn’t even notice the hope and eagerness in her voice. But it couldn’t be, he would have thought, had he noticed… Just then something occurred to him.

“Jessie?” he asked tentatively. He had already been whacked, so it shouldn’t hurt THAT much more. He was feeling slightly confident and bold.

“Yes?” It came out as a sigh. James’s comment before his last one had gotten her hopes up so much. But his answer made her realize that all her hopes were no more than a teenage girl’s silly daydreams about a crush that could never come true. But he was more than a crush, he was her best friend, and she loved him as so much more than that…

“Do you really believe what she said?”

He had just given her hope again. She smiled brightly, and a little slyly.

“Jessie and James DO go together perfectly”, she hinted. Please, please, Oh PLEASE James… How can someone so sweet and sensitive be so dense?? If you don’t pick up on this, I’ll bash your head in, she thought to herself.

“And we’re the ones they were talking…OH!” he exclaimed as it dawned on him. (Finally!)

The fragrance of roses filled the room. Jessie gazed deep into his green eyes. She smiled and took a deep breath.

“I love you, James.”

“I-I-I-I love you too, Jessie”, he stuttered. “And I’ve been wanting to tell you for so long…”

“…And you couldn’t because you were afraid…”

“…How you would react…”

She smiled. “We didn’t need to be afraid. We never should have been afraid, especially not of each other.”

The fragrant scent was overwhelming, and it made them both quite giddy. But they were already giddy from their revelation of their love. And the freedom of having finally admitted it…

They realized how much they had loved each other all along, just too afraid to say so. They were deeply in love, and it was a wonderful feeling.

They leaned in closer… and closer… and closer…. And their lips finally touched and connected in a soft, tender kiss, eliminating all the obstacles and barriers and abyss that had been separating them before. They then kissed passionately, as everything they had been holding in for so long, their feelings and desires and love they had denied for so long, erupted in that one moment.

*FIREWORKS* A love song played. They held each other, their true love, in their arms, deep into the night, and their two hearts beat as one. It was perfect, beautiful, and romantic. Call it coincidence. Call it strange. Call it a strange stroke of luck due to the full moon that night. Call it whatever you like. But it was meant to be. And one thing I know for sure, it was pure Magic. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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