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Meowth's Love ~ Chansey46

Meowth's Love

Meowth was very deppressed because his old girlfriend, Julia, had been captured by a nasty trainer. He sat by a tree and moped, looking at his feet and sighing. Jesse and James had felt bad for him and cooked him his favorite.....Tuna! But still, Meowth didn't improve.

"Meowth, you sure you are all right?" asked James with true concern in his voice as he placed bowl of Tuna in front of Meowth.

"Thanks youse guys, but I just need to be alone." Meowth sadly replied. And he trotted off, into the woods. There, he sat by an even bigger tree and moped even more. Just then he heard a noise. It was a voice!

"HELP! HELP!" it cried. Not sure what to do, he let instincts react.

"I'm comin'!" Meowth yelled and ran in the direction of the voice. He got to the river. A furry ball of sopping fluff was what was making all that racket. It was being quickly swept away by the river's raging torrents. Meowth ran along the bank and grabbed the creature just as it was about to go over a massive waterfall. He pulled and it came ashore, unconcious. He looked at it. It was a Meowth! A very attractive girl Meowth, at that. It's underbelly was pink and it had thick, long, eyelashes. But the thing that interested Meowth most of all was it's heart shaped charm on her forehead.

"Are youse all right?" he asked. A pair of Purple eyes looked up at him.

"I think I'm OK." it whispered, her voice being strained from screaming.

"My name's Meowth, I saved you!" he told her triumphantly.

"Oh, thank you, my name's Meowthy." Meowth helped her up gently. She was weak and could barely move. She told him that she was pushed in the water by her trainer, who thought she was useless. He wanted her to drown, but she held on. She was going down the river for nearly an hour, when finally he came.

"Here, let me help you," Meowth said. Meowth had comepletly forgotten that he should be deppressed and moping.

"Must....sleep," she muttered and drifted to sleep. Meowth lifted her onto his back, lay her across, and walked on all fours to camp.


"Oh, isn't she precious!" squealed Jesse, quietly as to not wake her up. Meowth had put her in his tent.

"Quiet!" he hissed at Jesse.

"Sorry..." she whispered. James was outside cooking up some food for when she woke up. Meowth had explained her story ( While a few side comments from Jesse and James like "How dare that trainer!"and "So, do you like her Meowth!?"at which Meowth promptly blushed) and put her in his tent. Meowth had gone in, when everyone else was sleeping, and held her hand and softly sang songs that told her everything was gonna be OK, until the fire burned out.


Meowthy had awoke the next morning to find Meowth laying on the dirt next to her. She tried to remember what happened.....Oh yes! She had been pushed in the water and he had saved her! She looked at him, gently snoring, and thought, "My Hero!" to herself. She kinda liked him, and blushed at her own thought. Oh well, better check out the place, she thought. She trotted outside and looked at the fire. There were two tents, one red and one lavender. She poked her head inside one to find it empty. She looked in the other one and saw a boy with chin length lavender hair, holding in one hand a rose, and in the other a girl with fiery, long, red hair. Meowthy just shrugged and stepped back outside. There was a plate. She nibbled some stuff of the plate. It was the best food she had ever eaten! Her trainer rarely treated her to anything but some moldy bread. She went back inside the tent with Meowth in it. He was huddled into a little ball of fur and was shivering. He looked so cute. She went over and rubbed her back affectionatly against Meowth's back and rubbed her head on his cheek. He stopped shivering and woke up to find two contented, purple eyes above him. Meowthy. He sighed. He was starting to like her.

"Get up, sleepy!" she said quietly. Meowth gave out a rare purr. He heard rustling in the next tent. Jesse and James.


When breakfast started Meowth introduced everybody. When he told of how he rescued Meowthy and when he got to the part of how he had taken in and cared for her, he blushed. So did Meowthy. James gave Meowth a little nudge with a wide smile.

"Do ya like her?" he asked, and got a swift kick in return. Suprisingly, Meowthy could also speak English.

"Look, we're gonna go be by ourselves, Ok?" said Meowth. And Meowthy and Meowth walked off together. They came to a glade.

They were suddenly interrupted by a loud voice behind them, "Meowthy, baby, sweetcheeks, come to daddy!"

It was Gary! Meowthy hissed and told Meowth in Meowth language that that was her trainer, her former trainer.

"I heard through the grapevine that you survived -I mean, were luckily rescued. I was so scared that I was gonna lose my Meowthy!" With this, he ran over and pretended to sob into Meowthy's fur. He got a huge scratch in return.

"All right you little twerp! I don't know how you could've survived, and now I'm gonna make sure you won't! Arcanine! Go!" he yelled. Out of the Pokeball, a giant dog emerged.


"Arcanine, chase the pink Meowth......and make sure she doesn't live to tell the tale." he sneered with a cruel laugh.

The Arcanine had an evil glint in his eye, and started to chase Meowthy. He snapped with hungered, slobbery jaws. Gary had starved him too, and now he was hungry for blood.

"ARCCCAAAAANNIIIIINNNNNNEEE!" It bellowed and chased after Meowthy. Arcanine came to a screaching halt as Meowth jumped in front of him and slashed him on the nose.

"ARCCCC!" It screamed in pain. It's eyes suddenly went red.

"It's rage attack. I've been there. Nothing can survive that attack. At least not Arcanine's attack. Gary's only used it once." Meowthy whispered into Meowth's ear. Arcanine went berserk. It stomped, howled, roared, and shot flames everywhere. Meowthy was suddenly pinned down by Arcanine. It went down for the kill, when a severe pain hit his ear. Meowth had bitten his ear off (De ja vou Mike Tyson). This was too much for Arcanine. It let Meowthy go and ran after Meowth. It grabbed him and bit him hard. Hard. Meowth dropped on the ground like a ragdoll, limply. Meowthy screamed and ran to Meowth.

"That's enough Arcanine! Return. Heh, heh, heh." Gary knew that Meowthy had learned her lesson. Lose your trainer, lose everything else. He walked off still laughing. Meowthy was crying as she carried Meowth back to camp.


The first sight Meowth saw in the morning was Jesse and James crying.

"Hey, youse guys...." he said weakly and quietly. They ran over to him.

"Oh, Meowth! That horrible Arcanine! And oh, how courageous you were-" but they were interrupted by Meowth.

"Where's Meowthy?" he asked, more assertive.

"She's sleeping, poor dear, we didn't think you were gonna make it, but she said you were, and she cared for you." said Jesse sadly.

"What do you mean cared for me?" asked Meowth.

"She came back to camp, carrying you. We all thought you weren't going to make it and started to cry. But she..she told us you would. She took you and cleaned your wound. She gave you medecine and cooed to you sweetly. It was so romantic." said Jesse, her eyes wide and dreamy.

"Oh." said Meowth, looking sad, but underneath he was leaping for joy. She liked him! He started over for her tent. As he stood up, he expected his wound to throb madly and hurt. But it didn't. Meowthy had done a good job, a careful job, a loving job. He went to Jesse's tent, and stared at the sleeping Meowthy. Her hair was ruffled and messed. She hadn't the time to look at her appearances, she was caring for him. This thought made him well up with emotion and satisfaction. She cared. He went over to her a kissed her on the cheek. Her lashes fluttered and she awoke to the happy grin of Meowth. "Meowth!" she yellped groggily. He put a finger to his lips and pulled the sleeping bag cover over her, and kissed her again, this time on those beautiful Meowthy lips of hers. She returned the favor by kissing him. He was so happy he could melt.

Just then, he heard Jesse yell in suprise, "Look!"

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