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For the Future ~ DarkZoey

For the future

Episode 1: ~Welcome Zoaka!~

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Team Rocket has just done a key thing, sending a girl off course from a grand mission from the future. And this key thing...was only a little purposely cause motto trouble. A little fun that could change the future.

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As always, the pokémon heroes *yeah right* are traveling through a vast forest with no trail in sight. Ash and Misty are fighting, but that’s nothing unusual.

Misty: Well, if you hadn’t had the map upside down we wouldn’t be in this mess!

Ash: How was I ‘sposed to know!?! That’s the way you handed it to me!

Misty: If you could read a map in the first place, you would have noticed that it was upside down! Besides that’s the way Brock handed it to *me*!


And of course, where we find the Twerp Trio we’re bound to find...Team Rocket.


Jesse: I’ve got the best plan for our day off!

James: What?

Jesse: Annoy the twerps!

“Prepare for trouble!”

“And make it double”

“To protect the world from deva...”


“They know the rest!”

Team Rocket jumps out from the shadows that they always hide in.


James: You’re right! Now I look even better than you!


Jesse puts her huge paper fan back into nowhere land.

James: Why are you always so mean! (whining of course)

Ash and co. have settled down for lunch, being as ignored as they were.

Jesse and James: HEY! DON’T IGNORE US!

James: Now you stay here. We are going to keep coming back until we finish the motto!

They head back into the shadows.

Jesse: James start the music!

The one and only Team Rocket music starts up.

Jesse: Prepare for trouble!

James: And make *giggle* it...*all out laughs*

Jesse: What is so funny!?!

James points toward Pikachu who is balancing and doing tricks on a Pokéball. Jesse joins in the laughter.

5 min...

10 min...

15 min...

Jesse: Okay! Now lets try it again. *music starts back up* Prepare for trouble!

James: And make it double!

Meowth: To protect th...

Jesse: Meowth! That’s my line!

Meowth: But no one wants to here a mean, nasty girl like you.

Ash, Misty and Brock start clapping.

Ash: Yeah!

Brock: You tell her Meowth!

Brock, Meowth and Ash fall victim of Jesse’s mallet.

Ash: Now I know how James must always feel...

Jesse: OKAY! Now lets get it right this time!

Misty: How annoying can they be? I think they’re purposely being that way. Team Rocket gives her innocent, wide-eyed looks.

Music suddenly appears from nowhere land again.

James: And make it double!

Jesse: Prepare for trouble!

James: To unite all people within our nation!

Jesse: To protect the world from devastation!

Misty: Havin’ a backwards day I see...

Meowth: Right she is!

Jesse and James: CUT THAT OUT!

Suddenly a little floating purple bubble floats by...

Brock: What is that?

The bubble explodes revealing a young girl, 12 perhaps, with purple hair, green eyes, and basically looked like a girl version of James...if you overlooked the cat tail and ears. Ash and Brock’s eyes become twice their normal size, Misty and Jesse looked almost jealous, but not quite, James looked confused as usual and Meowth jumps into her arms.

Girl: Hi. I’m Zoaka. I’m lost. Can you help me?

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