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The Trainer ~ SilveRocket

The Trainer _____________________________________________________________

The voice rang out across the field.

"Aha! A new Pokemon! Well, I'd better capture it!" The young trainer stood tall, shook one long ear out of his face, and reached a paw down to the belt slung around his waist. He selected a round object, half green and half white with a gold button on the front. Slinging it into the grass where the wild Pokemon cowered, the trainer shouted, "Junsa, I choose you!" A slender Pokemon with long blue fur covering its head materialized on the ground. It glanced back at its trainer, awaiting orders. He gave them.

"Junsa, suspicion attack!"

The Pokemon nodded and pointed at its opponent, jabbering in its odd language.

"Jun jun junsa sajunsa!

The creature let out a screech and ducked behind a bush. The trainer smiled, almost able to feel its attack dropping.

"Scratch it, Junsa!"

The Junsa obliged, sending its nails skittering across the other creature's face. This finally got a decent reaction as the other Pokemon's eyes blazed blue flame. It whipped its mane of red fur behind it and attacked Junsa with a mallet, then a fan, screaming in anger.


Junsa reacted quickly, pulling out a pair of handcuffs and slapping them on the creature, who fell to the ground, hissing in helpless fury.


"All right! Pokeball go!" The creature bared its teeth and hissed in defiance as the ball landed next to it. The next instant, it had been absorbed into the Pokeball. The trainer scooped up his prize, clipping it to his belt. Smoothing his stripy yellow and black fur, he recalled Junsa and scampered off towards the stream nearby to visit his best friend. This Pokemon was really powerful! Just as good as his Satoshi... He couldn't wait to show Tosakinto! Even her Kasumi would have trouble beating this, sarcasm attack or no sarcasm attack. Besides, the attack was strong against his Satoshi, always making it trip. Pikachu darted away, eager for battle...

He missed the pair of emerald eyes that gazed after the ball on his belt, and the unhappy cry that rose from the grass as the newly caught Pokemon was spirited away.


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