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Prepare for Trouble: Part Two ~ Lessa

Prepare For Trouble Part 2:

Fearow Crossing

author: Lessa

summary: I’m not going to spoil this one... read it and find out!

rating: PG

date: June 1999

disclaimer: Okay, I have composed a Disclaimer Rap for your reading pleasure: I want to be the best, There ever was. Though Ash and co. don’t belong to me Writing is my cause: Meowth! Arbok! James! Gyrados! Jessie! Lickitung! Weezing! Growly! None of them belong to me, But I implore you, Just enjoy the fic, And please dont sue!

feedback: Go ahead, you know you want to! email:

author’s note: this song sort of gave me the idea for the fic, so I’ve included it here.


I will remember you, Will you remember me? Don’t let your life pass you by, Weep not for all the memories... -Sarah McLaughlin, “Remember Me”


James hummed as he finished making breakfast, which happened to be pancakes this morning. The sun was just rising, and it was his favorite time of day. Jessie was still asleep, and so was Meowth. It seemed like the entire world belonged to him in those few hours before the rest of Team Rocket woke up, and he enjoyed every minute of it. He flipped a pancake over, singing under his breath. “Gotta catch ‘em all, gotta catch ‘em all---” He stopped abruptly as Jessie stirred, sucking in his breath as he watched her roll over and pull the sleeping bag over her crimson head. She would slaughter him if he woke her up, so he had to be careful. But then James sighed as she shifted in the sleeping bag so that half her face was visible. She looked so peaceful when she slept, not to mention harmless. Her ruby colored lips were parted slightly, and a strand of hair had fallen over one of her almond shaped blue eyes, which were covered at the moment with cream colored lids and thick lashes. His mind went, as it did often, to something she had told him once: Beautiful things can be painful. That’s for sure. And his partner was both. Suddenly, the sharp scent of burning batter alerted him back to his pancakes, and he had no more time to reflect on Jessie as he concentrated on cooking breakfast for the two pickiest people he knew... well, Meowth wasn’t exactly a person, but it was an easy enough mistake considering that he walked on two feet and spoke english...

Jessie ignored the gentle tapping on her shoulder, determined to get some sleep. She felt a surge of satisfaction as the tapping stopped, but when it started again it seemed a lot more insistent, and painful. She screeched and jumped right out of the sleeping bag. She used an over-sized mallet to thwak James over the head, then yawned and plopped back down to the ground, fluffing her pillow beneath her.

“Owww... It wasn’t me, Jessie.” James moaned from his position on the ground a few feet away.

“Then who was it?” she demanded. “You get me up every morning.” It was true, and she felt secure in the knowledge of this ritual that they repeated every morning.

“Yeah I know,” He replied, rubbing the huge bump that was rising on his forehead, “But it wasn’t working, so Meowth volunteered. His claws seemed a tad more effective.” She jumped up again and there was a loud thump and a pained exclamation of “Meowth!” before Jessie sat down to eat breakfast, finally up for the morning. She eagerly sliced the pancake to bits before holding out an open palm to James. He quickly handed her the syrup, and she slathered her pancake bits in it. When she was finally satisfied that every piece had absorbed as much syrup as possible, she proceeded to gobble it down. James watched her curiously for a moment before plopping another pancake on Meowth’s plate. Once everyone was done eating, James put out the cooking fire and started packing up his cooking utensils.

“That was great James.” Jessie said. He beamed at one of her rare compliments, letting his gaze linger on her pajama clad form for a moment. She had on an oversized, button down white shirt with a giant “R” on it, and white boxer-type shorts with lots of tiny “R”s printed all over them. He had dressed earlier this morning, but it also took him a lot longer than it took Jessie. She gathered up her bag and disappeared behind a clump of large bushes and a tree, and he diverted his attention back to his packing. Meowth quickly rolled up his tiny sleeping bag and tossed it to James to pack up.

“So, what’ll we do today?” James asked, double checking to make sure he had everything.

“Try to catch that pikachu, of course.” Jessie answered, emerging from a the bushes in her complete Team Rocket uniform, her hair and makeup perfect once again. “Well then lets get going! You guys take years to pack up!” Meowth exclaimed impatiently.

~*~An hour or so later...~*~

“Finally!” Meowth exclaimed, as they started to walk away from the campsite.

“Well I couldn’t leave until I found my spare can of hairspray! What would happen if I lost the first six bottles? Then I wouldnt have a spare, and then---”

“I could finally breathe some fresh air.” Meowth muttered under his breath.

“WHAT?!” Jessie asked.

“Nothing.” he replied, whistling. Suddenly they heard laughing and happy exclamations of,

“Pikaa pika!”

“Quick! Get in the bushes! We can jump out, grab the pikachu, and run!” Jessie exclaimed.

“Right!” Meowth and James both chorused, jumping into the bushes. Ash, Brock, Misty, and Pikachu all wandered by, laughing their heads off. They were too distracted to notice Jessie and James until Jessie had snatched Pikachu and was sprinting back towards the forest.

“Hey! Its Team Rocket!” Misty exclaimed. James laughed and started to run in Jessie and Pikachu’s direction, calling,

“Prepare for trouble!” from deeper in the forest they heard a feminine voice reply,

“And make it double!”

“To protect the world from devastation!”

“To unite all people within our nation! Jess---” Suddenly she was cut off with a loud cry of,


“Jessie!” James yelled, alarmed. What Pokemon made a sound like “Arow”? Surely something rare and dangerous. He fell into a dead run, Meowth shortly behind him.

“Pikachu!” Ash called, nearly matching James’ pace.

“Ash!” Misty yelled, following him.

“Wait!” Brock called, following her and Ash. Minutes later all of them, sans Jessie and Pikachu, found themselves hopelessly lost in the forest.

“Great. Just great.” Misty muttered.

“Pikachu!” Ash cried again despairingly.

“Jessie!” James said in the same tone.

“He could be hurt!” Ash said dejectedly, pulling the brim of his hat down over his watering eyes.

“It’s Jessie I’m worried about...” James said, tugging at the corner of his gloves.

“I sure miss Pikachu...” Ash said, minutes later as they started walking in a random direction.

“I wonder if Jessie is okay?” James said sadly, playing with Weezing’s pokeball.

“Will you two shut up already?” Misty exploded, throwing her hands in the air. They were all silent for a moment, and in that brief minute they could hear loud, shallow breathing from somewhere nearby, and a weak,

“Pi... ka... pi...” They all looked around, and Ash started ducking around bushes, calling,

“Pikachu! Pika, where are you?” Suddenly he gasped, and the rest of the group was instantly at his side.

“What?” James asked. “Have you found them?” Ash scooped up something limp and yellow from the ground and cuddled it happily.

“Pikachu! Oh, I’m so glad you’re safe!” But then Misty looked down at the Pikachu, concerned, and said,

“He doesn’t look so good, Ash.” Ash stopped petting the weak Pikachu, and upon closer examination agreed.

“Don’t worry, I’ll fix him back to shape in no time.” Brock exclaimed, whipping out a can of Super Potion. Within moments Pikachu was resting happily in Ash’s arms, looking almost as well as he usually did.

“Look at that healthy yellow gleam.” Ash said proudly.


Meanwhile, James and Meowth had wandered all around the area Pikachu had been found in, calling Jessie’s name.

“It’s no use.” James said sadly.

“Look!” Meowth exclaimed suddenly, bounding over to the bushes. James followed and looked closely. There was something torn and white on one of them, and James recognized it immediately. He let out a strangled cry and gently pried it off, holding it close to him.

“Jessie’s jacket.” He said quietly. Then he spotted something else, below the bushes.

“No!” He exclaimed. He didn’t want to, but he made himself look... he kneeled down to look closer. It was a bone, with a shred of Jessie’s jacket on it..

“What happened?” Meowth asked, eyes wide.

“I don’t know... Hey, wait, I do! That cry we heard earlier... it must have been a Fearow! They were attacked, and only the Pikachu got away with its life...” James said slowly, his green eyes impossibly wide and watery.

“Poor Jessie. Team Rocket won’t be the same without her. We’ll have to tell Giovanni.” Meowth said finally.

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