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Prepare For Trouble ~ Lessa

Prepare For Trouble Part 3:

Marowak and The Hidden Cave


author: Lessa

summary: What’s Team Rocket without Jessie?

rating: PG

date: June 1999

disclaimer: No, they arent mine. You know who I’m talking about. feedback: Go ahead, you know you want to! email:


~*~ Two days after Jessie’s death~*~

James stared at the clean cut, well dressed reflection of himself in the mirror. His parents and Jessibelle would certainly be proud of the way he was looking today. He didn’t really care anymore. It was like his mind had gone numb when he had finally realized that Jessie had died. His partner, his best friend, his Jessie. She was gone. He hadn’t cried, or complained, or anything when Giovanni had sighed and said that he’d send out another partner. James had let Meowth handle the funeral arrangements. Only that one bone had been found, and James supposed that the other had been carried off by the Fearow. He couldn’t get that cry out of his mind, or the moment in which Jessie had left him forever. And now he was expected to deliver some type of speech at her funeral. He had prepared something, but it was flat, and he couldn’t seem to put his heart into it. He heard Meowth knock on the door and he opened it to let the cat Pokemon enter.

“James... are you ready?” Meowth asked. The little Pokemon was wearing a custom made black suit and coat, and he was shaking some water out of an umbrella.

“Everything is set up?” James asked. Meowth nodded and the two walked out into the light rain. As James approached the stone marker of Jessie’s grave... well, her body wasn’t there, but it was a memorial stone, with flowers and her picture on top. James walked by Ash, who was wearing a black jacket in honor of his defeated rival. Misty and Brock were similarly attired, and even Pikachu had a little black bow tie on. According to Pikachu Jessie had tried to save him (which made sense to the remaining members of Team Rocket, considering how much the little pikachu was worth) but he couldn’t say what she had been saving him from, because his eyes had been covered. Then he remembered pain, and passing out. Meowth hopped up on James’ shoulder, holding the umbrella over their heads.

“Look. What do you think?” Meowth asked. James looked, and something in him snapped. The memorial stone marker was an “R”, and there were pictures of Jessie, Meowth, and himself all over it. Pictures of the three of them posing, fighting, and just being.

“Meowth...” James mumbled, too choked up for words.

“I knew you’d appreciate it.” For the first time in days James felt something about Jessie’s death. She was really and truly gone. The first thing he felt was anger at her for leaving him, then a gut wrenching horror that swallowed him whole... he felt sick to his stomach, thinking about the Fearow, and Jessie... then there was a deep depression, and he could do nothing but look at each picture, and remember what he had lost.

“Its okay. I know you miss her.” He hadn’t been aware of Misty coming up behind him until she was there. She gave his shoulder a squeeze and said,

“I’ve lost close friends also. Each loss was devastating to me, ‘cause I didn’t have many friends when I was younger. But I got over it, and you can too.” He felt strangely comforted, even knowing that Misty was around seven years younger than him, because she really did seem to understand. Then he realized that Brock was on his other side, just standing there supportively.

“I also understand.” He finally said. His voice was quiet, but full of sympathy. “My mom died when I was little, and I was left all alone with a lot of siblings to support. But it will all turn out okay in the end, and you can get by it.” Brock was closer to his age, and his support made Jessie’s death seem that much easier for him to acknowledge, and deal with. He laughed hoarsely, thinking about how less than a week ago he had been cursing these “brats” and their “annoying pikachu”. He also realized that Pikachu and Meowth were pressed against his legs, silently supporting him while mumbling in pokemon to each other. The biggest surprise, though, was when Ash appeared where Misty had been.

“She saved Pikachu, and loved her Pokemon.” It was a terse and succinct statement, but it seemed enough. James crumpled up his empty speech and stuffed it in his pocket. Then the whole group walked back to the inn they had been staying in.


~*~The next morning at breakfast...~*~


James regarded his pancake sadly, thinking about that last breakfast with Jessie. She would have used all the syrup in the container in front of him. But James didn’t like syrup that much, so he didn’t bother putting any on until he had neatly sliced the pancake into four even squares, uncounsiosly reverting back to the training his parents and Jessiebelle had drilled into him. So when he finally reached up to get the syrup he was surprised to find it missing.

“Hmm?” James looked across the table to see Ash happily slathering his pancakes in syrup. When he was done he passed it to an impatient Misty, who put a drop of syrup on each of her pre-sliced pancake pieces. When Brock finally got it he let out a little “hmmph!” and poured the remains of the syrup into the corner of his plate, then proceeded to dip his pieces in. James stared at the empty container, then shrugged and ate the pancake plain. It didn’t really matter anymore.

“So, James, where do you go from here?” Brock asked conversationally.

“I’m not sure. Back to the forest, guess, to look for new Pokemon.” He answered noncommittally.

“What about Pikachu?” Ash asked suspiciously.

“I don’t really care anymore. It doesn’t really matter to the Boss... he just wants rare Pokemon.” James answered, giving up on his breakfast. Misty finished swallowing a large mouthful of pancake and said,

“I heard you’re getting a new partner.” James tried to think, remembering the boss telling him something about that.

“I guess.” He answered.

“Oh. Well, we gotta go. You’re welcome to join us, I guess, if you promise to leave Pikachu alone.” Ash said uncertainly. But James knew he was just being kind, and politely declined. Then he rose and said,

“Well, I guess I’ll see you guys around.”

“I guess.” Ash answered.

“Take care, James. You’ll get over it, and maybe your new partner will be a great new friend!” Misty told his retreating form. He just shrugged and walked out the door.


A while later James let Meowth lead him to the rendezvous point where they were supposed to meet his new partner.

“Okay, we’re s’posed to meet at a Pokecenter somewhere along this route..” Meowth indicated on the map he was holding. James nodded numbly and started walking towards the forest, thinking about where Pikachu and Jessie’s remains had been found.

“James,” Meowth said gently, “It’s in the opposite direction...” James looked longingly at the forest and said, “But we could take a short cut through the forest, couldn’t we?” James asked. Meowth looked at the map and realized that it would only take longer if they went through the forest.

“Of course we could James.” And so they went in.


They had trudged along in silence for a while before Meowth finally said,

“Could we talk?” James nodded.


“Why have you been so sullen these past few days? I thought you’d finally put Jessie’s death behind you at the funeral, and I even tolerated you befriending the brat pack, hoping they could get you back to normal. Heck, it even seemed to work for a while! But what’s wrong now?” James was silent for a moment, wondering whether to talk about his inner turmoil to Meowth.

“I don’t think I’ll ever be able to put her death behind me. I feel like there’s a gaping hole in me where Jessie used to be. When I was with her we functioned as two parts of the same whole, and losing her was like losing half of myself...” His voice was thick with emotion, and he suddenly found that he couldn’t speak anymore. He couldn’t give away how deeply he felt for Jessie to the cat Pokemon. He had kept it hidden for the longest time, and now it was one of his deepest secrets, something he couldn’t reveal to anyone, even Jessie herself... well not yet, any how. Heck, even if Jessie came back to life and stood here in front of him he wouldn’t be able to admit his true feelings. Suddenly something was standing in front of him, but certainly not Jessie.

“Arow!” It called. It threw something at his face and he dodged to the side. The flying object whirled around on a rebounded and he grabbed it. A bone!

“Aro! Maro arow wak!” The creature who had thrown the bone was now calling out some kind of a challenge.

“The bone wasn’t Jessie’s...” He said in dawning realization. And then he had no more time to ponder it any more, as another bone hit him and everything went black.

“James... James...” The soft voice in his ear could’ve belonged to an angel. He opened his eyes and what he saw was more beautiful than any angel could ever have been. It was Jessie.

“Jessie...” He murmured. He wanted to tell her so much more. I love you! He wanted to yell. He wanted to kiss her and hold her forever, and protect her from anything and everything, and he wanted to... go back to sleep. His head was pounding and he felt sick to his stomach. But he wouldn’t close his eyes, too busy drinking in the sight of his partner, no his love, that he had been so thirsty for these past few days.

“James, there is a tribe of Marowak roaming the woods. They got me ‘n Pikachu earlier, and they have been holding me hostage in this cave.” She said.

“But, but... we thought you were dead!” He said. Her eyes widened in sympathy and she lowered herself down on her side next to him, slipping one of her arms as support under his neck and head, and had her other arm loosely over his shoulder.

“I hope the party didn’t last too long.” She murmured. He struggled to keep his eyes open, but it was so comfortable in Jessie’s warm hold. Still he managed a feeble objection.

“No! Missed you lots, Jess...” He mumbled as he finally surrendered to sleep. She waited until she was sure he was asleep before finally saying,

“I missed you too...”


When James woke up again he felt much better. The first thing that entered his mind was his severe hunger and thirst. Then he remembered everything that had happened in the past few days... Jessie had died! Wait, no she hadn’t, because she was leaning over him right now.

“Jessie?” He asked.

“I’m here James. I’ll bet you’re hungry.” She said.

“Yeah. And thirsty.” He said.

“The Marowaks have a supply of food in the back of the cave, and some canteens of water. Stolen, I assume. I’m not sure why we’re here but there’s nothing I have been able to do to free myself... I don’t suppose you have Weezing with you by any chance?” He would have been content to listen to her for hours, even if she had been talking gibberish. As it was, she was telling him everything he needed to know.

“Yeah... I do have Weezing actually. And Arbok. I wasn’t sure what to do with him after I thought you’d died. He was kind of depressed for a while, and kept trying to eat me...” James offered, sitting up. He pulled back his jacket to reveal two Pokeballs at his waist.

“Arbok!” Jessie exclaimed, her blue eyes glittering. She grabbed the Pokeball quickly from his outstretched hand and gave it a firm hug against her generous chest. James couldn’t help but let his gaze linger on her form for a moment before staggering to his feet. He quickly caught sight of the food and scurried over.

“Hey Jessie!” He called as he hungrily gobbled down the first thing that came within his reach.

“Yes?” She asked, opening Arbok’s Pokeball. James flinched as the huge snake appeared. Delighted to see his mistress he let out an excited,

“Charbok!” And wrapped around her, finally laying his head on her shoulder.

“Oh Arbok! I’ve missed you so much!” Jessie exclaimed happily, squeezing Arbok around the waist.

“Charbok!” Arbok exclaimed again, tongue flicking in and out as he uncurled himself. When James was sure that Arbok and Jessie were calmed down he asked,

“How many Marowaks are there?” Jessie shook her head.

“Not sure, but I’ve seen a lot. I talked to one, my personal guard I think. He followed me around, and he’s disappeared at the moment. But I’m sure he’ll be back. He always comes back.” She wrinkled her nose in distaste before continuing, “He claims that the group of Marowaks are upset because of some incident Team Rocket had with some young Cubones, the Marowaks’ relatives and children I think.” Jessie said.

“Think we could fight our way out with Arbok and Weezing?” James asked, splashing his face with some water.

“No.” She said bluntly.

“Well then we’ll just have to talk with them.” James said firmly.

“I’ve tried that. If you think that you can succeed in something I couldn’t do then you’re sorely mistaken.” Jessie snapped.

“Well its worth a try.” James said happily. He was just glad to have Jessie back, and he resisted the urge to give her a great big hug as he walked by towards the cave’s opening.

“Hey Marowak!” He yelled.

“Maro aro!” One called, tottering over to James. It seemed very unsure of itself, and for some reason James thought that it seemed younger than the others he could see sitting just outside of the cave.

“Do you mind if my partner and I leave?” He asked politely. The Marowak looked confused and called out to the others sitting in a circle outside the cave. One particularly big and greyish one called back a biting retort, and the others seemed to laugh. The young one turned back to James and shrugged.

“Maro.” It said.

“Why not?” James demanded. It turned to the others again, and finally the big Marowak walked over to James.

“Maroooooo!” It howled.

“But we’ve never managed to catch anything of your type! I’ve never even seen a Cubone! All we have is Weezing... Arbok... Likitung... that’s about it. Oh, and Meowth. But he’s not really ours.” James said. The big guy looked skeptical. He pointed his bone at the “R” on James shirt.

“Mar wak?” It asked.

“Well yes, but we aren’t very good at it...” James answered sheepishly. Suddenly Arbok called out a thundering

“CHAAAAAAR!” He appeared in the entrance near James, and Jessie materialized next to him. She sauntered up to the big Marowak, whose eyes were as big as saucers, and said,

“Look, we haven’t done anything to your precious little Cubones. Arbok, James and I are now politely taking our leave. However, if you would like to find out what happened to your Cubones, there are these three kids and Pikachu who know waaay too much for their own good. Try bothering them.” The Cubone nodded and stepped back away from the cave. Jessie smiled, grabbed James’ arm, and yanked him back out onto the forest path.


~*~Later, after all of Team Rocket had been reunited...~*~


“So, what about that new partner?” Jessie asked casually.

“I’ll call Giovanni at the nearest phone we can find and tell him that you’ve been found.” Meowth told her as they set up camp (far from the Marowaks) for that night. After they had eaten a light dinner they all went their separate directions to change into their pjs for the night... well, except Meowth. He curled up into his sleeping bag right away, purring contentedly. As James came back to camp he smiled and watched Jessie delicately bashing Meowth over the head for getting cat fur on her sleeping bag. He took a moment to reflect on her beauty, and then to wonder if she’d kill him for telling her that. He resolved to tell her how he felt... tomorrow. Or maybe the next day. Well, he’d get around to it sometime. For now he would just go to sleep, resting easily in the knowledge that Jessie was at his side again, and wasn’t going anywhere.

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