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Team Rocket Blasts off to America Parts Five Through Eight ~ Haunter


Team Rocket Blast Off to America: Part 5- The Arrival


The jet lands in a California airport. It drives up to a designated spot where a boarding ramp is placed up to its door. The door opens and Jessie steps out.

Jessie:"Prepare for trouble." James steps out holding a rose.

James:"And make it double." The two clasp hands and head down the ramp in a tango.

Jessie:"To protect the world from devastation."

James:"To unite all people's within our nation." Meowth. steps out of the jet dragging a suitcase with him.

Meowth.:"I hate to interrupt you guys, but we're no longer in our nation." James hits him on the head.

James:"We know that stupid!"

Jessie:"Yea, now shut up so we can finish."

James:"Now where were we? Oh, yea, now I remember." He returns to his normal stance for his motto.

James:"To unite all people's within our nation." Jessie and James lean against each other's back.

Jessie:"To denounce the evils of truth and love."

James:"To extend our reach to the stars above."



Jessie:"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light."

James:"Surrender now or prepare to fight." Meowth. turns and points at the jet.

Meowth.:"The jet's taking off with all our luggage!" Jessie and James turn to look. They start to run after it.

Jessie:"Wait! I haven't gotten all my cloths!"

James:"Stop! All my roses are still on board!" The jet takes off and the two are left standing on the runway. Meowth. walks up to them, dragging his suitcase.

Meowth.:"Look on the brite side..." James looks at him angrily.

James:"What bright side? All of our stuff has just flown off." Meowth. opens the suitcase revealing a large sum of unmarked bills. Jessie and James stare at it in amazement with a glow in their eyes.

Meowth.:"This side bright enough for ya?" James picks up some of the bills. J

ames:"We're rich! We're finally rich!" Meowth. grabs a few bills and joins in with James' celebration. Jessie goes to grab some as well, but she stops realizing their job here. She grabs her fan and smacks the both of them across the face.

Jessie:"Put that money back! We're here for a reason, remember?" James and Meowth. start to put the money back.

James:"Oh yea, I completely forgot about that." Meowth. rubs his face where he was hit.

Meowth.:"It must have slipped my mind." A low rumbling can be heard. James shuts the suitcase and stands up.

James:"What's that sound?"


Jessie:"No you feeble minded furball, the grounds not shaking." The sound gets louder and closer. The trio turn around and look up to see a 747 in it's landing process.


Meowth."Every Rocket for themselves!" They all take off running. The jet lands, but is still moving towards them. A luggage car pulling three filled trailers drives by. Jessie tries to shout over the noise of the jet.

Jessie:"Head for that luggage car!" James and Meowth. obey, running after it as fast as they can. Suddenly the car stops, and all the Rockets run into it, landing head first into a pile of luggage. Jessie is the first to rise above it.

Jessie:"That was close." Meowth. climbs to the top of a trunk, dragging his suitcase with him.

Meowth.:"At least we still have the money." James rises up from deep within the pile with a cardboard box on his head.

James:"Where did everybody go?" Jessie knocks on the box.

Jessie:"Hello, is anyone in there? You've got your head in a box stupid."

James:"Oh." He tries to pull it off, but it won't budge.

James:"It's stuck!" Meowth. unsheathes his claws.

Meowth.:"Allow me." He scratches the box, causing it to fall apart, revealing James' head covered in some lady's lingerie. James takes it off and looks at it, and smiles.

James:"Hey Jessie, I think you would look real good in this."

Meowth.:"Yea, and maybe you can perform a little dance for us while your wearing it."They start to laugh. Jessie's face turns red with rage. She takes her fan out again and hits them across the face again. They immediately stop laughing.

Jessie:"Shut up!" She looks down at the pile of cloths surrounding James.

Jessie:"I've just had an idea on how to get in without being noticed." James looks down to the cloths.

James:"Not another disguise."

Meowth.:"Yea, I hat playing dress up." Jessie hits them once again.

Jessie:"Do you idiots want the police to recognize us?" She briefly recalls the incident where they were blown out of their stolen car.

James:"No, but I don't want to dress up Like a girl."

Jessie:"Fine! Then find something else to wear!" The two start opening suitcases and going through them, throwing cloths left and right as they do.

The scene changes to inside the airport. Jessie and James are disguised as husband and wife. James is carrying the suitcase with the cash in it, while Jessie pushes a stroller carrying Meowth. dressed Like a baby. They walk to one of the car rental stores that can be found in any airport. The lady behind the counter smiles.

Lady:"Hi! How may I help you?" Jessie walks over to the lady.

Jessie:"Yes, my husband and I would Like to rent a car." The lady nods.

Lady:"Certainly." She leans over and pulls out a large stack of papers from underneath her desk.

Lady:"Just fill out these forms and you'll be on your way." She points to an empty room for them to take the forms to. James takes the papers and the trio walk into the room. James sets the stack down on a table in the center of the room.

James:"I didn't know there was so much paper work involved in just renting a car." Jessie walks over to a sofa and lies down.

James:"Aren't you going to help fill these out?"

Jessie:"No. I'm going to take a nap."

James:"How come you get to sleep and I have to fill everything out?"

Jessie:"Because I have jet-lag that's why. Now quite your complaining and start sighing." James turns and looks at Meowth.

Meowth.:"Don't look at me. What do you think would happen if someone were to walk in and see a baby filling out paper work." He pulls a blanket up over him and goes to sleep. James sighs and proceeds to fill out the forms. Slowly, the stack is moved from one side of the table to the other. He can be seen filling out the finally form, eye's blood shot and barley open. James yawns and sets down the pen.

James:"Finished at last." He places the sheet on top of the stack. James:"Now to catch some Z's." Jessie get up and walks over to James. She look at the forms then at him.

Jessie:"Awe, isn't that cute." She gently nudges him.

Jessie:"James, it's time to get up."

James:"Please mommy, just five more minutes?" With an annoyed look Jessie smacks the back of his head.

Jessie:"Get up stupid." James gets up.

James:"But I'm sooo tired."

Jessie"I don't care what you are, we've got to hurry before someone recognizes us." She walks over to the stroller and proceeds to leave the room with it.

Jessie:"Now get the money and papers and lets go." He does as he's told and follows her out. As they head back to the main desk the lady smiles at them.

Lady:"Finished so soon?" James looks up at a clock and notices that three hours have passed since he started filling out the forms. Lady walks over to James and takes the stack from him.

Lady:"I'll just take these to the back, and you'll be on your way." She disappears into the back room. Jessie lets out a small laugh.

Jessie:"The fool. Soon we shall leave this retched airport."

James:"Look! We're on TV!" Jessie turns to look at the TV. She sees that they are on TV. The new caster is talking about how they are believed to have fled to America. The lady comes back and she sets a key on the desk.

Lady:"There you go. Now, lets just discuss...." She looks at the TV and then back at Jessie and James. They turn around and look at her.

Lady:"Hey, your...." Jessie and James take off their disguises.

Jessie:"Prepare for trouble."

James:"And make it double."

Jessie:"To protect the world from devastation."

James:"To unite all people's within our nation."

Jessie:"To denounce the evils of truth and love."

James:"To extend our reach to the stars above."



Jessie:"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light."

James:"Surrender now or prepare to fight." Meowth. jumps out of the stroller no longer in disguise.

Meowth.:"Meowth., that's right." Meowth. runs up and takes the key.

Meowth.:"We'll be taking this!" The lady hits a hidden button causing lights to flash and a buzzer to go off.

Lady:"Security!" Men in uniform come rushing into the place. James grabs his peaceable and throws it.

James:"Weezing, smoke screen!" Weezing appears and starts to fly around spraying smoke.

Weezing:"Weezing!" As soon as the place is covered in smoke, James recalls his weezing and Team Rocket makes it's exit. The scene changes to the airport's garage. Team Rocket has found the car that they stole the key to. They get inside the car.

Jessie:"Finally, we can get out of this place."

James:"Yea, but where do we go now?"

Meowth.:"Here, give me the map." He grabs the map and starts reading it.


Team Rocket Blast Off to America: Part5 continued


Jessie and James both turn around and look at Meowth.

Jessie:"Well?" Meowth throws the map aside.

Meowth:"I can't read that thing. It doesn't make any sense."

Jessie:"Give me that." She smacks Meowth and grabs the map. James leans over and looks at the map as well. Sirens can be heard on the background. Jessie pushes the map into James' face.

Jessie:"Forget about the map, we'll just head east and see where it takes us." She turns the car on, backs it up, then leaves the parking lot just as the police drive in. James turns around and watches as the police cars pile in searching for them.

James:"That was close. We barely got out in time."

Meowth:"So, what now?"

Jessie:"Now we do what we where sent here to do."

James:"Uh........and what were we sent here to do?" Jessie takes her hands off the wheel long enough to hit James in the head a few times, the resumes driving.

Jessie:"We're here to steal pokémon and hire members for the new branch of Team Rocket that we're to start here."

James:"Oh yea, now I remember."

Meowth:"So how do we go about doing this?"

Jessie:"How should I know? Must I think of everything?" After a long moment of silence, James excitedly speaks an idea he has.

James:"I've got it! Why don't we open a Salon Rocket here?"

Meowth:"Are you crazy? Don't you remember what happened the last time?"

Jessie:"But this time we don't have those three annoying brats to ruin our plans." James stares out the window at the sky as he imagines what it will be like. Hundreds of people lining up just to have their hard earned money and pokémon stolen. Along with the select few whom Jessie and himself deem worthy to help run the business and set up other shops.

James:"All those pokémon, all that money. We'll be rich!"

Jessie:"Shut up. It's for the boss, remember?" James sighs.

James:"I forgot." They continue driving, searching for the perfect place to set up shop and start the pokémon and money stealing.


Having filled out countless numbers of forms, bought hundreds of supplies, and finding the perfect building, Salon Rocket is finally opened for business. James turns the sign around so that it says open.

Meowth:"Finally. Maybe now we can get some money."

James:"Yea, billions and billions of dollars!"

Jessie:"We'll be rich at last! I can see it now." She visualizes herself surrounded by handsome young men, fanning her and feeding her grapes. She is brought out of her fantasy by the sound of the chimes going off to indicate that someone has entered the store.

Jessie:"Ah, our first customer!" They run up to the man that entered the store.

Jessie:"Greetings sir!"

James:"Welcome to Salon Rocket!" Both:"Step right this way!" Jessie grabs the man's arm and drags him forward while James pushes him from behind. They lead him to a room with a bunch of chairs and force him into one. Jessie runs off and comes back carrying several different types of hair gel.

Jessie:"Here, you simply must try this gel!" She proceeds to put some in the man's hair. James leaves then comes back with his arms full of cologne. He takes one and sprays the man with it.

James:"Here, try this. It'll drive the ladies wild!"

Man:"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Get away from me! I only came in here to use your bathroom!" He gets up and runs out the door. Jessie and James just stand there and stare after him. Meowth runs up to them and scratches their faces.

Meowth:"Numbskulls! You scared him off!" Jessie opens up a compact mirror and looks at her now scratched face. James turns and looks in a nearby mirror as well. Both of the two rocket's look as if their eyes are on fire. Jessie throws the hair gel bottles at Meowth, while James pelts him with the cologne bottles.

Jessie:"How dare you ruin perfection!"

James:"Yea, and that goes double for me!" They continue to extract their vengeance on Meowth when the door chimes go off, announcing another customer has entered. Jessie and James stop, look up, then look at each other.

James:"Oh no! A customer!" Jessie hits him on his head.

Jessie:"Quite stupid. We want customers. Quick, you two clean up this mess while I go tend to them."

Meowth:"Me?! Why do I have to clean up the mess you two made?"

Jessie:"Just shut up and do it!" The two immediately start cleaning things up. Jessie walks back to the main room to greet the customer. When she gets there, she finds two male teenagers looking through one of the books set out to show all the styles available for pokémon.

Jessie:"Hello! How can we help you?" The two glance up at her, then walk around the store looking at all the items and occasionally making comments to one another.

Jessie:"If you're not going to buy anything, THEN LEAVE!" They look up at here, mumble something to each other, then turn around and continue to inspect the store.

Jessie:"Grrrrrrrr....... How dare you ignore me!" Jessie pulls out a remote and hits a button on it. The lights go out, two spot lights shine on the back wall, and a familiar tune starts to play.

Jessie:"Prepare for trouble!" She steps into one of the spotlights, now wearing her Team Rocket uniform.

James:"And make it double." James steps into the other spotlight wearing his uniform as well and holding a rose.

Jessie:"To protect the world from devastation!"

James:"To unite all peoples within our nation." The two move towards each, the spotlights following until they merge into one light. Jessie and James start to do their ever changing poses.

Jessie:"To denounce the evils of truth and love."

James:"To extend our reach to the stars above."


James:"James." A red R shines on the wall behind them.

Jessie:"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!"

James:"Surrender now, or prepare to fight." Meowth jumps into the spotlight from above.

Meowth:"Meowth, that's right!" The spotlight and R are turned off and the main lights come back on.

Jessie:"Now that you've seen who we are, you'll have to be locked up."

James:"But first, we'll be taking all your pokémon."

Meowth:"So hand em over if ya know what's good for ya." The two strangers look at each other, grin, then rip off their outfits, revealing the Team Rocket uniforms they had been wearing underneath.

Jessie, James, and Meowth:"WHAT?!"

First male:"Prepare for devastation!"

Second male:"From within this nation."

First male:"To protect the world from disintegration."

Second male:"To control all pokémon within our nation." The two start to do some poses of their own.

First male:"To announce the joys of lies and guns!"

Second male:"To extend our reach far past the sun."

First male:"Exo!"

Second male:"Saber!"

Exo:"Team Rocket blast off past the speed of light!"

Saber:"Give up now, or face our might!"

Jessie:"Must everyone imitate us? This has to be some sort of trick."

James:"Yea, there's can't be another Team Rocket here. We haven't inducted anyone into it yet." Jessie hits him across the face with her fan.

Jessie:"Quite moron!"

Meowth:"Yea, stop telling them that our mission here is to expand the organization!" Jessie hits him across the face with the fan as well.

Jessie:"Stop giving out secrets!"

Exo:"Regardless of what your mission here is, I'm afraid we're going to have to shut you down."

Jessie:"What?! On who's authority?"

James:"And why?"

Exo:"By MY authority!" He pulls out a card from his pocket and thrust it towards the two. Jessie and James lean over to read it. Jessie reads it aloud.

Jessie:"U.T.R.M.O.A. United Team Rocket Members Of America. Name: Exo. Status: Interviewer, WebPage Master, and chief enforcer of TR Rules, regulations, and standards." They gaze up at the two U.T.R.M.O.A. members.

James:"That tells us who you are, but why is it that you're shutting us down?"

Saber:"We're shutting down on the basis that this operation has broken several rules and doesn't meet the standards of U.T.R.M.O.A. He pulls out a fairly large book from somewhere and starts to flip through the pages.

Saber:"This operation is in violation of codes: 569, setting up an operation without informing the district boss. 606, conducting an operation in an area where it is least likely to succeed. 007, killing without a license to kill. Wait a second, that's the wrong one." He flips through some more pages. Saber:"Ah, here it is. Code 700, wasting company money, and finally, code 321, having one of the lights burnt out on the sign outside."

Jessie:"What do you mean wasting company money? All the money went into making this place!"

James:"Um.....well......not exactly all the money." Jessie turns to face him, but he won't look her in the eyes.

Jessie:"What do you mean not all of it?"


Jessie:"Tell me!"

James:"Me and Meowth spent it on an all you can eat buffet!"

Jessie:"What?!" James and Meowth get down on their knees and clasp their hands as if praying, and start to cry as they plead with Jessie.

Meowth:"We would have brought you, but we barley had enough money for ourselves."

James:"Please, just don't hurt me!" Jessie hits the both of them across the face several times with her fan.

Jessie:"Idiots! How dare you eat without at least bringing me back something!"

Exo:"Ahem, I do hate to brake up this little ordeal, but, if you'd be so kind as to follow us outside." The two motion towards the door and lead Jessie, James, and Meowth outside. Exo pulls out a cell phone and calls someone.

Exo:"Alright, you can come pick it up now. Oh, and while you're at it, run a check through company records to see if a Jessie and James are indeed a part of Team Rocket." He hangs up the phone and puts it back in his pocket. Shortly thereafter, a helicopter and personnel truck arrive. The helicopter drops several cables which workers from the truck connect to the Salon Rocket building. Once finished, the workers all get back in the truck and drive off. A limo shows up right as the truck leaves, and a female wearing a Team Rocket uniform steps out and walks over to Exo and Saber. She hands Exo some papers.

Female Rocket:"Here is the report you wanted sir." He nods, takes the papers and then looks over them.

Exo:"It appears that you are members of Team Rocket after all. Our apologies. You may continue with your mission." He hands the papers back to the female who takes them back to the limo.

Jessie:"What about Salon Rocket?"

James:"Yea, don't we at least get our money back?" Exo shakes his head.

Exo:"I'm afraid not. You see, it's all being confiscated to be used in future operations by Team Rocket." He takes the cell phone back out and dials a new number.

Exo:"Alright, take it away." Jessie, James, and Meowth turn and stare in horror as their latest scheme is lifted off the ground and flown over the horizon. They turn around in time to see Exo and Saber get into the limo and drive off. They stare at the spot where the limo was until Jessie brakes the silence by hitting James over the head with her fist.

Jessie:"This is all your fault."

James:"My fault? Why's it all my fault?"

Jessie:"I don't know, it just is."

Meowth:"Will you to cut it out? We have more important things to think about. Like what we're going to do now."

James:"It's obvious we're not going to get anything done here."

Jessie:"Let's try a different state. Maybe our luck will be better."

James and Meowth:"Right." With that, they walk off down the street into the sunset, heading off to the next state, and next scheme.


Part 7


In the desert After their previous failure in California, Team Rocket decided to try their luck in a different state. Having hitched hiked/stolen rides from passing cars, they now find themselves lost in the fast wastelands of one of Nevada's deserts.

James:"I'm tired of being lost in this desert. I want a nice cold dessert."

Meowth:"Yea, a nice cold ice cream Sunday."

Jessie:"Quite. Complaining makes the heat worst." James and Meowth groan, but the threesome continue on their way. Minutes later, all three of them are now crawling along the desert on their hands and knees.


Jessie:"Skin moistener......" The two look up, then jump to their feet.

James:"A swimming pool! I'm saved!"

Jessie:"A makeup stand! My fashion is saved!" The two rush towards their salvation from the desert's torments. James leaps into preparing to dive into the pool while Jessie sits down and starts to powder her nose.

Meowth:"What are you two talking about? There's nothing here but sand and cactus." James lands head first into a pile of cactus, while Jessie "powders" her nose with one and is sitting on another.

Jessie and James:"Eh?!" Jessie and James look at their plight, then go flying into the air.

Jessie and James:"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Meowth:"I wonder if it's still to late to get transferred to a smarter team." Later that night, on a rather large sand dune.

Jessie:"I can't go on." She falls to the ground. Jessie:"You two go ahead, leave me."

James:"Never! We're a team!" Jessie looks at him misty eyed.

Jessie:"Oh James"

James:"Besides, I can't go on either." He falls to the ground next to her.

Jessie:"This looks like the end."

James:"Yes, but before we go...." He looks at her and clasp her hand.

Jessie:"Yes?" They look at each other misty eyed.

James:"Before we go........I just wanted to say......"

Jessie:"Yes? Yes?"

James:" I just wanted to say....... that............that...........that I......" Meowth yells down to them from atop the sand dune.

Meowth:"Hey you guys! Look! A city! We're saved!" Jessie looks up at him annoyed, then looks back to James, but he has already started to climb the dune.

Jessie:"Grrrrrrrr........" She gets up, brushes herself off and follows him.

James:"Where? Where's the city?" Meowth:"There!" He points to a large city, brightly lit in the not to far distance.

Jessie:"I can't believe it! It's Las Vegas!"

James and Meowth:"Las Vegas?!" She nods.

James:"How can you tell?"

Jessie:"The bright lights. And that sign over there." She points to a sign alongside a road slightly to the left.

James:"Say, doesn't the boss have a casino there?"

Meowth:"Yea, the Golden Rocket."

Jessie:"Come on. We should be able to rest up there and plain on our next scheme."

James:"Yea, and this time we won't fail."

Meowth:"Look out Las Vegas, here comes Team Rocket!" All three of them laugh as they head towards the city that never sleeps.


Part 8 Viva Las Vegas


Inside the Golden Rocket, Team Rocket lives the life of luxury in the penthouse suite. Jessie is receiving a massage from a handsome young man while James enjoys a cool beverage while relaxing in the hot tub, and Meowth is busying himself by raiding the fridge.

Jessie:"Prepare for pleasure."

James:"Yes, and make it double."

Jessie:"To protect ourselves from over exertion."

James:"To enjoy all luxuries with this nation."

Jessie:"To denounce the evils of work and toil."

James:"To extend our vacation throughout the year."


James:"James, totally relaxed."

Jessie:"Team Rocket enjoys life's luxuries through out the night."

James:"Don't bother us now, we're too busy to fight." Meowth comes from the kitchen with a turkey drumstick in each hand/paw and a huge smile on his face.

Meowth:"Meowth, that's right!" He jumps onto the couch and proceeds to eat them. Meowth:"So, what's the plan?"

James:"The plan is....."

Jessie:"To stay here and enjoy ourselves to the fullest."

Meowth:"Can't argue with that." He takes another big bite out of the drumsticks. Just then, the doorbell rings.

James:"Ah, that must be room service with my pizza. Come in!" The door opens and two figures step in.

James:"Just set it on the table over there." He points to a small table near the hot tub that is covered with empty pizza boxes and pizza crust. The two figures shut the door, then proceeded to walk into the main room, revealing who they are. James drops his drink into the water while Meowth chokes on a mouth full of turkey.

Jessie and James:"What?! You?!"

Saber:"And a hello to you too."

Jessie:"What are you doing here?"

Exo:"I run this hotel."

James:"But I thought......"

Exo:"I have many responsibilities that you don't know of. This is just one of them." Meowth is running around holding his throat, his face blue, and gasping for air.

Meowth:"Gaaaa........." Saber leans over and smacks him on the back, sending him flying onto the floor and knocking the turkey out of his throat. Meowth gulps in air as fast as he can. Meowth:"Thanks, I think."

Exo:"Let's cut to the chase, shall we? We're here to discuss your little "visit" to the Golden Rocket."

Jessie:"What about our visit?"

Saber:"Every member of Team Rocket is entitled to ONE free stay at the Golden Rocket Hotel. However........."

James:"In that case, we'd better be going." Jessie and James run to separate rooms, quickly change cloths, then rush back out to the main room.

Jessie:"Nice seeing you again."

James:"Yea, bye!" The two run out the door as quickly as they can. Jessie grabs Meowth while James takes the pile of soap, shampoo, and towels that they had kept near the door.

Meowth:"Looks like Team Rocket's being cheap again!"

Saber:"Hey! Wait!" But it is too late. The three Rockets are already in the elevator and on their way down to the hotel lobby.

Saber:"Shall I call security?"

Exo:"No, let them go." He turns to Saber and grins. Exo:"Besides, the money we're making off all that junk we took from them is more than enough to cover the expenses." As soon as the elevator hits ground floor, the three rockets run as inconspicuous as possible out the hotel, and into the casino across the street.

Jessie:"That was close. We almost had to pay for staying." James holds up the items he had taken from the hotel room for Jessie to see.

James:"At least we got all this free stuff from the room." Jessie hits him over the head, causing him to drop the stolen items.

Jessie:"You fool! They've probably got a tracking device in it!"

Meowth:"They do?"

Jessie:"Yes, they do. All the major hotels do. It's to keep people from stealing the items from the room."

Meowth:"And how is it you know all this?" Jessie glares at him annoyed.

Jessie:"I read it in a magazine once." James finally recovers from Jessie's blow, then starts to panic.

James:"How was I to know? What're we going to do? They'll be here any minute now! I don't want to go to jail!" Jessie grabs him by the shirt and slaps his face a few times.

Jessie:"Pull yourself together James. This is no time to panic." She looks around, trying to find a place where they can hide. Suddenly, the casino P.A. comes on.

P.A.:"The next showing of our own great magician will start in five minutes. Head to the auditorium now before all the seats are taken, and enjoy the show!" Jessie turns around to see a crowd of people heading into a room with a sign above the doorway that says "Auditorium".

Jessie:"That's it! We'll go to the magic show!"

James:"Do we have to? Those things are always boring."

Meowth:"Yea, and the costumes they wear make me nauseous." Jessie pulls out her fan and smacks them both across the face.

Jessie:"Grrr...........Sometimes it gets to be a real pain being the only one in the team with a brain." She grabs them both and drags them into the auditorium where they are soon lost amongst the rest of the crowd. Meanwhile, backstage........

Melvin:"My dream's finally come true! My own Las Vegas show!"


Melvin:"And now I can afford to hire all the assistants I want!" He starts to cry.

Melvin:"This is the happiest day of my life!" A man wearing a head set and carrying a clipboard comes in.

Man:"Melvin, you're up in one minute. Get to the stage entrance now." Melvin pulls himself together. Melvin:"Alright. Come on executor. My dream awaits."

Back in the auditorium......... James and Meowth sit impatiently, waiting for Jessie.

Meowth:"Where is she? She forces us to come to this dumb show, then she leaves."

James:"How should I know? Just wait. She'll be here." Thirty seconds pass by.

Meowth:"That's it. I'm leaving."

James:"But you can't! What about........" Meowth leaves before James can finish his sentence.

James:"Jessie isn't going to like this."

Jessie:"What am I not going to like?" James turns around to see Jessie siting next to him. James breaks out into one of his panic fits.

James:" is to say........I mean....." Jessie picks up a tub of popcorn and a diet soda, then proceeds to drink the soda. James, seeing this, calms down.

James:"Hey, why didn't you get me anything? Or at least gotten a non-diet soda."

Jessie:"Because there wasn't enough money, and I have to look after my girlish figure after all."

James:"Then what's with the popcorn?" Jessie hits him over the head.

Jessie:"When I want your dietary advise, I'll ask for it." She looks around. Jessie:"By the way, where's Meowth?" James opens his mouth to answer, but before he can, the lights go out.

Announcer:"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, our show is about to begin! Please put your hands together for our magician extrordinair, Melvin the Magnificent!" A spotlight shines on the center stage, followed by a cloud of smoke. When the smoke clears, Melvin along with his executor stand there and wave to the crowd. Jessie spits out the cola she was drinking while James chokes on some of the popcorn.

Jessie and James:"What!?"

Meanwhile, in the casino, Meowth wonders about aimlessly trying to decide on which person to try to swindle out of their winnings, when one of the dealers at the crape tables calls out to him.

Dealer:"Hey, you. Yea, you with the tail." Meowth looks around, then back at the dealer.


Dealer:"Yea you. You see anyone else around here with a tail?"


Dealer:"Ever shoot the craps before?" Meowth shakes his head. The dealer grins.

Dealer:"Well, today's your lucky day......."

Back on stage........

Melvin bows as the audience applauders yet another one of hist tricks.

Melvin:"Thank you, thank you." This is so great, he thinks to himself. As he rises from his third bow, he catches glimpse of a truly unique hair style that he's only known one person to have. Melvin:"No, it couldn't be" He thinks aloud. He looks again, but the young lady is still there, sitting next to her partner in crime. Oh no! They've followed me here to ruin my act, he thinks to himself. He starts to sweat nervously, when a brilliant idea hits him. He grins. Melvin:"My next trick is not for the faint of heart." He points his magic wand towards Jessie and James. Melvin:"Raging Fire!" A searing hot flame shoots out of the wand and strait to the two rockets. The flame briefly washes over them, but then rises up over the rest of the audiences heads as Melvin waves the wand around. His grin gets larger as he see's the looks on the two rocket's faces. Melvin:"My next trick requires two" Many hands go up, but Melvin has already decided who it would be. Melvin:"How about you two?" He points to Jessie and James, then a spotlight shines on them. The two rockets look strait at Melvin, then each other, then take off running towards the nearest exit. Melvin:"Looks like I've already made these two disappear and the trick hasn't even started yet." The audience laughs at this remark.

Back at the craps tables..............

A small crowd has gathered around Meowth. A large amount of credit chips sit next to him. He vigorously shakes a set of dice.

Meowth:"Come on baby! Meowth needs a new ball of yarn!" He tosses the die and watches anxiously as they roll over the table and come to a stop. Several cheers go up. The dealer sighs.

Dealer:"Thirteen. Player wins. Again." He pushes even more chips towards Meowth. A stranger in the crowd speaks up to Meowth.

Stranger:"Why, you've almost got as many chips there as Fort Knox has gold!"

Meowth:"Fort Knox?"

Stranger:"You man you've never heard of Fort Knox in Kentucky? The largest U.S. gold reserve in the states?" Meowth shakes his head.

Stranger:"Why, that's where the federal government keeps most of it's gold. There's more gold held there than any other one place in the world, or so they say." Meowth stares off into space as the thought of all that gold. Just then, Jessie and James exit the auditorium.

Jessie:"Where's Meowth?"

James:"I think he's over there." He points towards the crowd.

Jessie:"Well, let's get him so we can get out of this dump." The two make their way through the crowd towards Meowth. The dealer breaks Meowth out of his revoir.

Dealer:"Sir, your bet?" Jessie and James finally make it to Meowth.

Jessie:"Come on Meowth, we're leaving.

Meowth:"Leaving?! But I'm on a winning streak!" The two continue to argue.

Dealer:"Sir? Your bet?" Meowth completely ignores him, but, James doesn't.

James:"Oooohhhh! I want to try! Put everything on seven!"


James:"Everything!" The dealer shrugs, then does so, and hands James the dice. James shakes the dice wildly, then lets them fly. Meowth breaks off his argument with Jessie when he realizes what James has just done.

Meowth:"NO!" All eyes turn towards the dice. Everything seems to move in slow motion for Meowth. After what seems like an eternity, the last die comes to a stop.

Dealer:"24, house wins . "

Meowth:"NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The crowd starts to disperse.

James:"Oh well. Better luck next time I guess." Meowth glares at James coldly.

Meowth:"Better luck next time? Better luck next time?!" He scratches James' face, then turns to the dealer.

Meowth:"Lend my one more chip! Just one! I can win it back!" James hits Meowth, knocking him onto the floor. Jessie grabs one of his legs while James grabs the other. They then proceeded to drag Meowth out of the casino, while he holds onto the floor with his claws, leaving long gashes in the carpet.

Meowth:"Come on you guys, I can win it back! Just give me five more minutes!" When exit from the building, they find Exo, Saber, and an unknown teenager standing before them.

Jessie:"Not you again."

James:"We haven't even done anything this time."

Exo:"Ah, but you have."

Saber:"Based on your recent "activities", we've decided to assign a new member to your "team" for the duration of your stay here in the U.S."


Exo:"Think of him as your guide. Someone experienced and knows his way around."

Jessie:"We don't need any new team members."

James:"Yea, we're doing fine on our own!" Meowth steps before them.

Meowth:"So where is he?"

Saber:"Right here." He gestures to the third person. The male teenager steps forward, wearing plain blue jeans, a white t-shirt with a red "R" over the left pocket, and a solid black cape. Jessie and James take one good look at him, then fall to the ground laughing.

Jessie:"Surly you're joking? Just look at that outfit."

James:"And that cape is so cliché." The look on the third person's face is clearly one of displeasure. Exo shrugs.

Exo:"He wears what he wants. His previous assignments required that he look less suspicious. As for the cape..." He leans forward and whispers to them. Exo:"He just started wearing it. He's a big star wars fan, and ever since he's heard of and seen the new movie he's been wearing it."

James:"Star wars?! I loved that movie!" He does his best impression of princess Leia. James:"Oh help me Obi Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope." Jessie hits across the face with her fan.

Meowth:"Looks like the force wasn't with you." Jessie hits Meowth as well.

Jessie:"And if we refuse to take him with us?" Exo shrugs.

Saber:"Then we simply turn you over to the authorities."

Jessie:"Uh.........That won't be necessary."

James:"So, what's his name?"

Saber:"Um..........We're not really sure."

Jessie, James, and Meowth:"What?!"

Exo:"Well, he has many call signs and nick names. Plus, he refuses to tell people his name. Claims that because he doesn't, it really annoys them. I'll leave him to decide what you can call him." With that, Exo and Saber walk off, heading back towards the Golden Rocket. Jessie, James, and Meowth just stare at the newest member of their team.

Jessie:"So, what's your name?"

New Rocket:"My name is something few, if any know. You, however, may call me Haunter."

Jessie:"Haunter? As in, the pokémon?

Haunter:"You might say that." Jessie and Meowth fall to the ground laughing. James remains silent, remembering his last encounter with a ghost pokémon.

James;"You aren't a ghost pokémon are you?" Haunter shakes his head. James:"Whew. That's a relief. In that case......" He falls to the ground laughing with the rest of his team.

Jessie:"A human who thinks he's a pokémon!"

Meowth:"That's the funniest thing I' ve ever heard!" A raging fire can be seen in Haunter's eyes to match his rising anger.

Haunter:"You think it's funny?! I'll show you why they call me Haunter!" He pulls out a pokeball, throws it, then disappears into the shadows. Haunter:"Pokeball, go!" The threesome stop laughing and stare at the pokémon that comes out.

Jessie:"A haunter? How ironic!" The three start laughing again.

Haunter:"Grrrr......... Alright haunter, show them why we're not something to be taken lightly. Use your confuse ray attack." A strange beam of light comes from the haunter as it lets loose it's attack. The three rockets stop laughing the instant the light hits them. Everything seems to be spinning before them.

Meowth:"Why's everything spinning?" James' face turns green.

James:"I don't feel so good......."

Jessie:"Stop the ride! I want to get off!"

Haunter:"Enough. Haunter, return." The ghost pokémon disappears as it is returned to it's pokeball. The second the attack stopped, everything returned to normal. Or so it seemed. James takes one look at Jessie, but, in her place is Jessebell.

James:"Aaaahhhhhh!!!! It's Jessebell! She followed me!" He turns to get away, but hits the wall that he forgot was right next to him.

Jessie:"Huh? What are you babbling about?" Haunter chuckles as he steps part way into the light. Meowth looks at him.

Meowth:"Look! It's the boss!"

Jessie:"What?! Where?" Jessie turns to where Meowth is pointing.

Jessie:"Boss!" In their confused state, they mistake Huanter for their boss, just as James had mistaken Jessie for Jessebell. Jessie and Meowth bow before him.

Jessie:"Boss, we had no idea you were here." Haunter breaks out into full laughter. Jessie takes a closer look at him, then realizes who it really is.

Jessie:"You!" Jessie, confused no more, pulls out her fan to smack him across the face, but Meowth stops her.

Meowth:"Have you gone mad? Just what do you think you're doing?"

Jessie:"That's not the boss you confused cat! Now, out of my way!" She gives Meowth a swift kick that sends him flying into the same wall James had hit. Haunter regains his composure, but can't help but let out a small chuckle. Jessie turns and glares at him coldly.

Jessie:"As for you......."

Haunter:"Before you do anything rash, take a look around you." She does so

. Haunter:"Do you really want to do something that you're bound to regret in front of so many witnesses?" Indeed, a small crowd had gathered around to watch. Jessie puts her fan away.

Jessie:"Grrrrrr.........." Haunter simply grins in response. James and Meowth, no longer confused rush up to join their companion.

Jessie:"We'll deal with you later. Come on." She stomps off. James and Meowth look at her, then at Haunter, then take off running after her, shortly followed by Haunter. Jessie stops as soon as the three catch up to her. She turns and glares at Haunter.

Jessie:"Just where do you think you're going?" Haunter shrugs.

Haunter:"Where ever you're going. I've been assigned to stay with you threes. As much as I don't like it, I have to. I simply can't afford to disregard yet another order at this time."

Jessie:"Fine! Just stay out of the way." She starts walking off again, followed by James, Meowth, and Haunter.

James:"So, what now?"

Jessie:"How should I know?" She points to Haunter. Jessie:"Why not ask our excess baggage?" Haunter ignores her remark.

Meowth:"I have an idea."

Jessie:"Well? What is it?" Meowth recalls what one of the strangers said to him while he was shooting the craps.

Meowth:" I heard about a place in Kentucky called Fort Knox."

James:"What about it?"

Meowth:"I heard it's one of the largest gold reserves in the world."


Jessie:"The answer's obvious. Isn't it Meowth?" Meowth nods his head and rubs his hands/paws together.

Meowth:"We're going to pay them a little visit."

Jessie:"And make a large withdraw." Haunter nearly trips at hearing this, but remains silent.

James:"On to Kentucky then!" The three start to laugh at the thought of all the gold they re about to get. With that, they head off into the sunset towards the nearest train station to make their way to Kentucky with their newest, and unwilling member.

Back at Team Rocket Head Quarters of America.........

Saber:"Do you think it's wise to assign one of our members to those three losers?"

Exo:"Without a doubt. I need someone to keep an eye on them for me."

Saber:"But him? I thought you were going to get rid of him."

Exo:"No. Although I have received several complaints regarding him, he's far to valuable an asset at this time. But, he can not go unpunished. That's why he gets stuck with them."

Saber:"Are you certain he won't betray us?"

Exo:"Not really, but, of all the stunts he's pulled, it's been to the advantage of us, not to mention himself. No, he's loyal. I won't get rid of him for stuff that minor." Exo grins at Saber.

Exo:"Besides, I like his work."

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