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Meowth's Love 2 ~ Chansey46

"Look!" yelped Jesse. She was holding a fancy letter addressed to them. Meowth and Meowthy came out of Jesse's Tent and looked. It was from the boss, Giovanni. It read:

The members of Team Rockett are invited to a banquet of victory. We have finally captured the Pikachu! Come on the 25th of June with a guest. Thank you.


Giovanni Gratzi

"We're going to a ball!" shreiked Jesse and James in unison.

Meowth turned to Meowthy, "Will you do me the honor of being my guest?" he asked.

"Yes" she replied. Her eyes were welled up with tears. Her master had never been as good to her as Meowth.


It was the day of the banquet. They went to Rent-a-Bird and got the classiest, the Pidgeot express ( kinda like a limo). When they got there, they were greeted by a nice young woman wearing a big red Team Rocket uniform.

"Would the men please follow the Marowak, and he will show you to your dressers. Would the women please follow the Raichu, and she will show you to your dressers. Jesse and Meowthy followed the Raichu and James and Meowth followed the Marowak. Jesse and Meowthy were led to a room full of Chanseys.

"These will be your dressers" she said to Meowthy in Poketalk and Meowthy translated to Jesse.

"Chan!" all the Chanseys said to Jesse and Meowthy. The Chanseys immediately started to dress Jesse and Meowthy. They tried on all sorts of cute outfits and soon each found a good match.

The men were lead by a Marowak.

"These will be your dressers" he said to Meowth and Meowth translated. They were lead to a room full of Machamps. The Machamps used their many hands to get the right suit. James wore a Lavender Blue suit (western style,) and Meowth wore a black bow tie, a black top hat, and black coat with double tails on the end.

"Champ!" said the Machamps in satisfaction.


James and Meowth were waiting for Jesse and Meowthy to come. James started to talk to Meowth.

"So, Meowthy's your date, right? Jesse's mine." James said to Meowth. Meowth was about to say "GUEST" at James, but realization dawned on him. She was his date. He thought about this going over it again and again when he was interrupted by James whispering

"Look!" at him. Jesse was coming down the giant, ballroom staircase. James just gawked. She was beautiful. She wore a sequined red dress with straps, and 2 slits on the sides of the dress. Her hair was put into a braid, which wrapped all the way around her head. She wore more makeup than usual. She wore a pair of long white gloves. Ball room gloves. And she had a red rose placed delicately behind her ear, so the petal end stuck out facing front. James could just stare. When she came down he bowed and kissed her hand delicately. She blushed.

She looked back the way she came and said "Don't be afraid, come out!"

Now it was Meowth's turn to stare. Meowthy came out. She too, was gorgeous. She was brushed until her coat shone and she wore a necklace that had a rose medallion on it. She too wore makeup and had tiny, delicate white gloves were on her, only wrist high. But the most astounding was her dress. It was black, with roses everywhere. She gave Meowth an uncertain look. He could do nothing but stare. When she came down she was beautiful, standing on her back feet, which she rarely did. Meowth bowed and kissed her hand. She too, blushed at this gesture.

He stammered "Do you want to dance?"


They were both beautiful couples, James and Jesse and Meowth and Meowthy. She glided across the floor gracefully. Meowth asked, "Where did you learn to dance like this?"

"Jesse taught me"



"Look at al the couples, I didn't know there were so many groups. Do they each have a different Pokemon Mascot?" Meowthy asked curiously. Just then, a Raichu couple zoomed past them.

"Yes, each group has a different Pokemon to lead." Meowth replied.

"Meowth, let's get outta here." said Meowthy.

"Where do we go?" asked Meowth.

"By the Rocket HQ lake." she replied.


Meowth and Meowthy were outside of the Rocket HQ ball room by the lake. Meowthy was resting her head on his shoulder. They both had their feet in the water, cooling off from the dancing.

"Meowthy, er-can I ask you a hypothical question?"


"I know this Meowth, and he has a friend, say a girlfriend. He really likes her, and doesn't know how to tell her." said Meowth nervously. Now, Meowthy wasn't a stupid cat. She knew exactly who Meowth was talking about. Himself.

"Um-hum," said Meowthy knowingly, as if she was very seriously thinking about this.

"And he really, really, likes her. But,...he doesn't know if she likes him back." He mumbled uncertainly.

"Well," said Meowthy in a closing statement sort of way. "The girl Meowth does like him back. A lot. And she is glad to know that he likes her."

"Really?" said Meowth a little too over excitedly and eager.

"Yup." Meowthy replied. Meowth suddenly figured out that she had caught on. He blushed tremendously. She edged closer to him. He could only look down into the water, with all the Magikarps swimming around. She bent forward and gave him a peck on the cheek. He turned the same scarlet hugh as the roses on her dress. He giggled like a schoolgirl. Then, realizing what he had done, turned back to staring intently at the water's crystal glow. He was about to kiss her back when he heard a bloodcurdling howl.



Jesse and James had heard it too. They immediately forgot the waltz they were dancing to.

Jesse clamped her hands on James' shoulders and they shreiked in unison, "Meowth!" and ran out the door. Giovanni came out and started to comfort everyone.

"I'm sure that it was just a stray Arcanine. No need to be worried." he said as he stared at the petrified faces.

What he didn't notice, was a shadowy figure in the corner smirk, "Lose your trainer, lose everything else."


Meowth turned, and to his horror, was met by two red eyes. The rip-eared Arcanine. Meowth, thinking quickly, slashed it.

"ARC!" it screamed in pain.

"Meowthy! Go! Hide!" Meowth managed to blurt out as he poised for another attack. Meowthy, in horror ran to the bushes and cowered. The Arcanine let out a flamethrower attack in full force. Meowth was seriously injured and fell down. He looked into the Arcanine's sinister eyes. He saw a figure jump in front of him. Meowthy.

"You leave him alone!" she cried. The Arcanine spoke to her in soft growls he couldn't understand. How could she know what he was saying? Then he remembered that when Meowthy belonged to Gary, Arcanine taught her how to understand all Pokemon languages.

"Then it is settled, come with me, and Meowth will not die." said Arcanine. Meowthy glanced at Meowth, who looked weak and feeble.

"Yes" she said quietly. Arcanine pulled a Pokeball out and caught Meowthy.

"No!" screamed Meowth, but it was too late. Meowthy was caught. It started to pour rain. Meowth opened his eyes just in time to watch the giant dog carry off Meowthy's Pokeball. Then everything went black.


"Meowth? Meowth?" Meowth could hear voices calling him. Was this heaven?

"Meowth, wake up you numbskull!" Nope. He awoke to see Jesse and James blurrily.

"Meowthy?.......Meowthy, don't go...." he mumbled.

"He's coming to. James, go get a cold towel!"

Jesse was suprised to see Meowth sit bolt upright and yell, "Where's Meowthy?"

"We don't know, we thought you would." said Jesse pleadingly. Meowth was in Team Rocket HQ. He was burnt and his fur was singed. Then he remembered. Meowthy. The Arcanine. Meowthy being caught. Arcanine carrying her away. The cold, cold, rain. He shivered at the thought.

"We have to find Meowthy." he said assertiveley.


Hours later, they were on the trail of the Arcanine. It had left drops of blood from Meowth's slash attack. Meowth was in the lead, hunting madly for Meowthy. Jesse and James followed behind, calling Meowthy's name. They were all staring at the drops of blood on the ground.

"Shhhh! The Arcanine might hea-" but he was interrupted by hitting head-first into a door. There, was a giant castle.

"I think we found Gary's place." James muttered, awestruck. He was right. The trail of blood stopped there. Jesse knocked on the door. The door swung open, letting a freezing draft hit them. They looked inside. The walls were covered in pictures of Pokemon. There was a huge, long blue carpet, and in the corner, there was a rack of Pokeballs. Hundreds of them. But besides that, there was dark. Meowth and Jesse felt a cold draft, and turned just in time to see a Fearow swoop down and grab James by his jacket. Another Fearow came down and took Jesse. Meowth waited to see if they tried to get him, but nothing came.

"So glad to see you, Meowth." a voice called very un-welcomingly. The fur on the back of Meowth's neck prickled at the voice and he turned around. There, was Gary, sitting on a throne, at his side a very large bird. Could it be?......Yes, it was! A large Zapdos. The Zapdos had the same evil look as the Arcanine. Meowth growled.

"You don't like me, eh? Well, maybe you'll think twice about attacking me if you see this." He pulled the throne's arm rest and a light came in the corner. Meowthy was in a large, wooden cage. Meowth gasped. Her beautiful dress was ripped and tattered, and her eyes red from crying so much. She was huddled and looked beaten on. By her cage was a burly looking Mewtwo. If she moved, he would prod her with his pointed stick.

"In the last few days, I have trained her to fight the other,....better...Pokemon. They have used their superior powers to beat on her. They gain more and more experience points and grow more levels with each attack. I don't bother healing her because it is a waste of time." he stated cooly. Meowthy looked up and a small glint of hope came to her eyes.

She rushed to the end of her cage and cried "Meowth!" But the Mewtwo, had already taken out his pointed stick and jabbed it deep into her shoulder. She fell to the ground, unconcious. Meowth shreiked,


"Ah ah ah, aren't you forgetting something? I OWN HER!" Gary cackled. "But, if you want her that badly, I'll make a special deal. I challenge you to a Pokemon battle. If you win, you keep her. If I win, ......I keep you." He said, his voice slowing at the end.

"Very well," Meowth said.

"I would like to introduce you to Charizard." another light came up revealing a fire dragon. It looked mad and hungry. It was chained down and it didn't look happy about it.

"He's been starved to make him extra vicious. He's at level 132." The Charizard roared.

"Shall we begin?" said Gary. "Pokeball, go." he said cooly. Out popped the Pokemon that Meowth hated the most. A Persian. It had taken his job, and he wasn't about to let it take him. Meowth slashed it. The Persian replied with a Headbutt.

"Don't TMs come in handy?" Gary cackled. Meowth was knocked to the floor. He quickly got up and used scratch. The Persian was hardly effected. It used Pay day extra hard on Meowth. Meowth could hardly get up. He saw the Persian, smiling cruelly. Gary was pulling out a Pokeball, obviously intended for Meowth. Meowth looked up and hate boiled in his eyes. Suddenly, he started to glow. Why was this happening? Then he remembered. When Meowth had signed up for Team Rocket, Giovanni gave him a TM. It was a random TM and it could be anything. Even if it was not compatible with Meowth's type of Pokemon. It could only be used once. Now was that time. Meowth could suddenly feel strange feelings in his head. They came into a wave and headed toward a clueless looking Persian. Psywave was the TM. Persian was hit hard and fainted. Gary looked stunned. Then an evil idea formed in his head.

"Go Pokeball." he smirked. Out came a figure. Meowth was ready to face a herd of raging Tauros if he had to. The figure materialized. I don't care if it's that Charizard Meowth thought to himself. The figure was.........Meowthy. She looked as if a scratch attack could do her in.

"Go ahead, this is easy for you." said Gary quietly. But Meowth couldn't bear to hurt her. Instead, he snatched her up, and started to run.

"No!" Gary yelled. "Charizard go!" he screamed. Charizard's chains disappeared, and he started to run after Meowth and Meowthy.

"Charizard! Fire blast! Fill this whole place!" Gary yelled. A flame enveloped the entire castle. Meowth ducked and protected Meowthy.

Meowth stood up. There was a small rumble, and a bit of stone fell to the floor. The place was going to collapse. Meowth ran for the door and hurtled out just in time to hear Gary scream and the place fall into a stone pile. But what about Jesse and James? Meowth was about to cry when he heard voices.

"Hey, Meowth get us out of this tree!" It was Jesse and James. Meowth rushed foward and presented Meowthy to Jesse.

"Oh, you got her! Good!" They sat there and rested, until they were all recovered, except for Meowthy. Then they headed home.


"ZZZZAAAAPPPP!" screeched Zapdos as it flew over the pile of rubble and stones. He swooped down and landed on a large rock.

"Zap?" it questioned as it pushed a rock aside. To it's suprise a hand came out. It was a human hand, and below the stones, a snigger could be heard. Gary's snigger.

********So, how did you like it? E-mail me telling whether it was good.

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