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Meowth's Love 3 ~ Chansey46

Meowth's Love 3

It was a cold, cold, afternoon. Meowth and Meowthy were traveling on a path that lead to Vermilion City. They were supposed to meet Jesse and James there, at the Hotel Floraii. But since they couldn't even see 4 feet in front of them, due to fog, they were most definetly not going to make it by Friday. Meowthy's fur was damp from humidity. It sopped onto her nose and every so often, she had to move it. Meowth thought this was kinda cute. He never said so, but he liked her a ton. A *really* big ton. A whole buncha really big to- Oh, forget it. He liked her. They had got, what Meowth called "Sidetracked" and what Meowthy called "Lost."

"Meowth, where are we?" Meowthy asked accusingly. The truth was he didn't know.

"It's just around here, I'm sure." he said. "Look! Can you see that mansion in the mist? They'll probably know the way to Vermilion." One look at the house, and Meowthy paled.

"We'd better not." she said faintly. But Meowth dragged her to the front gate. The mansion was Victorian, slightly frilly, but classy.

"Come on, let's ask for directions," said Meowth.

"No!" she said, "Let's ignore this mansion.

She tried to run, but Meowth grabbed her, "Okay, " he said cooly, "...After we get directions." He gently rang the doorbell with the tip of his claw. Meowthy looked as though he'd just set a activated bomb in front of her.

"No." she stammered. The door was opened by a snobby-looking Persian in a tux coat and shirt.

"Meowthy!" he exclaimed, and wrapped his arms around her.

All she could do was faintly say, "Drake."


"Meowthy we've worried so much. Why did you run away? It was the day before the wedding!" Drake said. Meowth looked dumbstruck. Wedding? Run away?

Meowthy glanced at Meowth's face, summoned up her courage and stated, "We're going to meet friends."

"Vermilion? Why are you going there with him?" Drake asked with a look as though he had just swallowed a slug.

"He's my good friend." said Meowthy with a voice of arrogance.

"But I'm your *fiance*." he said. Meowth looked open jawed at Drake. Fiance? Did he say *fiance*? Meowth couldn't believe it. His thoughts were interuppted by a shrill call.

"Meeeoooowwwttthhy, dear!" it cooed.

"Mum? Dad?" she said awe-struck. Out came 2 persians. One was pink, and was wearing a blue ballroom gown. Out came the other in a tux much like Drake's.

"Meowthy, sweetcheeks!" said her mother in a baby-talk voice.

"Agatha, don't crowd her." said her dad.

"Oh, quiet Victor!" she said and then continued to smother Meowthy in a shower of hugs, kisses, and "Where have you been!"s. Meowth was trying desperatly to hold all this in.

"Oh, who is this?" said Agatha, noticing Meowth for the first time. She had a cold tone.

"*This*, is riffraff, just common riffraff." said Drake.

"He's not riffraff!" exclaimed Meowthy.

"Come along dear!" said Agatha. She was led up the stairs, and motioned to Meowth that she'd talk to him later. Meowth was left all alone. A few minutes later Drake came to take Meowth to his room.


Before Drake left, Drake warned Meowth not to step a foot out of line, or he'd be sorry, and slammed the door. Meowth was awfully tired, hungry, hurt, and confused at the same time. He just opened a window, and let the breeze float past his face. It was still hot and muggy, but some wind felt nice. He was also incredibbly hungry. He sat on the bed and stared at the pillows. The bed was blue. They were frilly, and one was in the shape of a Poliwhirl. He wanted to talk to Meowthy, and have her explain. He was so tired. Tired. Tired. Goodnight.


Meowth awoke to realize that he had slept 7 hours and it was now 11 o'clock. He was hungry and wanted to see Meowthy. He went across the padded carpet and slowly opened the door. The door didn't creak much, so he thought no one heard it. He was wrong. Only Drake's ears were sharp enough to hear a tiny squeak of rusty hinges. Drake awoke and put on a bathrobe. He took a candle, as to not let the prowler know he was there. He stalked across the upper level. He heard the clack of claws against polished marble. Meowth had crept across the stone floor. He found Meowthy's room and went in. She was in her frilly nightgown.

"She looks silly, but strangely cute," Meowth thought as he made his way across the bedroom floor. He came up to the side of her bed and held her hand, as if through touchhe could make her wake up.

"Un-hand her!" he heard a voice in the doorway say. To his horror, Drake was standing there. "A stranger coming to a woman's bedroom in the middle of the night is a serious offense in this household." he snapped. "I'll call the authorites!" He yelled. By this time Meowthy was just starting to awaken. Her eyes vcame in focus just in time to see Meowth being carried off by the scruff of his neck, by Drake.

"Meowth!" she gasped, but he was gone.

The next morning, Drake was telling the tale to Meowthy and her parents.

"The fiend stalked into her room with a knife in his hand. I came just in time to save my sweet Meowthy. I wrestled him to the ground! And he gave me this." Drake pulled up his shirt sleeve to reveal a huge bite mark. Her parents were actually believing this. She knew very well that he had gotten that years ago by the pond from that- The pond! She had to get there!

"Mum, dad, I need to clear my mind, I'm going on a walk." she stated, pushed in her chair and left.

"I'll go keep a watch on her," Drake said and left also.


The pond was clear blue with waterlillies floating gently on top. Meowthy scanned the glassy water, trying to find it. Got to find her. Got to find her, she thought. Suddenly, there was a flash of light brown, and she was in the water. She tried to swim, but her dress weighed her down. She just watched the surface get farther and farther away, as she floated into abyss.


Meowth had broken out of his room downstairs and had decided to leave.

"She likes it better there." He thought. Just then, he heard a scream and a splash. Meowthy! He rushed back to the Mansion pond, just in time to see Drake give a Hitmonlee a thumbs up. He put the peices together, and realized the Hitmonlee pushed her in. His blood boiled at the thought. Without another thought he plunged into the water, the last image in his brain of Drake's awe struck face. Deeper and deeper he swam into darkness. Then, he saw a limp figure in the inky blackness. Meowthy. He grabbed her and pulled her up. He broke to the surface and pulled her to the shore.

Drake seeing his oppurtunity, shouted, "Scaliwag! Trying to drown a poor innocent Pokemon! Guards!" Two muscly-looking Poliwraths came over and dragged Meowth away.

"Liar!" Meowth yelled. Meowthy was beginning to come to. Drake pulled off his tux coat, and dipped quickly into the water. He came out again.

"Meowthy, are you there?" he asked feigning concern.

"Drake?" she asked faintly.

"That Meowth pushed you in, but I was able to rescue you." She said. He was dripping wet. He carried her inside, glad that no one had seen him. But someone had, and 2 gray eyes sunk below the surface of the pond.


Meowthy couldn't believe it. Drake? Save her? Impossible. He hated her, that's why she ran away. He had been plotting against her ever since she was a small child. He just wanted her money. Meowth? A murderer? Weird, she thought. Why was she near the pond any way? The pond........The pond! She had to get there. She ran out her bedroom door, towards the pond.


"Keetra? Keetra? Are you there?" Meowthy whispered. The garden lights were on, so she could see. She was suprised when a giant Lapras emerged, with gray eyes.

"Oh, Keetra, how have you been?" she said, relieved.

"Come quickly Meowthy. No time to lose!" said Keetra in a loud whisper. SHe had a Haitan accent. Meowthy could hear Drake stirring in his bed. A small orb-like, clear plastic bubble emerged. It was tied, like a chariot, with Keetra as a horse. Meowth lifted the top, and got in. She closed the top, just as they plunged underwater. The bubble was weighted, so it wouldn't rise. Keetra hurtuled farther and farther into the water. They passed some Horseas and a Dewgong. They finally arrived at a large air bubble. They went inside, and suddenly, the water became air, inside the large bubble. It was dark, until the Lapras clapped her fins together and the lights went on. Clap-on lights, big improvement.

"Keetra, let's talk."


"Yes, I remember the day when you released me. I had enjoyed being your pokemon, but I needed to be free. That Drake tried to stop you, saying I was worth many moneys. I bit him so hard on the arm, I bet the bite marks are still there." Keetra finished.

"Were you near the surface today?" asked Meowthy.

"Yes, I saw you fall. Someone pushed you." Keetra said.

"Yes I kn-"

"That Hitmonlee..." said Keetra.

"Wait,.. Hitmonlee?" said Meowthy. She thought Meowth pushed her in! The only person she knew with a Hitmonlee was.....Drake. It was Drake. Drake had pushed her in. Wow.

"He pushed you in. I was about to go up to help, when a young Meowth plunged into the water. He brought you to the top. Drake pinned the blame on him, and dipped in the pond to appear wet." Keetra finished. So that was the real story. Meowthy had known in her heart that Meowth was inoccent.

"Um...Keetra, can you take me back up to the surface?" she asked, voice quavering.

"Certainly." Keetra said reassuringly, with a glint of knowing-ness in her eyes. When they reached the top, Meowthy thanked Keetra and walked away. At dinner, Drake was explaining the inncident today........stretching the truth.....a lot.

"And he lunged forward, knocking me to the ground. I rolled over and pinned him, called the guard and jumped into the water to save Meowthy." Once again, Meowthy's parents were captivated in Drake's story.

"Well, we better go feed Meowth." said her Mother, as if she had to expose of a stinky diaper.

"I'll do it!" said Meowthy eagerly.

"Well, okay." said her father. Her father was a nice Persian, but when he got mad, he was a terror. Meowthy ran out of the room.

"Meowth, are you there?" she whispered.

"Meowthy, is that you?" came a weak voice. She rushed over to the dimmly lit cell. THey had moved him to a cell. Her Meowth. Like a prisoner.

"Oh, Meowthy it was terrible. They never fed me..." he moaned.

"But Drake goes down every night to feed you." said Meowthy.

"No, he eates it in front of my cell to torment me." said Meowth miserably. That Drake. She gently laid the food down in the corner. Meowth pounced on it and within seconds, it was gone. Meowthy tore her eyes from Meowth and started to walk to the stairs leading up. She was interrupted by a voice. A scratchy, lovable voice.

"Meowthy, I didn't do it." said Meowth.

She walked back to the cell, took her hand with his through the iron bars, and whispered, "I know." she rubbed his nose and left.

"Mother, father, I've been meaning to talk with you." said Meowthy to her parents. They were all in the study, by a fire. The room was toasty warm. The fog had come back, and it was cold and damp outside. This made her think of Meowth. Poor Meowth, in that cold cell, down below. She shuddered. Her parents were in huge, comfy armchairs, and Drake was reading a book.

Her father looked over his newspapers, and answered "Yes, dearest."

"Well, I went by the pond today, and met Keetra." she said. Her parents dropped a look of astonishment on their usual Oh-so-calm-and-collected Persian faces.

"She just happened to see the accident with Meowth by the pond." she said again very calmly. Drake's smirk suddenly disappeared to reveal a slightly aghast, worried expression. Her parents didn't notice this. Meowthy continued to drop the real truth on her parents. They knew Meowthy didn't lie. Drake's expression became more and more solem at every sentence.

Meowthy concluded smoothly, "And that's what Keetra said." Her father's face had turned red. He stared at Drake. Meowthy knew that her father was in one of his fits.

He slashed Drake and screamed, "OUT!" Drake ran at the door, her father following closely behind. By the time Drake had made it outside, his tuxedo was torn, his fur matted and a slight bit bloody. Meowthy watched him run out into the fog. She had done it.

Her father had cooled down and then proceeded to say in the awkward silence, "Shall we have tea?"

"Oh, yes let's!" said her mother, as if nothing had happened. They walked away. Meowthy ran down to the chamber below, to the cell. She was suprised to find no one there. The lock obviously had been picked. Where was Meowth? She had to find him! She bolted out the door.

"Ah, she'll have a nice life bein' rich anyway," said Meowth to himself. He was walking down the road to Vermilion. Away from the mansion. He barely noticed the sound of paws running down the path.

"Meowth!" he heard a voice. Such a sweet, kind voice behind him. He was overjoyed to see Meowthy bounding up the path behind him. She ran into his open arms and they hugged.

"I never thought I would see you again!" said Meowth. They started on the path in complete silence. It was fogy and cold, and it had started to rain and thunder.

Meowthy broke the silence by saying, "Meowth, I would like to spend the rest of my life with no one, but you." Meowth blushed deeply.

Drake had ran as fast as his legs could carry him. He ran through the field of high grass. He was deathly afraid of that Persian. He also wasn't rich. This made him think of that Meowth and how he would get even one day. He growled. He ran into a hole to lose whoever was persuing him, if he was still persuing him. He sat in the hole and panted for breath. He didn't notice 2 red eyes light up in back of him. He felt hot breath on the back of his neck. He slowly turned around, saw the Arbok's gaping jaws, let out a shrill scream and the meadow fell silent. No one ever saw Drake again.

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