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Prepare For Trouble ~ Lessa

“Prepare for Trouble!”

author: Lessa

summary: Jessie, James, and a bag of marshmallows... Prepare for trouble!

rating: PG

date: May 30, 1999

disclaimer: No, Jessie, James, Meowth, and the rest of Pokeland don’t belong to me (even if I wish they did!) so dont get mad, sue, or anything along those lines. Just enjoy the fic.

feedback: Yes please! At

“Mmm, munch, gobble, gobble...” The man with teal colored hair and green eyes, who was currently sitting in front of a raging fire, hungrily ripped an object off the pointed wooden spear he was holding. He devoured it neatly and quickly.

“MMMmmeowth!” The fanged feline, sitting crosslegged next to the man, licked some sticky goo off his claws with little noises of pleasure.

“James, mmm, could you pass me the marshmallows?” Then there was Jessie. The slender red head who was sitting next to the man, James, was also licking her claws, er, fingers.

“Here. Making S’mores was such a good idea, Jess.” He answered, passing it over to her.

“Yes, I know.” She replied, absentmindedly reaching for it. She started to pull it towards her, but when she set it in her lap she realized that James had accompanied it. He laid for a moment, stunned, half in her lap and half in the fire. Suddenly he flew to his feet, waving his arms wildly.

“Aaugh!” He yelled, jumping up and down. The cat, a Pokemon named Meowth, batted out the fire and returned to his S’more. James sat down with a little exhale of relief. But the respite wasn’t to last long.

“What were you doing in my lap?” Jessie demanded, thwaking him over the head with a large hand-held fan.

“Ow! The pack of marshmallows were stuck to my hand!” He said, rubbing his head where she had hit him.

“Well then. Now that you’ve been properly extinguished, pass me my marshmallows.” Jessie said with a sniff. Suddenly James’ eyes widened considerably.

“Uh oh...” He said.

“Uh oh what?” She demanded, exasperated.

“Uh, the marshmallows... my hand... my hair...” He said apologetically. She looked up to where his hand was stuck, in his messy blue hair, with the tempting pack of marshmallows.

“Oh great.” She groaned, “How am I ever going to get my marshmallows now?” She thought for a moment, while Meowth looked on in amusement. He started chuckling slightly as he ate S’more after S’more.

“AND WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE MARSHMALLOWS FROM?” Jessie demanded, giving Meowth a thwack with the fan.

“Meowth!” He insisted. There was a flurry of claws, and bright red marks suddenly marred Jessie’s perfect face.

“I was smart, and got some out of the packet before James got it.” He sniffed, sitting back down protectively in front of his small pile of marshmallows.

“Honestly.” Jessie exclaimed. She grabbed James by the shoulder and hauled him to the ground.

“What are you doing?” He demanded, as Jessie held his shoulder with one hand and rummaged through a pack in her sleeping bag with the other.

“Looking for my scissors.” She said. He jumped up in alarm.

“My hair!” He wailed, as Jessie looked up triumphantly, brandishing a shiny pair of scissors.

“Oh don’t be a baby, James, I’ll spare your hair.” Jessie said, pulling him back. He looked at her suspiciously, but nodded and sat. Part of being a team was trusting one another implicitly, and if he and Jessie had learned only one thing in all the years they had spent together as Team Rocket it was trust.

“Here,” She said, pulling him gently onto her knees. He shut his eyes as she slid the scissors under the plastic of the marshmallow bag, relaxing his neck onto the warm support of her knees. He was just about ready to doze off when he heard,

“Done.” Her voice was low and melodic... the way it always sounded when they achieved one of their few victories, and James loved it when she sounded that way. He opened his eyes and realized it was a mistake immediately as he got an eyeful of his partner’s impressive upper body. He froze, eyes wide, a giant sweatdrop frozen in place at his left temple. She smiled down at him and pulled him into a sitting position, and there was no intended violence in the gesture, which made his heart race even faster. She tenderly propped her stunned partner against a tree and flashed him one last dazzling smile before ruining the whole image by saying,

“Now. My marshmallows.” He looked down at the completely intact package in her now somewhat sticky hands, and swallowed, willing himself to calm down. As he started to make himself a new S’more, he heard a quiet voice from Meowth’s direction say,

“You could’ve just taken off the glove...”

~*~Later on that night...~*~



“Goodnight Jessie.”

“Goodnight James.”

“Goodnight Meowth.”

“Goodnight James.”

Silence. Somewhere in the distance a Pidgeotto trilled. A fog rolled in over the small camping site.



“Do you ever wonder if the stars are just great, big, twinkling Pokemon?”

“Not at this time of night James.”

“Oh.” Time passed by, and Jessie felt her eyelids start to droop, and her breathing became more shallow. She was on just about to fall into a relaxing sleep when...

“Jessie?” she let out a small, feminine sigh.

“Yes James.”

“I cant sleep...”

“Neither can I because you keep talking!” She exclaimed. He cringed, expecting her to help him get to sleep the hard and painful way, but no mallet or fan mysteriously appeared.

“Sorry.” he said. He sounded so sad and repentant that Jessie decided to give him a break.

“Is something bothering you James?” She asked quietly, rolling onto her other side to face him. He was lying on his back in his sleeping bag, resting his head on hands.

“No, not really...” he mumbled. But she could tell as she looked into his bright teal eyes that there was.

“James, after all the time we’ve spent together you should know better than to try to fool me.” She told him, blowing an annoying strand of red hair out of her eyes. It was falling out of place, as it usually did during the night, but she would fix it up again tomorrow.

“Jessie...” He said hesitantly, not looking at her. She didn’t say anything, waiting for him to finish his sentence.

“Did you ever really think about what we left behind when we became Team Rocket?” It was a serious question, so she gave it a moments thought.

“Yes, when we first started. All in all I’d say we didn’t leave much behind. And I didn’t think you liked that Jessiebell witch, or your parents. What regrets could you possibly have now?” He finally turned to look at her, blowing that strand of blue hair that was constantly in his face out of his eyes. The movement mirrored her own of moments before, she realized.

“That’s who we left behind, not what, Jess. What we left behind was our chance to be normal Pokemon trainers. Our chance to be together as a normal couple.” He blushed a brilliant fuschia, suddenly realizing what he had just said. She let it slide, agreeing in her own mind that partner and couple were pretty much the same thing.

“Yes but we get much more excitement this way. And we are still Pokemon trainers, James... Are you forgetting Arbok and Weezing? Don’t worry about it. We get adventures, fun... And you get to spend all your quality time with me and Meowth!” She added cheerfully. He groaned and rolled over on to his other side. “Now get some sleep.” She scolded.

“Okay... thanks Jessie.” He mumbled quietly.

“For what?” She asked, also turning over onto her other side.

“For being there. And talking to me.” Moments later, James finally fell asleep... but Jessie was up for a long time after that.

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