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Untitled ~ Chansey46

"Hello? Is anybody here?" James' voice echoed around the empty mansion.

TeamRocket had been traveling for a while. They were stuck in the rain and had to find shelter. Jesse had been complaining of a severe headache and a fever, when she suddenly had collapsed. James had to carry her in his arms. He liked it though, because he had a crush on Jesse. He carried Jesse inside the mansion and asked Growlithe to make a fire for them. Meowth had cuddled near the fire, and dozed off. James let Jesse on the floor and cradled her head in his lap. She was running a high fever. He gently brushed away some stray hairs on her face. James looked at Jesse, slumbering in the firelight. He couldn't stop thinking about her. He looked around. The mansion was giant, musty, and cold. He thought he heard a creak. He shook Meowth awake


Meowth woke up. What d'ya want?" He asked groggily.

"Meowth, I heard a noise." the creak sounded again. "You see!" whispered James loudly, as to not awake Jesse. Meowth was now wide awake and his hair was rising. The creaks were sounding like someone going down stairs.

"Who's there?" asked a voice. Meowth looked up and saw the most wonderous sight hiseyes had ever encountered. A female Meowth was standing there. She was gorgeous. She could speak English too.

"Hello? Excuse me, but what brings you to my mansion?" she questioned. Meowth was staring googly-eyed.

"Oh, hello. My name is Julia. What's yours?" she purred.

"" Meowth stammered.

"My name is James and this is Meowth. Did you make that noise?" James managed to say. He looked down at Jesse, and saw her eyes slowly open.

"James..?" She said quietly and feverishly.

"I'm right here," he said, paying rapt attention.

"Oh dear, does your friend need madicine?" Julia asked.

"Yes, can you help her?" said James quickly.

"I can try, follow me," and she wandered back the way she came, followed by James holding Jesse and a love struck Meowth. They went up flights of stairs, until they came to a room. The room looked nothing like the rest of the mansion. It was elaborately decorated with Meowth stuff. There was balls of string, a collection of charms, (The ones that the Meowths have on their head,) and and in the corner, some healing medicines. Julia hurried over and picked out some bottles, and started to mix them. She made a drink and asked Jesse to drink it. Jesse drank some, but then went out like a light.

"Jesse! What did you do to her?" James asked accusingly.

"Nothing, she'll be fine." Julia said. Meowth had finally summoned the courage to talk to Julia.

"Would you like to help me downstairs with our stuff?" Meowth asked.

"James, will you be O.K. up here with your friend?" Julia asked. James grumbled a yes and Julia and Meowth left. James was up there alone with Jesse. He wanted so bad to have Jesse wake up, but she didn't.

He bent down, and said, "Jesse, please be O.K. After all we've been through together, you can't die." With this he bent down and kissed her forehead gently. Her eyes flickered and she woke up.

"James, is that you?" she mumbled weakly. She bent up, and said "I had a dream, and just as I was about to wake up, a Butterfly gently brushed my head, like a kiss."

James was almost crying, he was so happy.

"James,...did you kiss me?" she asked.

James blushed, "Er....yes."

"That was sweet of you, to rescue me." she added. Jesse barely ever showed this side of her personality, and was taking advantage of it. She fragily brought her face to his level. And she kissed him. No ordinary kiss, but one that was meaningful and special. It lasted a minute or two...or three...or four until Jesse parted with his lips. She brought her head back on his lap, and fell back to sleep. James was both happy and suprised.

"I kissed her!" he thought to himself. She gently cradled her head as the rain pattered gently on the roof. And near the door, two Meowths sat, sleeping quietly.

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