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Return Journey ~ Anni

This is my sequel to "End of the road".

I recommend that "End of the road" first otherwise you won’t have a clue what is going on in this fic.

"Return Journey"

By Anni

The black boots slowly marched along the road as rain clouds began to creep in to darken the sunlight.

A shadow preceded the figure as he made his way towards his destination. These days a shadow seemed to precede him where ever he went. His world had been destroyed but this one day was his chance to pay tribute to the love that had long departed. His beloved Jesse.

James walked along this cursed road with his head bowed. In his gloved hands he held two perfect red roses bound together by two ribbons, one pink, the other purple.

As he looked at the roses he felt his eyes warm with tears. The tears began to slowly run down his face in steady lines as if they mirrored his own slow walking pace.

He slowly halted as he realised that he was in the right place.

This was it. The first time he had returned here since Jesse had been killed in the accident a year ago.Exactly one year ago today. James rubbed his eyes with one hand as it all came flooding back.

The happy flirting in the Jeep, the screeching of the brakes, the impact...and Jesse. One minute she had been sat happily next to him, the next she was on the ground bloodied, cut and suffocating from the blood building up in her lungs.

That terrible memory of Jesse had haunted James every night since theaccident. He simply couldn’t let go. A tear fell onto the roses he held as James took his first glance down the embankment that ran off down the side of the road.

James swallowed hard. A sense of fear began to rise within him as he stared down at the tree before him.

The trunk was still battered and scarred, only just starting to recover from where the Jeep had hit it head on.

Slowly James walked down to the tree and stood silently in front of it for several seconds as he paused to remember Jesse in happier times. His silent thoughts were disturbed when his watch beeped.

11:25. A year ago to the minute.

James knelt down on one knee and placed the roses at the foot of thetree. As he looked at the roses bound together he began to sob uncontrollably. The pink and purple ribbons binding the two roses symbolised Jesse and James’s love for one another.

Small drops of rain began to fall as the purple haired Rocket completely broke down. James had cried himself to sleep for months after Jesse died. People had told him that he would get over it in time but he hadn’t just lost Jesse, he had lost everything he ever loved. All of James’s hopes for the future had died that day with Jesse. He had been planning to propose to Jesse but had kept putting it off because he was waiting for the right moment. James still had the engagement ring he had bought for Jesse. He had kept it hidden with his comics so she wouldn’t find it.

The sobbing continued as he thought of how Jesse would have loved the ring. Pure gold with a red diamond in the middle. James had only been able to afford it by selling some of his more rarer comics, which had become extremely valuable, to collectors.

As the rain began to soak into his purple hair James continued his thoughts. His other dream had been that maybe, just maybe, he and Jesse might have had children one day.

"You would have made a wonderful...", James let his head drop into his hands as he cried out loud like a small child, "I want you back Jesse!".

His body trembled from the flurry of emotion as James tried to pull himself together. He knew Jesse would want him to be strong but the fact simply was that *she* was his strength.

James stood slowly, sniffed back his tears as best he could and took a small black object from his pocket. With a slight pressure from James’s fingers a small blade flicked out from the object.

In time, the roses he had left would wilt but this would remain so that anyone could see it.

James began to work on the tree trunk with the blade until he had carved an inscription into the bark...

"Jesse Musashi...

...always in my heart,

James Kojiro"

"I love you", James whispered as he gently touched Jesse’s name.

Slowly James turned and began to walk back up to the road. One year down but he’d be back next year and the next year forever. He would never forget.

Sorrowfully James turned his head for one last look at that dreaded place. A small glint took his notice. Someone else had left somethingtoo. A small gold charm sat glistening a little further around the tree trunk. James sighed and nodded slightly to himself. He knew it had been Meowth. The feline had been devastated by Jesse’s death but had rarely let anyone see how much it had affected him.

Again James began to make his way back to headquarters.

Another Rocket was waiting for him in the next town to drive him back, but back to what?.Back to an empty life? Back to a place where people always pretended to be nice so that they didn’t upset him? Back to nothing.

James rubbed his tears away as he slowly walked.

He looked at the bush where Pikachu had jumped out from and saw another tribute. Three separate bunches of flowers and a bottle of ketchup had been left. It was a sad sight but this whole road was a tragic site for James.

Looking back up from the road at his feet, James was confronted by the sight of a figure stood before him.

Moments of silence passed at the two stood staring at each other by the side of the road. Neither moved or said a word.

Ash’s eyes were cold as they stared at James.

James felt an emotion within him but for some reason he couldn’t identify it. Was it anger? Anger at the fact that this might not have happened had Ash been properly supervising his Pikachu?

Or was it sadness for Ash? Ash’s love for his Pikachu had been proven again and again yet his Pikachu had shared the same horrific fate as Jesse. James just didn’t know.

"Had to come here didn’t you!", Ash remarked harshly breaking the silence, "Couldn’t just let it be could you!".

James said nothing, he was still numb.

"On today of all days..." Ash exclaimed, "...Do you really think I wanted to see anyone from Team Rocket?!".

James was angered, what right did the brat have to say this?

"Jesse died here too!", James stormed, "I had to be here today!".

"She killed Pikachu!!", Ash shouted shaking his fist as James.

"You son of a...", James took a deep breath, "Your stupid rodent ran out in front of us!".

"You were driving too fast!", Ash stepped closer.

"Listen you little brat!", James spoke angrily as he too stepped closer, "I came here to pay tribute to Jesse, whom I loved, and don’t you dare interfere!".

"Interfere??", Ash shrieked furiously, "You're lucky I didn’t interfere a year ago, you’d have joined Jesse!".

James’s temper snapped and his fist impacted with Ash's cheekbone. Ash fell to the ground and James stood angrily in front of him but with a look of shock on his face at what he'd just done.

"Bulbasaur! Squirtle! Go!", Ash cried as he threw two Pokeballs forward.

"Bulbasaur!", cried the Pokemon.

"Squirtle!", cried the second Pokemon.

Instinctively James reached for his Pokeballs and called out, "Arbok! Wheezing! Go!".

With a flash the poison Pokemon and the beautiful Cobra appeared.



James had adopted Arbok after Jesse died. Arbok missed Jesse sorely but had fully accepted and trusted James as it’s new master. Following their masters orders the Pokemon began battling each otherfuriously. Ash leapt forward and pushed James to the ground.

The two rolled around in the wet road trying to punch or kick the other.

"Are you satisfied!?", Ash taunted, "Pikachu is dead because of you!!".

"And Jesse is dead because of you!", James snarled as he pushed Ash offof him.

"I hate Team Rocket! I hated Jesse! And I hate you!", Ash shouted as he kicked James in the side.

James stumbled back to his feet and pushed Ash back, "Just go away!".

"No!", Ash pushed back, "You would never leave us alone!".

Ash dashed forward and pushed James back again with all his strength. James stumbled backwards but both had been too distracted to see the oncoming van. Ash froze in horror as it’s wheels screeched along but the road was too wet for the breaks to have much effect.

James felt the blow as the van hit him at speed and the purple haired Rocket was thrown several yards along the road. Arbok and Wheezing ceased fighting and looked on in horror.

Ash rushed over to James as fast as he could. He truly hadn’t seen the van coming. James lay on his back with blood flowing from his nose and mouth. His body tingled, unable to move and a large puddle of blood was forming from the back of his head. He could feel the sensation of the broken bones in his legs, arms, ribs, and just about everything.

James wanted to cry out in pain but he was unable too.

He could see the blurred sight of Ash and the van driver standing over him but he could only hear muffled sounds. James knew what was inevitable. Only now in these last moments did he have hope.

Hope that maybe, just maybe, he might be with Jesse again. James clung to that thought as his mind became foggy and a small smile appeared on his face.

James let his eyes drift shut. He could swear he could hear Jesse’s voice calling softly to him.

"Jesse...", James whispered with the last of his strength,"...Jesse...".

The End...Please send feedback to...

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