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Lost Dimensions #2: Super James ~ Articuno

Wow!! That took less time then I thought! I usually drag when writing a fanfic. Well, this isn't very long, but I personally like it, and I hope you do as well. Warning, this fanfic is just plain weird. But then again, a lot of them are.

Disclaimer: Frogwoman wrote the original Alternate dimensions, I don't own Team Rocket, wish I did, but hey, I'd never be that original. Don't own any pokémon, don't own anything related to Japanese anime.

Lost Dimensions #2-Super James

By Articuno

A blue-headed man walks slowly through the park on a chilly September afternoon. He passed a younger girl with red hair, but ignored her. But she didn't ignore him. She stepped out in front of him, almost tripping our hero, James. He stumbled but kept his balanced.

"Hey! What'd you do that for Jesse?"

"Oh, I dunno, I just felt like it, Mop-head."

"Errr...I never did anything to you, why are you always so mean to me?"

"Maybe it's're a Mop-head." James just walked off in disgust.

"Help! Help!" a voice cried out. James ran over to see what it was. A young man had stolen a young woman's purse. James ran off and pulled out a red rose.

He took a deep breath and called out, "Kojiro crossdress powers!!!!!"

Heroic music played behind him, and he began transforming into Sailor Kojiro. He donned a long skirt and top, and white gloves with gold circles. Then he got red boots and his hair got small roses in it. Then he struck a pose. He looked exactly the same, except for the different clothes, and yet, nobody recognized him. He ran back to the place where the lady was being drained, but it had taken him too long to change. The young man was gone. Sailor Kojiro muttered to himself, then went back to change back into mild-mannered James Rochester. He looked at his watch.

"AHH! I'm late for the Sailor meeting!" He ran off as fast as he could towards the meeting place.

Gary was pacing around. "Where is that good for nothing James?"

"Be quiet." said Joy. "He is our leader, and we have to respect him."

"Yeah, come on Gary, we'll give him five more minutes." declared Jenny.

The fourth member said nothing. James ran up all of a sudden, breathless. "Hey guys, sorry I'm late." Everyone yelled at him for a while, then Meowth said,

"Come on you guys, get a hold of yourself. I feel something that's either the Negaverse, or my constant paranoia. You should change into your sailor outfits. "Right." James pulled out his rose. The others put on their magic nail-polish.

"Kojiro crossdress powers!"

"Shigeru power!"

"Joyful power!"

"Junsar power!"

"Pika pika CHU!" Translation: Pika power.

They all transformed. Meowth thought about it for a while, then made them split up.

"Why did you make us transform now though?" asked James.

"Because it takes to long. By the time you all are dressed right, the criminal would have already gotten away!"

"Oh, right."

They all went to different sections of the city.

"Now, Pikachu remember, the other scouts can't understand you, so don't report to them, report to me."

"Pika." meaning, I'll remember this time.

James sat on top of a high building. He was jumping down in front of people, mindful of his skirt of course, and scaring them, then saying it was Sailor business and running off. He did it again, then giggled to himself. His little communicator went of. He pulled the rose out, and talked to Sailor Shigeru.

"Are you just jumping off of buildings again?" He hoped that James'd jump off sometime and hurt himself really badly, but it never happened. No matter whether or not he landed on his feet, he was always okay. He usually landed on his head, actually, but it never hurt him. But if someone was around, like the scouts, he'd whine and whine about it.


"Yes you are! Now hurry, I think there's trouble around where I'm at."

"Be there in a flash." James jumped of the side of the building, landed on his head, declared it Sailor business, and ran off towards Gary. When he got there, the others were just standing around. Sailor Shigeru stepped out.

"Sorry. False alarm." he laughed. Meowth let them go home, and James trudged back to his house with Meowth bothering him about jumping off of buildings.

"You're going to end up hurting yourself, James."

"No I won't! And even if I did, I'd be all better in a couple seconds!" Meowth sweatdropped, and finally had to agree with him.

"MOM!!!! I'M BACK FROM!!!!!!"

"Okay dearest! You can have a snack if you'd like! There are cookies and some milk on the table!"

"Hmm, asking if James wants food is like asking if Pikachus are yellow!" Meowth laughed. James hit him.

"I'm a growing boy!"

"You're a seventeen-year-old-boy who's still in the 10th grade, and still living with his mother."

"So? I love mummy."

"What about the tenth grade?"

"Now that I don't love."

"That's obvious. You can tell by your study habits."

"I have to go and save the world all day, and then come home to a cranky cat! Why do I have to go to school if I'm a super......mmmhhmmh!!" Meowth shut him up.

"Do you want your mother to hear you?"

"I don't care."

"Do you want your mother to know about your obsession with crossdressing and roses?"

"No sir."

"Then be good."

"Yes sir." James ate all the cookies, yawned, and declared it time for bed.

"Meowth! What about your test tomorrow?" "I can study in homeroom. After all, it's HOME work, right? So therefore, I can do it in HOME room."

Chapter 2

Scary music plays as we see a dark place with a orange-haired lady circling her hands around a crystal ball of some sort. There didn't appear to be a reason for her hands to be circling as such, but nobody questioned it, as they valued their lives.

"Toddite! What news have you?"

"Well, Queen Yamato, I've taken over a small all you can eat buffet. It appears that Sailor Kojiro has a thing for food. We hope to trap him and, steal his energy."

"I'm sooooo impressed. Yeah, like this is actually gonna work." She turned to her loyal subjects.

"Remember, we all believe in love power."

"Because we love power." they chanted. Toddite disappeared. We now go to a happier place.James is on his way home from schools, his favorite time of the day. He goes along singing.

"Dah, you're my best friend...hmm hmm hmm hm hmm hm hmmmm....doo doo doo..." he sings. "Oh wait! I forgot! I don't sing that song anymore. He is the one name Sailor Kojiro. Doo doo doo doo..." he continues to hum and sing. He turns into his house, and spies Meowth bathing in his pool.

"La la la laaaaaa!!!! Di do dooby, dooby, dooby do wah... La la laaa laaaa!!! Dooby dooby doo doo! La la la la!!!" James burst out laughing at Meowth's singing. He walks inside and locks Meowth out in the process. Meowth finishes his bath and walks inside, and bumps into the door. Knob won't turn.

"Hey!!!! Meowth! Let Meowth in!" He bangs on the door. James ignores him and flips on the TV. A commercial comes on for a new restaurant.

".............And a free all-you can eat buffet today only!" James was out of there like greased lighting. He raced down the sidewalk towards this new restaurant. Meowth ran after him, as he though it might be important.

"This is why you were running?" asked Meowth when he saw the restaurant. James was already inside and lining up to the buffet. A small woman was waiting on people, and James was already filling his plate. He sat down and ate everything on the plate and went up for more. He had several platefuls before he even considered dessert. Then he had two more, and then he had three chocolate cakes, five brownies, and two slices of cherry pie before he was finished. Then he sat back and sighed. Meowth was sitting next to him.

"What about Meowth?"

"There's plenty more up there!"

"No there's not! You ate everything! It's all gone!"

"But not forgotten!" Meowth sweatdropped.


Dramatic music swells as we see Toddite watching a tv screen, watching people eat. "I wonder........what about....that one? He seems hungry, to put it mildly. Let's keep watching that boy, and we'll just see."

"Right, Toddite." said a deformed figure. She changed quickly, and she now looked like a waitress. Toddite disappeared.

"James, we have to go!"

"Just one more dessert!"

"No! Come now! I feel that there's something wrong here."

"Not fair." James cried big Anime tears. Meowth had a small mushroom sigh. Meowth figured that he may as well leave him there, while he went and investigated.

"Fine, James have it your way. I'm gonna go and make sure that everything is okay here. Got it?" James mumbled something and happily got back to his cake. Meowth went back to the kitchen to look around, being nosey as he was. There was a woman being drained of energy back there by the waitress.

"Meowth!" She turned when she heard him cry out. Meowth went running back out to James.

"James! Transform!" He yelled it incredibly loud, and yet nobody heard him. James swallowed, then yelled, "Kojiro crossdress powers!" The transformation went on, and finally James was dressed. He ran back to the kitchen, and attacked the evil waitress. She transformed, and they began fighting. She blasted chocolate treats around, and James was easily distracted.

"Shigeru arrogance...........annoy!" All these voices surrounded the evil waitress. "You're a loser!!" or, "You stink!" and the like.

"No! My ego powers are failing!"

"Junsar justice.......prevail!" All the things that the evil waitress deserved surrounded her in images. She screamed in horror. Then she regained her strength. She came back and hit Sailor Shigeru with her evil powers. "Auugh!!"

"Joyful caring........heal!" Shigeru was hit with little hearts. They always sickened him, but they made him feel better.

"Piiiiiikkkaaaaacchuu!!!" meaning, Pika electricity..........electrocute!" The evil waitress was hit badly with Pikachu's awesome shocks.

"Sailor Kojiro! Your turn!" James was crying because the images were just that, and he couldn't eat them.

"JAMES!!" The evil waitress hit them all with a huge blast, knocking them all down. Sailor Joyful was knocked out, so she couldn't heal them. James was down as well.

"Say goodbye, Sailor Kojiro." She raised her arm to liquefy him, and then a small fan flew down and cut her arm. "What the......?"

"Er....Tuxedo Flame?"

"That's right, Sailor Kojiro. Remember this, only you can prevent forest, wrong can rot your teeth, and your heart! That's a good one! And your heart, like that evil woman! it, Sailor Kojiro!" yelled the beautiful red-haired hero. She wore a tuxedo, which was very flattering to her figure, and a really cool cape. She had a cool top hat, and a mask.

"Not so fast, you old bat!" yelled the evil waitress. A vein appeared on Tuxedo Flame's head.

"What....did you.....just call me???!!?!!?!?!??!?!?!?!?" Flames came out of her mouth, validating her name, and she then knocked the evil waitress into the wall with her trusty mallet/cane. "Now dust her."

"Okay, okay!" He pulled a single rose from his hair.

"Kojiro......rose......magic!" It hit the villain, and then negaverse power was destroyed. She was now just a young shopkeeper again.

"Thanks, Tuxedo Flame."

"Just doing my job! Old bat, my foot." she disappeared into thin air.

"I gotta learn how to do that!" He aroused the other scouts.

"While you guys were napping, I was saving the day. As usual." Sailor Shigeru started to use his arrogance powers, but Junsar kept him still. They untransformed, and went home.

Meanwhile, in the Negaverse.........

"All my generals, appear before me!" called Queen Cassidy. Four people came forward. Toddite, Brocflyte, Ashicite, and Mistcite.

"Well, Toddite?"

"Well, we failed again. But we have a new plan!"

"I tire of these new plans. Brocflyte, take a note. If Toddite fails once more, he is gone. And you will be in charge. Understood?"

"Yes, Queen Cassidy."


Well, what'd ya think? Short, I know, but this was just a taste. If people like this, I may write more, just for fun. Comments are welcome, all flames will be extinguished by my Blastoise's Hydro Pump! High-pressure water!!! Mmmmmwaaahaahaaa!!!! Sorry. I'll be good.

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