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Team Rocket Blasts off to America Parts One through Four ~ Haunter

Team Rocket Blast Off to America: Part1-A Not So Great Plan

Episode starts: Our four heros are lost walking down a dirt road heading for the next city. Scene shifts to Team Rocket. They are lying on a ledge overlooking the road watching the four friends through binoculars. Meowth sets his down and turns to his fellow Rocket members.

Meowth:" So tell me, what makes you think this plan is going to work this time?" Jessie and James each set their binoculars down and turn to face him.

Jessie:" Because this time we took every precaution possible."

James:" That's right, not even a Raichu could escape this trap."

Meowth:" If you say so." Jessie picks her binocs back up and turns back to take one final glance at their four unsuspecting victims to make sure the four heros are still heading for the trap.

Jessie:"Come on you two. Their almost at it.

The scene then shifts to that of the four friends. Brock is looking at the map trying to figure out were they are while Ash and Misty are having a heated debate over which route they should have taken.

Misty:" I still say we should have taken the underground tunnel."

Ash:" No way. This way is the quickest rout to the next city. Also, going this way I have a better chance o catching some wild pokémon.

Their argument is interrupted by the sound of machinery.

Ash:" Do you guys hear something?"

Brock:" It sounds like some kind of machine." Misty:" It wasn't there a minute ago."

Pikachu:"Pika?" Suddenly the ground gives way beneath them.



They fall into what appears to be a pit, but with a rubber bottom.

All:"OOOFFF!" What appear to be rubber bars rise up and a roof appears over their heads. Ash gets up and looks around.

Ash:"What's going on?" The cage slowly starts to rise and as it does, the feet of Team Rocket can be seen standing next to the cage.

Jessie:"Prepare for trouble!"

James:"And make it double!"

Jessie:"To protect the world from devastation!"

James:"To unite all people's within our nation!"

Ash:"I should have known."

Jessie:"Quiet! Not during the motto! To Denounce the evils of truth and love!"

James:"To extend our reach to the stars above!"



Jessie:"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!"

James:"Surrender now, or prepare to fight!"

Meowth:"Meowth, that's right!"

Jessie and James turn to the foursome and grin. Jessie:"How do you like our humble little trap?"

James:"We designed it all by ourselves. We call it 'The Pikachu Pokétrap."

Misty turns to and whispers:"No wonder we haven't seen them around lately."

Jessie and James run up to the bars with an enraged look on their face.

Jessie:" We heard that!"

James:"Like you could have come up with something better in less time."

Ash turns to his friends and whispers: Don't worry guys, I have a plan."

Ash places his hand across his chin and studies the cage.

Ash:"Well, now that you mention it, as a matter of fact I could come up with something better." Jessie and James fall to the ground with their legs in the air. Ash continues to admire the cage, while Pikachu, Brock, and Misty just give him a look of confusion. Ash turns to the bars closest the Rockets.

Ash:" The overall design isn't too bad, but it's just to easy to get out of."

Jessie and James quickly rise to their feet and run up and grab the bars next to Ash.

Jessie:" How is it easy to escape?" Ash points to the rubber bars.

Ash:"Well, the rubber bars was a good idea. It prevents Pikachu here from using his thunder shock."

Pikachu face the floor and lets out a mournful:"Pika." Ash looks at him and gives him a quick wink to reassure him.

Ash:" But, the rubber is easily removed by my Charmeleon." Jessie and James turn and look each other in the eyes with a grin on their faces and start to laugh.

James:"Heh heh heh. He thinks we didn't think of that."

Jessie:" What a fool! We were counting on that and rigged the bottom of the cage with a heat-sensitive bomb."

Meowth rubs his paws together while he thinks about what will happen when it blows.

Meowth: That's right and if the cage's temperature should raise five degrees..." James shakes his head as a show of mock sympathy.

James:" Then we won't be getting the Pikachu." Jessie looks to the foursome with a wicked grin on her face and points to Ash.

Jessie:" But at least we'll finally be rid of you troublesome brats." Team Rocket continues to laugh at the heros predicament. Ash gulps and takes a step back as he hears the news. Misty turns to Ash.

Misty:" Now what mister I have a plan?" Ash, with a worried look on his face looks around for a source of inspiration.

Ash:"Um.. I.." His glance moves to the floor were the bars meat. and suddenly it hits him.

Ash:" The bombs attached to the rubber on the bottom of the cage right?" The Rockets immediately stop laughing and look at each other with a look of bewilderment. They turn towards Ash, their expressions changed to one of suspicion.

James:" Yea, so?"

Jessie:"What's it to you?"

Ash smiles:" That's what I thought." He pulls out one of his pokéballs and throws it.

Ash:"Charmeleon, go!!" Charmeleon appears.

He takes a quick look around then says in a deep growl:"Char." Ash turns to Charmeleon, points to a spot were the electronic lock is.

Ash:"Charmealian, burn the rubber at that spot!" The Rockets and Ash's friends all look at him in disbelief.


Misty:"Are you crazy?"

Brock:"Didn't you hear what they said?" Ash just smiles.

Ash:"Trust me." The Rockets turn and face each other.

Meowth:"Are they crazy?" James puts his arm behind his head.

James:"Maybe all those times of us trying to steal his Pikachu have driven him to insanity."

Jessie:"Well I don't know about you two..." She turns in the direction of their previous hiding place.

Jessie:"but I don't intend to stay around to find out." She takes off running. Meowth and James look at each other puzzled by their fellow Rocket's actions.

Both:"Huh?" They turn to where the bomb is. They suddenly realize the cause of Jessie's actions.

Both:" YYYYAAAAAA!!!!!" They both take off at a full sprint following Jessie.

James:"Hey, Jessie, wait for us!"

Meowth:"Yea, we're a team remember?" Ash starts to laugh aloud. Misty looks at him with eyes that could kill.

Misty:"Just what's so funny?"

Brock:"Yea, you're going to get us all killed!"

Ash:"Don't worry guys." He points to the floor. Ash:"The rubber is what's saving us."

Misty:"What?" Brock looks down where Ash is pointing and suddenly realizes it .

Brock:"Oh I see now." Misty turns to Brock with a bewildered look onher face.

Misty:"What? See What?" Brock points to the floor.

Brock:" The rubber on the floor acts as an insulator."

Misty:"Yea, so?"

Brock:"So, rubber doesn't conduct heat very good as well as electricity."

Misty:"Oh I get it now."

Ash:"Enough with the science lesson. I'm getting out of here. Charmeleon, flame thrower!"

Charmeleon:"Charrrr!" He opens his mouth and a blaze of fire comes out and melts the rubber off the part of the roof with the controls.

Ash:"Charmeleon, stop." Charmeleon immediately shuts his mouth, turns towards Ash and smiles. Ash grabs the pokéball that Charmeleon came from.

Ash:"Charmeleon, return!" Charmeleon is zapped back into the ball with a beam of light. Ash turns towards Pikachu.

Ash:"Pikachu, its your turn." Pikachu smiles.

Pikachu:"Pika!" He turns in the direction of the controls.

Pikachu:"Piiiiiiikkkkkkaaaaaaaaa......Cccchhhhhhhuuuuuuuu!"A large thunderbolt appears from Pikachu to the controls. He stops shortly after starting, his job done. A brief sizzle is heard, followed by the roof opening. Ash turns to Pikachu.

Ash:" Aright! Great job Pikachu." Pikachu's smile grows even wider.

Pikachu:"Pikachu." The foursome start to climb out. The scene shifts to that of Team Rocket. They are back on their ledge watching as the heros escape.


Team Rocket Blast off to America : Part 2-Backfire


(continued from the last sentence on the first part.)


Jessie sets her binocs down and turns to James.

Jessie:"I don't get it? Why didn't the bomb go off?" Meowth sets his down and turns to her.

Meowth:"I told you guys this plan wouldn't work. But do you guys ever listen to me? Noo.." Jessie and James both immediately clonk him on the head.


James:"As I recall, it was your idea to put a bomb on the cage." Jessie stands up, puts her hands on her hips and looks down at Meowth.

Jessie:"And as I remember, it was your job to set it." Meowth stands up and looks directly at his two team mates.

Meowth:" Are you saying I'm incompetent?" Jessie just smiles, closes her eyes and turns her head to face the right.

Jessie:"Hurmp. The little furball can actually take a hint." Meowth jumps up and scratches Jessie across the face.

Meowth:" You're calling me incompetent? This coming from someone so incompetent that they couldn't even catch a cold, let alone a Pikachu." Jessie pulls out a mirror and looks at her face. A look of horror appears on her face immediately followed by one of rage. Fire starts spewing from her eyes.

Jessie:" Don't ever, ever touch my beautiful face!" Meowth looks around for any route or hope of escape.

Meowth:"I...I...Um..." Jessie lunges at him.


Meowth:"Yyyyeeeeaaaa!!!!" They immediately start fighting in a cloud of dust, with fists and feet flying all over.

Each shouting out in turn:"Take this!...And that!...And one of these too!" James finally puts down his binoculars, stands up, and turns to the fighting twosome.

James:" You know, now that they've gotten away again, we can go and investigate to see why the bomb didn't go off." The two stop fighting and turn to look at James with surprise.

Jessie:" That's a great idea."

Meowth:"Yea, since when have you been able to come up with ideas on your own?" James looks at Meowth with an enraged expression on his face.

James:" I've always been smart, you flea-brained twit! It's just I've been letting you guys try your ideas first."

Meowth:"And why's that?" James just smiles and turns away.

James:" Because I always save the best for last." Meowth breaks out laughing.

Meowth:" Yea, the best of the worst." James starts to head towards Meowth.

James:"Why you litttle...." Jessie steps between James and Meowth holding her arms out between the two.

Jessie:" Can it you two. Right now we have more important matters to attend to. Come on, lets go."

She starts to head down to the cage dragging a reluctant James with her. James turns his head to look back at Meowth who gives him a quick raz.

James:"Oooo, Sometimes I can't stand him."

Jessie:" Well, just deal with it. We have work to do.

The scene changes to that of the cage. The Rockets are seen busy trying to pull the cage onto its side to inspect the bomb. Meowth is standing a few feet behind them.

Meowth:" Pull! Pull! Come on, put some muscle into it!" The cage is tilted on one of its corners, ready to fall one way or the other. Jessie stops pulling against it and turns around to face Meowth.

Jessie:" You know, this might go a little faster if you were to shut your trap and help us." James is struggling with the cage, which is slowly leaning back towards its original position, trying to keep it from moving any further.

James:" Uuuh.... Jessie." Jessie turns her head towards James.

Jessie:"Quiet James." She turns back to Meowth who just looks at her and shrugs.

Meowth:" I am helping." James' struggle is getting worse and it appears he may lose the battle. It moves back just a tad, causing James to get on his tip toes to keep hold of it.

James:" Uuuh Jessie?" Jessie just closes he eyes and balls her hands into fist.

Jessie:" Quiet!" She opens her eyes, places her fists on her hips and looks down at Meowth.

Jessie:" And just how are you helping us?" Meowth crosses his arms and looks directly at her.

Meowth:"I'm supervising." Jessie shakes a fist at him and takes a step towards him.

Jessie:" Supervising? I'll supervise..." James, his eyes in tears releases his grip on the cage.

James:"I can't take it any more!" The cage falls back onto its base, back into the pit and lands with a soft but frightening ping. Jessie's, James', and Meowth's eyes all widen and pupils shrink upon hearing that dreaded sound. The bomb goes off sending Team Rocket flying into the air.


Team Rocket Blast Off to America: Part3:The Request.


The scene shifts to Ash and his companions, quietly walking down the road. Suddenly Ash stops and turns around.

Ash:"Now what?" Brock turns around and points toward a fast moving object in the sky. The others turn and look where he's pointing.

Brock:" Is it a bird?"

Misty:" Is it a plane?"

Pikachu:"Pika pika?"

Ash:" Nope, it's..." Team Rocket goes flying by over head. Jessie and

James:" Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again." They continue to soar through the air until thy reach a small forest where they land with a crash that can be heard for miles around. Ash turns to look at Misty and Brock.

Ash:" Looks like they really did have a bomb after all." Misty and Brock simply nod in a silent agreement. The four heros turn around and continue on their journey. The scene shifts to the Rockets. The three of them are lying in a heap of leaves and bushes.

James:" Lucky for us these bushes were her to brake our fall.(groans)"

Meowth.:" Well Team Rocket scientist, got any more bright ideas?"

Jessie:" As a matter of fact, I do." She sits up and looks at her fellow Rockets. Jessie:" But first, we've got to call the boss. Come on."

The scene changes to that of the Boss, but the room is dark and his features cannot be clearly seen. The Boss is looking at a map of the island.

Boss:"Mmmmm. My operation seems to be going as planned." His gaze moves over to a side that has a bunch of red X's on it. Boss:" Save for the areas those dim-witted teenagers have been. It seems like every where they go, they tend to ruin all my work in that area." The Boss' Persian walks up to him and starts rubbing itself against his leg.

Persian:"Purrrsian?" The Boss looks down and smiles at it.

Boss:" You always seem to know when I need cheering up don't you?" He picks his pet up, walks to a chair at a table with documents and a phone on it. He no sooner starts to pet the Persian, when the phone rings. He leans over and picks it up.

Boss:" Yes?"

Phone:"Collect call from:(disguised voice) anomanous. Do you accept the charges?" The Boss considers it.

Boss:"(Thinking to himself but we can hear) It could be one of my operatives waiting for their next assignment." He finally comes to a decision.

Boss: I" Accept."

Phone:"Please hold." A catchy tune is played while the Boss waits for the connection. Shortly, the caller's voice can be heard.

Caller:"Prepare for trouble.." The Boss stands up in surprise, knocking the Pursian out of his lap in the process.

Boss:"WHAT?" The scene shifts to Jessie, James, and Math. all stuffed in a phone booth.

James:" And make it double!"

Jessie:"To protect the world from devastation!"

James:"To unite all peoples within our nation!"

Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love!"

James:" To extend our reach to the stars above!"


James:" James!"

Jessie:" Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!"

James:"Surrender now or prepare to fight!"

Meowth.:" Get the pone out of my eye!" J

ames:" Well get your foot out of my ear!"

The scene shifts back to the Boss.

Boss:" How did you get this number?" The screen splits. Jessie and friends in the top left, and the Boss in the lower right.

Jessie:" We called HQ and asked for it."

The Boss thinks to himself:"Someone is going to pay dearly for this." Boss:"What do you want?"

Jessie gives the Boss her best smile and most cheerful voice. Jesse:" We were just wandering..."

James:" Could we get a transfer to another country?" Boss:" WHAT?"

Jessie hits James upside the head.

Jessie:" Fool. I told you to let me do the talking."

The Boss looks at them and says in an enraged voice. Boss:" You want me to transfer you, after all you've done to another country? Do you take me to..."

Suddenly the Boss stops as an idea occurs to him. In a soft and kind voice he say.

Boss:" I mean, after all, what would we do without you?.

Jessie:" Well, we figured that perhaps you should expand your operation world wide now instead of waiting until you have all the pokémon." The boss thinks to himself.

Boss:' (They've got a point there.) Boss:" I tell you what I'll do. I'll get you plane tickets, First class of course, to a country called America. I'll give you some money too so that way you can go ahead and get things up and running there."

Jessie:" You will? That's great! You truly arethe best!"

James:" The best of the best!"

Boss:" Yea whatever. Head towards the nearest airport. I'll have one of my men waiting to give you every thing you'll need."

Jessie and James:" Oh thank you, thank you! You won't...." The boss hangs up before they can finish.

Boss:" Yea I'll send you to the U.S. They ought to take care of you. Even if they don't, then at least you'll be out of my hair. There may not be that many pokémon in the U.S., but there are enough there to keep them busy. Either way, I win." He starts to laugh as he leaves the room to attend to other previously planned business.


Team Rocket: Blasting to America. Part 4- To the Airport.


The scene goes to the Rockets in the phone booth. Jessie hangs up the phone. She tries to turn to face James, but the confined space only lets her see part of his face. Jessie and James smile and give out a shout of joy.

Both:" We're going to America!" They try to dance around in the booth, but all they accomplish is getting it to rock back and forth. Meowth. is being knocked back and forth between his fellow Rockets with a sick look on his face.

Meowth.:" Will you two cut it out! I'm starting to get sea sick." The booth finally falls over from their celebration. Jessie's, James', and Math.'s faces are pressed flat against the glass.

Meowth.:" I hate to interrupt your little celebration, but do either of you two happen to even know where this America is?"

Jessie:" Who cares?" She opens the door, gets out and starts to fix her hair. Jessie:" Just as long as there are people who will give me the respect a raging beauty such as myself deserves." Meowth. jumps out of the booth and lands beside Jessie.

Meowth.:" Raging is right. As for beauty..." Jessie backhands him in the face. He goes flying back into the booth and lands on James as he's trying to get out.

James:"ooofff!" James pushes Meowth. aside, steps out and starts brushing off his clothes.

James:" Yea, and those three brats with the Pikachu aren't there." Meowth. jumps out of the booth for a second time, but makes sure to land well away from Jessie.

Meowth.:"If you say so. Just as long as we still catch rare pokémon and get rich it don't matter to me where we are." Jessie turns to look at her team mates.

Jessie:" Enough of this chitchat, lets go." A car can be seen heading in the Rocket's direction. Jessie turns to look at it and smiles.

Jessie:" And I think I see our ride. Follow me, I have a plan.

The scene changes to the man driving the car. The driver is tapping his hand on the steering wheel while humming the tune to Pokémon. Suddenly Meowth dressed as a little girl comes running out into the road. The driver slams on the brakes stopping inches from Meowth. Meowth. falls to the ground and pretends to be unconscious. James comes running out from behind a bush dressed in the latest female fashion.

James:"My Baby! My Baby!" Jessie shortly comes running out from the same bush, but she is dressed in blue-Jean overalls with a tacky pink and purple pokadot shirt.

Jessie:" I saw everything! I'm a witness." The man jumps out of his car and rushes to were the disguised Meowth. lies.

Man:" That sure is one strange looking kid." James grabs the man by his jacket and pulls him to look him strait in the eyes.

James:" How dare you insult my little darling after what you've done, you... you.... you monster!" James lets him go and leans over Meowth. pretending to cry. Jessie walks over to the bewildered man.

Jessie:" You! The crazy driver! There's a phone right over there." She points to the phone booth, now upright again. Jessie:" You go call for help while I try and comfort this poor soul." The man takes a quick look back at James, turns back around, nods then heads off to the phone.

Man:"Right." Jessie turns and watches him run to the booth with an evil grin. The man reaches the booth, picks up the phone, and rummages through his pockets. Man:" Rats! Forgot I don't have any change." He turns around and yells. Man:" Do either of you..." He pauses in mid-sentence as he sees his car drive off with Team Rocket in it. The threesome turns around and throw off their wigs.

Team Rocket:" Sucker!!!" The man instantly drops the phone and runs after them.

Man:" Hey! Come back here with my car!" He stops when he can no longer see the car, leans over and places his hands on his knees to catch his breath. Man:" Huf.. Puff. Should have known better..Huff...Puff... than to have trusted someone that weird." He starts back towards the phone to call for help and report the theft to the authorities.


Team Rocket: Blasting Off to America. Part4 continued.


The scene changes to a city. Officer Jenny can be seen writing tickets and placing them on car windows. Officer Jenny finishes placing another one and yawns.

Officer Jenny:"This sure has been a quiet day." Suddenly the CB at her side comes to life.

CB:"Attention all officers. Be on the lookout for a red convertible with license number 6307. The car was last reported heading .....fffzzzttt...... Drivers suspected as being members of the infamous Team Rocket." A car matching the description speeds by Officer Jenny. She runs to her motorcycle, starts it up, and follows the car. She talks into her helmet mike as she does.

Officer Jenny:"This is Officer Jenny, I'm following the suspects. They're heading...(The sound of car horns and a jackhammer prevent us from hearing her.)..." The scene shifts to the Rockets in the car. Police sirens can be heard in the background. James sitting in the front seat turns around to investigate the origin of it. A worried look crosses his face as he turns to look at Jessie.

James: It's the police! They're after us." Meowth., sitting in the back, simply folds his arms.

Meowth.:"I told you we should have gone the speed limit." James begins to panic.

James:"What are we going to do?" Jessie takes one hand off the steering wheel and clonks him on the head.

Jessie:"This is not the time to panic. Besides," She turns to face him and smiles. Jessie:"Its not like they actually have a chance of catching us." She pushes her foot down hard on the accelerator, causing the car to speed up, sending James and Meowth. to be pressed back against their seats. She swerves left and right down a busy street in an attempt to lose their pursuer. She glances into the rearview mirror and sees that Officer Jenny is still following them.

Jessie:"She's a persistent one. Meowth! Throw some of our bombs at her."She goes back to her task of trying to shake Officer Jenny.

Jessie:"Perhaps that will dissuade our annoying copper." Meowth. just blinks.

Meowth.:"What bombs?" James turns around, smacks him and points to a box on the floor.

James:"You know. The official Team Rocket Bombs we always seem to have." Meowth. looks at the box.

Meowth.:"ooh. Those bombs. I completely forgot about them." He grabs the box and opens it. He smiles, grabs two of them, turns around, then throws them.

Meowth.:" Bombs-voyage!" They hit the road and bounce a few times.

Jessie:"Fool! Don't you know you have to light them first?" She turns around, grabs a bomb and proceeds to light it. James with a look of sheer terror on his face points to an oncoming truck.

James:" Jessie, forget about the bombs and watch where your driving!"

Jessie:"Huh?" She turns around. With a horrified look on her face she drops the lit bomb and quickly swerves the car to the right. James turns to Jessie with a relieved look.

James:"Whew. That was a close one." Suddenly Jessie's bomb goes off, setting off ll the other bombs with it. The explosion sends Team Rocket flying into the air.

Team Rocket:"Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!!!" Officer Jenny arrives at what's left of the car, just in time to see the Rockets disappear over the horizon.

Officer Jenny:"Rats! They got away." The scene moves to the Rockets. They land with a thud on the pavement in front of the airport.

James:"Well, at least we made it to the airport." Jessie hits him on the head.

Jessie:" Oh, shut up." A man wearing a trench coat walks up to them.

Man:" Its about time you showed up." The Rockets immediately jump to their feet.

James:"Hey! Just who do you think you are talking to Team Rocket Like that?" The man shakes his head.

Man:"Look, I don't have time for this. Your plane leaves in five minutes." Jessie hits James and walks up to the stranger.

Jessie:" Please forgive my associate. He's an idiot. Please, lead us to the plane." The Man takes them to the far end of the airport were a small private jet is waiting. Jessie and James smile and gaze at it in awe.

Jessie:"The boss wasn't kidding when he said first class."

James:"Yea. We're going to arrive in style!" They finally board the plane. It takes off the second they're on board. The Man stands and watches it leave. When it is no longer in site, he pulls out a celphone. The voice of the boss can be heard.

Boss:"Has the plane departed yet?"

Man:"Yes, it just left."

Boss:"Excellent. You shall be well rewarded for this."

Man:"Thank you sir. But I am just doing my job." The scene shifts to the boss. He hangs up the phone.

Boss:"Finally, I'm rid of those two thorns in my side. Now they're America's problem." He starts to laugh as he walks down a corridor to an unlit room.

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