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Poisoned Love Part One ~ Anni

"Poisoned love" - part 1


Meowth quickly pushed aside the long grass that concealed the two humans that he had been looking for.

He threw his arms up in the air with a smile at the sight before him.

Lying in the grass quite contentedly were Jesse and James.

Both had discarded their white Team Rocket tops and James had even removed his black shirt that he wore under the top. Jesse lay on her side with her head resting on James’ bare chest and with his arm around her shoulder.

Both slightly opened their eyes at the sound of Meowth.

"Are we just gonna sit here all day?", Meowth asked.

"I don’t know about Jesse but I certainly could", James said with a tiny smile.

"Me too", Jesse agreed as she ran a finger lightly down James’ chest, "I see no reason to move".

James’s smile widened and he giggled at the sensation.

"You two are unbelievable", Meowth said, defeated.

Jesse stopped what she was doing and grinned, "James, I think Meowth needs a playmate".

Meowth’s expression dropped. He knew Jesse was up to something, it was the grin that always betrayed her.

She reached back and took something from her nearby bag.

The feline Pokemon couldn’t see what it was that Jesse was doing as the long grass was obscuring his view.

"Arbok", Jesse said lightly, "Go play with Meowth".

"Charbok!", With a small flash of light the purple snake Pokemon appeared.

"What???", Meowth cried as he backed away from Arbok.

He knew Arbok was only playing but he still felt the need to back away.

"I guess you won’t be wanting your donuts James?", Meowth sighed pretending to sound sad, "I’ll just have to eat them all by myself".

"My donuts?!", James exclaimed and sat up.

Jesse looked unimpressed, "Just send Wheezing to get him".

"Let Wheezing near my donuts?", James said staring at the box of donuts in their main camp that Meowth was slowly approaching.

Jesse sighed to herself as James stood up. She always found James’s adoration of donuts to be quite humorous yet utterly puzzling.

"Leave it to Meowth to ruin the perfect afternoon", Jesse shrugged.

There was a bonus to it. Meowth would probably fury swipe James and she would then hug him to make it all better.

James marched over to Meowth who was holding the box of donuts behind his back.

"Give them back Meowth, this isn’t fair!", James whined.

"No way", Meowth grinned, "jelly filled donuts, sugar coated donuts, all mine".

James made a swipe for the box but Meowth darted out of the way.

"Jesse, help!", James called, "Please!".

"You don’t need any help", Jesse pointed to behind Meowth.

In the bickering over donuts Meowth had forgotten all about his supposed playmate. The feline heard a playful hiss behind him and turned to come face to face with Arbok.

The cat jumped as if it had just had the fright of it’s life and let go of the box.

With an instant reaction James grabbed the box and began to march back towards Jesse.

"No fair!", Meowth cried, "Cheaters!"

With a smile Jesse stood, nodded and recalled Arbok to it’s Pokéball.

"Whatever!", Meowth shrugged, "I’m gonna have a cat nap".

"Now, where we’re we?", Jesse said as James returned and they wrapped their arms around each other.

"I think we were down there", James said as he looked to the ground with an inviting smile.

Two small trigger sounds were heard and interrupted Jesse and James.

"Ouch!", Jesse exclaimed and looked shocked when she saw that some sort of dart had hit her in the arm.

James looked down and saw that another dart, obviously meant for him, had narrowly missed him. He had felt it but it hadn’t actually hit him. They both looked at the dart, concerned, and James gently pulled the darts needle from Jesse’s arm.

Neither said anything as they both looked at it.

A rustling sound could be heard through the grass and bushes.

Obviously it was the sound of whoever had fired the darts making their getaway.

James didn’t move. He didn’t want to run after them in case this substance took effect in some way.

Jesse took hold of the dart.

"Is it...poison?", Meowth asked.

Neither of them had heard Meowth head back to them. He had seen what happened and had hurried back over to them.

"I don’t feel any different", Jesse said examining tiny dot on her arm where the dart had hit.

"We’re not too far from headquarters", James indicated, "Lets head back and get you checked out".

Silently Jesse nodded and they began to gather their belongings up.

End of part 1...


Anni :)

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