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The End of the Road ~ Anni

I advise all of you to go get a big box of tissues for this one!

I’ve never written anything like this before so I hope it works.

"End of the road" by Anni

"You’re listening to the top ten albums chart", the radio presenter announced in a jazzy voice.

"Turn it off James!", Jesse moaned from the drivers seat of the black Jeep Cherokee they had been given for this mission.

James complied and pressed the off button on the stereo, "Let’s stop soon Jesse", James suggested from the passenger seat as he placed a gloved hand on Jesse’s shoulder.

"That’s not such a bad idea James", Jesse smiled at him, "And we can place the hotel bill on our expenses for this month".

Meowth sat in the back and closed his eyes with a grin. He wanted to giggle at the recent romance that had been sweetly blossoming between Jesse and James but he thought better of it.

James sat contentedly in the front of the Jeep next to Jesse with his hand now on her thigh.

The two of them were very happy these days. Jesse still had her trademark attitude but James had seemingly found a way to charm his way into her heart. It had been a long time coming but the two of them were finally together.

Meowth stared at the ring on Jesse’s finger.

James had given the ring to Jesse on her birthday the previous month. The feline Pokémon didn’t even want to begin to guess how much the ring had cost.

‘Maybe James is working his way up to an engagement ring’, Meowth thought to himself, ‘He’ll pop the question any day now’. The feline smiled. Jesse and James truly loved each other and Meowth knew they were perfect for each other.

For once things were going just fine...

With a terrifying screech of tires and a small bang the Jeep braked hard and skidded viciously...


The small yellow creature hit the ground and skidded to a violent halt on it’s side.

"Pikachu!", a young boy cried out as he ran into the road after his Pokémon. Misty and Brock followed and knelt behind Ash with numb expressions. Pikachu had been playing in the bushes when a bird had spooked it and caused it to run into the road.


Ash placed a hand on Pikachu’s side, not wanting to move it.

The impact had been hard and the small rodents face was stained with it’s own blood.

"Pi...ka...", it murmured faintly.

Brock placed a hand on Ash’s shoulder to comfort him and Misty wiped her eyes.

"Hang in there Pikachu!", Ash pleaded as his shaking hand still stroked Pikachu’s side.

"Ash, there’s nothing we can do", Brock whispered almost silently into Ash’s ear. Ash’s lip quivered as the inevitable unfolded.

Blood continued to run from Pikachu’s mouth caused by the tremendous impact of the vehicle.

The creatures eyes locked onto it’s beloved trainers eyes as Pikachu made one last gasp for breath and fell silent.

A faint whimper became a heartbroken wail as Ash knelt over his now silent Pikachu.


It was all too much for Togepi, the tiny egg Pokemon, who hid behind Misty making tiny sobbing sounds as it clung to her ankle. It was over...


"James? Jesse?", Meowth cried frantically.

In the chaos the Jeep had gone out of control, screeched off the road and into a tree at speed.

James lifted his head slightly and released his seat belt.

His body trembled with the adrenaline surge and he was shaking all over. He felt small sensations all over his body. Only when he looked down did he realise that the impact had shattered the windscreen and sent jagged pieces of broken glass into the Jeep.

Small stains of blood stained his white Team Rocket uniform and he felt cuts on his face too.

He turned to check on Jesse and gasped.

She lay leaning forward with her head against the steering wheel. James could see a vast amount of blood running down her face. Meowth looked completely stunned. He didn’t seem to badly hurt as he had been sitting in the back of the Jeep and had been sheltered from the glass.

James rushed out of the Jeep and round to Jesse’s side. He flung open the door and pressed the release button on her seat belt. James heard an extremely faint moan and a gasp for breath.

"Jesse!", he cried, "I’m here for you, you’ll be okay!".

He gently took hold of Jesse and lifted her from the car. As he laid her down gently on the grass he saw a nightmare. Two large terrible looking pieces of glass were imbedded in her, one stabbed into her chest, the other had gashed horribly into her stomach. Blood trickled freely from her nose, a sign of a head injury. James looked into Jesse’s eyes.

She was conscious but barely.

Meowth looked pleadingly at James from behind the Jeep.

James knew what Meowth was asking. His eyes filled with tears of sorrow and he shook his head a little in response. Meowth looked devastated and slowly walked up to where Jesse lay bleeding.

James took hold of Jesse’s hand with both of his as she looked sorrowfully up at him. Jesse tried to speak but she could only cough from the bleeding inside of her.

James put a finger gently on her lips, "Sshh", he whispered, it would all be over soon.

Jesse’s breathing grew more difficult and she fought hard for every single breath of air until the blood building up in her lungs would allow no more. Jesse shivered all over as she fought for the final breath she so desperately wanted.

Jesse and James both knew that this was their final moment together. James lowered his face to hers and the two shared their final kiss. Moments that felt like forever passed as the once energy filled life drifted from Jesse. James slowly pulled away from Jesse and gently brushed a hand over her face to close her eyes.

Meowth was numb and unable to move.

After a few seconds of silence a heartbroken scream escaped James as he cried out his loves name to the sky above him. Tears of unimaginable pain rained from James’ eyes and onto the bloodied and now still form of Jesse.

James gently kissed her hand that he still held tightly and lay it back down beside her as he gently placed a rose on her chest. It was all over...


A long road under a now gray and mournful sky.

Two forms stood in the centre facing each other.

One held the limp form of his most beloved Pokemon, his best friend.

The other carried the still body of his soul mate, his true love, his world.

Both passed each other silently and slowly along the white lines of the road heading in opposite directions.

Their souls were now missing a vital part that nothing in this world could ever replace. Their tears would flow for many years but the sorrow and heartache would never leave them.

Jesse and Pikachu were now at peace, James and Ash were in a purgatory of pain.

Maybe in some strange way Jesse and Pikachu had been the lucky ones.

The end.


Anni :)

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