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Twisted Evil ~ Charmander Gurl

Twisted Evil


“How long before the project is done?” Giovanni asked impatiently.

“Almost!” the scientist said, “The first phase of project volcanic is finished. I now will present to you the incredible R. O. N.!”

Giovanni stared at the fox-like pokemon and grinned. “So this is a cross between a vulpix and a mew_two?”

“Yes sir! They were originally created in a volcano, we’re still trying to figure out why.” Giovanni laughed an evil laugh.

“You have served your purpose well. Now come with me and we will discuss phase two of our plan.”

A few minutes later, an alarm started to beep. The scientist rushed back to the lab. “Great Scott!” he exclaimed, “The R.O.N. has escaped!”

Chapter #1 Maze Madness

Jessie and James walked through the Rocket Carnival. There were rides, stands selling all kinds of goods and even live shows.

“I like this idea for a fund raiser best!” James said, eyeing the cotton candy and taffy apples.

Jessie nodded, “Yeah! Those pathetic people don’t know that they are really giving money to Team Rocket. Plus we get a free day of fun, food, and shopping!”

“Why did I have to get the tickets!” Meowth grumbled walking toward his companions, “Where should we go first?”

“The Food court!” James shouted.

“Is that all you think about?” Jessie screamed, smacking him with her paper fan, “I want to play some of the games on the boardwalk.”

“What about the rides?” Meowth complained.



“We’re going on the RIDES!” Meowth screamed and scratched both of their faces.

“Fine!” Jessie and James groaned.

Jessie pulled out her purple hand mirror, “OH! My beautiful face!”

“It still looks beautiful,” James assured. He rubbed his head and mumbled, “I’m really getting beat up on today.”

“I’m sorry,” Jessie whispered as if she was making sure that no one else would hear, “I should have controlled myself.”

James was shocked. It was very un-Jessie-like to apologize.

Three rides on the beast-coaster and five rides on the Dreaded Dragonaire, the largest roller coaster with more loops and twists than a mystery novel, later, Jessie and James were fed-up.

“If I ride that roller coaster one more time I am going to faint!” James declared, flopping on a bench, “Besides, I haven’t eaten anything since breakfast. And I nearly dropped my rose that last time!”

“It messes up my hair!” Jessie agreed, “And why do we always have to do what you say Meowth?”

“But I really want to go in the Amazing Maze!” Meowth complained, “You have to find your way to the center of the maze! A jeweled crown is said to lie on a platform there. But more importantly, no one has ever made it to the center before the park closed. So if we made it, the boss would be impressed, and….”

“You’ll be made top cat, we know!” Jessie and James groaned.

“Well, what do you say?” Meowth asked.


“Besides, if we aren’t going to make it before this place closes, then we might as well get some food first!” James said.

“Or at least do something that WE want to do!” Jessie added.

“You guys sure,” Meowth said as he sharpened his claws.

Wishing to avoid more pain, James said, “Um, Food can wait! Let’s go in the maze.”

“Er, Yeah! That, um, sounds like a great idea, Meowth,” Jessie said. Obviously, she wanted to avoid having her face scratched at all costs. Grumbling, the two followed Meowth to the maze.


Ron was terrified as he ran through the twisty corridors. All he remembered was a white laboratory, a plot, and some frightening humans. He dearly missed his volcano home. Here it was strange. Everything was white and everyone called him R. O. N. He was a ron, a rare psychic and fire pokemon, not a science experiment.

He knew that some humans must be good. He remembered part of the plot that the two scary men were discussing. It mentioned two humans (or at least he thought that they were humans because the scary men didn’t call them letters), Jessie and James. Maybe they could help him. After all, from what this small fox pokemon had heard, these two people must be the enemies of the scary people. All of a sudden, there was a light toward the end of the corridor. It was coming from a small square on the ceiling. There were stairs leading up to that square…


Meanwhile, in the maze, Jessie and James were hopelessly lost.

“This is all your fault, Meowth,” Jessie grumbled.

“My Fault?! How is it MY fault!”

“You were the one who made us go in the maze!” she shrieked and hit him with her fan.

“I’m hungry!” James complained.

“What else is new?” Meowth said.

They came to a fork in the corridor. “Weren’t we just here?” Jessie complained.

“I think so,” James answered, “Let’s just go back the way we came so that we can get out of here”.

“I think we came from the left,” Meowth said quickly. The two humans followed him down the corridor.

“Funny,” Jessie mumbled, “I could have sworn that we came from the right”.

Minutes later it became apparent that this was not the way out. “Great Meowth!” James groaned, “We’re lost!”

“Keep this up and we’ll be as lost as those brats, Ash, Misty, and Brock, who get lost all the time!” Jessie added. All of a sudden, Meowth began to run down a corridor. Jessie and James struggled to keep up with him.. They ran around a corner then they saw…

“It’s the center of the maze!” the three exclaimed.

All of a sudden from a small platform they saw a thing rise. They watched a small fox-like figure appear. It was reddish-brown with a purple charm in the center of its forehead. “Ron!” the thing exclaimed.

“What in the world?” James exclaimed.

“Here, I stole a pokedex from some person. Let me check,” Jessie called as she pushed a few buttons.

“Ron, an extremely rare fire and psychic pokemon. No other information known”

“Well, if it’s that rare, let’s capture it! James said. He took a pokeball out of his pocket, “Weezing, go!” His pokemon floated out of the pokeball. “Weezing! Tackle attack!”

Weezing rushed into action, flying strait toward the ron who was calmly sitting on the platform, and not at all afraid of the commotion. Just as weezing was about to tackle it, ron rubbed against lovingly. Weezing was confused at first, but then returned the act of friendship.

“Weezing!” James cried, “I said tackle it not make friends with it!” He was so embarrassed that this was happening to him. Right when Jessie was watching him too!

“Watch the master show you how to do this!” Jessie called, “Arbok! Lickitung! Go!” The two pokemon made a great team. Working together, they got it to battle mode in record time.

“Lickitung! Wrap it and hold it still! Arbok! Bite it!” The ron looked upon Jessie’s pokemon as new friends. It rubbed against both of them. Arbok returned it while Lickitung gave it a huge friendly lick.

“Some master you are Jess!” Meowth teased Jessie who was now blushing furiously. “Why did I have to say master?” Jessie thought.

“Alright ron!” Meowth said toughly, “ignore those two clowns and come fight me!”

“Who are you calling a clown!” Jessie screamed and hit him with her fan. Meowth ignores this and marched into battle. The ron stared puzzled at Meowth and then grabbed his ball of yarn.

“Hey! Give my precious yarn back!” Meowth cried. The ron hit it back to him.

“Ron! Ron, ron!” it cried.

“Oh! I love to play catch! “ Meowth cried and batted the yarn back to the ron.

“Who’s the clown now!” Jessie teased Meowth. But Meowth ignored her taunt.

“It’s just so cute that I can’t hurt it!” Meowth explained.

All of a sudden, the ron turned to look at Jessie and James. The two were staring, and trying to figure out how they could capture this pokemon. It started to gallop full speed toward Jessie and jumped into her arms. Jessie stood there surprised at first, but then began to stroke the soft pokemon’s reddish-brown fur.

“Hey! I told you that I would catch it!” Jessie said after a time.

James laughed, “Yeah you caught it alright Jess! Though in a way that no one could have guessed!”

Part #2 The Amazing Ron

“It’s not anywhere in the lab,” the scientist told Giovanni fearfully, “We found the secret door open and paw prints outside”

“Such brains for a tiny fox,” Giovanni murmured, “It will make the perfect weapon!” The he turned to the scientist, “You must find it. Don’t fail me again! You know what happens to those who fail me! Remember what happened to Mandy”.

The scientist remembered very well what had happened to Mandy. The very thought made him shake all over with fright


The ron had followed Team Rocket to their secret hideout. It seemed to like Jessie more because it was always on her heals; not that Jessie minded it. In fact, she liked the idea of having yet another pokemon.

“Do you think that maybe we should try to find more about this ron?” James asked Jessie who was sitting on her bed.

“Well I guess so,” Jessie said still stroking ron, “certainly is beautiful, just like her owner”.

“Don’t you mean owners?” James asked.

“Well since it likes me best, it’s obviously mine!”

“But that’s unfair! You have more pokemon than me!”

“Who says that it’s not mine!” Meowth said.

“You stay out of this Meowth! Pokemon can’t own other pokemon!” The two humans yelled.

A cloud of smoke rose out of ron’s charm. Slowly, a picture formed in the smoke. It showed both Jessie and James stroking it and pampering it.

“I think it wants us to share it!” James mumbled.

“Ron!” ron answered.

“It says that you are 100% correct,” Meowth translated.

“It was talking to us through a picture!” Jessie cried, “The only pokemon that can do anything even close to that is…”

“A Mew-two!” James exclaimed.

“Yet it doesn’t look anything like a mew-two,” Jessie marveled.

“Ron!” ron said again. The smoke rose out of its charm and disappeared in an instant. A folder dropped from where the smoke had been. Jessie picked it up.

“Project volcanic,” she read. She began to read the papers in the folder, “Through my research I have discovered that extreme heat from a volcano can cause defects in certain pokemons’ brains that will make them reproduce with a pokemon with an entirely different species. This causes an entirely new species of pokemon. This has occurred between a ninetails and a mew-two, creating a vulpix-like pokemon that has a charm on its forehead. Due to mew-two DNA, this pokemon will never evolve into anything. It is stronger than any known species of pokemon so it has become known as a R. O. N., or Raging Omnipotent Nasty.”

“Omnipotent?” James asked.

“It means all powerful, moron, where were you in vocabulary class?” Meowth teased.

“I was talking to Jessie,” James explained.

“No you weren’t,” Jessie said, “that period you would fall asleep and the teacher would wake you up and make you balance books on your head.”

“Oh yeah! I remember now, Mrs. Mikowra. She was so mean! I’d get a detention if the books fell off!”

“And you can guess how often that happened!” Jessie laughed.

“so what else does it say?” James asked.

Jessie continued reading, “With this information I have concluded on how to make the ultimate pokemon. I will do this by…” She stopped reading.

“Well,” James and Meowth asked with anticipation.

“There isn’t any more,” Jessie said, “The rest of it is missing!”

“Freeze!” they heard a voice yell. They turned around to see ten team rocket agents wearing black suits with red R’s on them. They were all wearing hats that were completely black. Jessie and James didn’t have to look twice to realize that they were part of the Team Rocket special reserves. These were special agents that did the scary work, like murder. If you were to join this, you would never be able to work anywhere else in your life. Even the most underhanded band of thieves would be afraid of you. No pokemon would ever trust you either.

“Surrender the R. O. N.” one of the agents called, “and we won’t hurt you.”

The fact is, that not even other members of Team Rocket would trust the special reserves. And Jessie was not about to give up ron to one of them.

“Give me one reason why I should!” she yelled in reply.

One of the special reserves pointed a gun at her. "Surrender the ron or the girl gets it!” he yelled.

Calmly, Jessie pulled out her mallet and hit that agent on the head with it. “You want a fight?” She asked the remaining nine agents. She ran over to James. “Arbok, Lickitung! GO!”

James followed her lead, “Weezing! Go!”

Meowth joined in, “Meowth go! Alright, I’ll go.” Jessie and James rolled their eyes.

The nine agents let out their pokemon, “Flareon! Raichu! Starme! Vileplume! GO!

Jessie was the first to make a move, “Lickitung! Use wrap! Arbok use bind!” Her strategy was a good one. Lickitung held the flareon still while arbok bit it!

“Weezing! Use tackle, and actually tackle it this time!” James called.

“Meowth use furry swipes,” Meowth cried, “Alright!” Meeeeooooowwwth”

The fight raged on long and hard. Eventually, Jessie and James were out of pokemon and Meowth was too weak. The agents still had a raichu that hadn’t passed out. All of a sudden, ron walked to toward the raichu.

“Ron!” Jessie screamed, “You’ll get hurt!”

Ron began to walk around the raichu like nothing was wrong singing, “Ron ron ron, ron ron ron!” then he walked back over to Jessie and James. When he left, bright flashes of fire and psychic energy attacked the raichu! The raichu fainted. The agents called back the raichu and ran away to somewhere.

“That was a close one!” James cried.

“Who knew that such a small pokemon would have such a powerful attack?” Jessie said, “You know James, Those were members of Team Rocket, just like us! You know what that means?”

“That they went to the wrong house?” James suggested hopefully.

“No, it means that some twisted evil is out there,” Jessie said solemnly, “An evil so twisted that it would hurt its own kind to get what it wants.

Chapter #3 On the Run

"Did you get it?” the scientist asked Razor, Raul, Buzz, Rubber, Mac, and the others.

“They thought us off, sir,” Razor answered, he was the leader of the other nine, “And that girl, what’s her name? Julie? Jamie? Jenny? Jessie! That’s it! Any way, that girl Jessie hit Mac so hard that he was unconscious until about five minutes ago!”

“You idiots!” the scientist yelled, “You lost to the worst agents in the history of Team Rocket! And you call yourselves reserves! Remember what happened to Mandy? Well that’s what’s going to happen to us if we don’t get that R. O. N.! "

The ten reserves shuddered at the mention of Mandy’s name.

“If you want to get anything done right you have to do it yourself!” the scientist mumbled, “That raging omnipotent nasty is as good as mine!”


Jessie, James, Meowth, and ron were miles away from their hideout and somewhere in the forest. They were on the run. They couldn’t stay at their hideout for fear that the reserves would be back. Jessie lay her sleeping bag on the ground, and plopped her bag of things next to it. James put his down beside hers. It was a cold, fall day and the forest wasn’t the ideal place to be.

“I’m hungry!” James complained.

“YOU’RE hungry?” Jessie asked, “I’m hungry, too. Plus, I hate sleeping in the woods!”

“Both of you stop whining!” Meowth screamed. He was about to scratch them when ron got in front of the Meowth.


“Fine, fine I won’t scratch them,” Meowth grumbled. They took out the rice that they had brought with them and boiled the water.

“Some dinner,” James said sarcastically, “Rice and soy sauce!”

“Well we would have had more if YOU hadn’t kept screaming that they were going to come back so we had to get out of there quick!” Jessie retorted.

“Well I can’t help it! We both could have been killed!”

“I know! But life would be so easier if you weren’t such a worry wart!”

“Well then you might as well wish that you never had met me! Is that how you would have liked it?” Jessie thought for a second. James had been her best friend, teammate, and, yes, crush since she met him at the Pokemon Academy. Life without James was practically impossible to imagine. They had just be together for so long.

“No,” she said finally, “I definitely wouldn’t rather that it had happened that way.”

Meowth snickered, he knew very well that his comrades refused to admit that they liked each other. It almost got annoying that neither would admit it.

When the rice was ready, they all sat around the fire that they had built and ate rice with soy sauce. Ron, lickitung arbok, and weezing curled up by the fire, exhausted from the long day. The only sound was the faint squawking of a spearow, nothing worth bothering. Sub-consciously Jessie began to stroke arbok and lickitung. They were good pokemon, and although they messed up ever so often, they were extremely loyal to Jessie and had their strong moments. Jessie never had the tools to train her arbok properly. When she got it, it was only a tiny ekans. Jessie’s mom never would bother to spend money on her, so she couldn’t get any of the revives or potions needed if she wanted to get anywhere in training it. Plus trips to the pokemon center were out of the question, too much money. Ekans only got its real training when Jessie had run away to join the bike gang. It wasn’t its fault that it wasn’t the best pokemon in the world. Time passed and soon it was time to go to sleep. They curled up in their sleeping bags.

“Jessie,” James whispered, “What if the reserves are in the forest and they sneak up on us?” Jessie sighed.

“Arbok,” she called, “you watch over the camp and make sure no one comes near it.”

“Charbok!” arbok hissed with a sound of duty in its voice.

“Good! And if you get tired, wake up lickitung, weezing, or Meowth and have them take over.”

“HEY!” Meowth called from inside his sleeping bag.

Soon everyone except arbok was asleep.

Jessie was in a deep sleep when she was awaken by a very loud hiss, “CHARBOK!!!!!!!!!!”

“What is it, arbok?” Jessie asked. Then she remembered where she was and that she had put arbok on guard duty. This could only mean one thing, someone was coming and that arbok recognized whoever it was.

“Who’s coming?” she asked.

“Charbaka, charbok!”

It couldn’t be! The reserves had found them. She rolled over and shook James as hard as she could. James woke up with a start.

“What? Who? When? Where?” He asked.

“Shhhhhhh!” Jessie warned, “we need to get out of here and fast! Don’t even bother to pack your stuff! Just get weezing up and some money.”

“You mean they’re here?!” James cried fearfully.

“Yes, but just stay calm and they won’t find us!” They were lucky that they hadn’t bothered to change out of their clothes before they went to bed. They were still wearing their Team Rocket uniforms.

“Ron, Lickitung! Wake up,” Jessie called gently to the pokemon. They woke up quietly. She returned Lickitung and arbok to their pokeballs.

“Weezing, Meowth!” James called. Loyal weezing immediately woke up and got in its pokeball. But Meowth didn’t stir. “stupid cat!” James mumbled to himself.

“I HEARD THAT!” Meowth screamed and woke up.

“SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” Jessie and James hissed.

They silently crept out into the night. They crept along without saying a word to each other. They couldn’t. They were too afraid. Then a hand clamped over James’s mouth.

“Jess,” cried, his voice sounding muffled through the hand. Jessie spun around and flashed a flashlight toward the villains. They were the reserves, but there were more of them. She screamed. Her flashlight was the only means of light they had in the dark forest. They had a huge disadvantage because reserves are trained to see in the dark.

"Ron! Arbok! Lickitung! GO!” Ron lit up the dark forest with a blast of fire. Unfortunately, he also lit up Meowth’s tail.

Meowth ran around hissing and screaming, “Stupid fox! Why can’t he aim! OH! My beautiful tail!!!!!!”

“Go weezing,” James called through the hand. Their efforts were to no avail. Soon Jessie, James, Meowth, Ron, Arbok, Weezing, and Lickitung were tied up and loaded in the back of a truck.

"Where are you taking us?” Jessie screamed. Little did they what they were about to discover.

Chapter #4 Encounter With Twisted Evil

The scientist came over to the truck. “Razor, you have done well,” the scientist smiled.

“Okay!” Jessie screamed, “I know you want ron, but what do you want from the rest of us!”

“You’ll soon see my dear,” the scientist grinned.

“Don’t ‘my dear’ me! Tell me where you are taking us!” Jessie shrieked in return. The scientist just grinned, “Raul, gag them.” Raul walked to the back of the truck. “Sorry to do this to you,” he whispered.

“Then why are you?” James asked.

“Boss’s orders,” Raul answered.

“Why do you listen to that book worm?,” Jessie asked, referring to the scientist.

“No! he’s not the boss. Listen, do you know what happened to Mandy?”

“Sort of,” Jessie said, “I know that she was the most vicious, most successful member of the Team Rocket special reserves. And that one day she double crossed the boss and soon after she disappeared.”

“You don’t know what happened to her, but anyway, what happened to her will happen to us if I don’t do this,” Raul said.

“Well, what did?” Jessie, James, and Meowth asked.

“I shouldn’t be talking to you,” Raul said. He got the gags out of his pocket.

“Who do you think the boss he follows is?” James asked Jessie before Raul tied the gag around his mouth.

“I don’t know,” Jessie answered, “It couldn’t be Giov…” The rest of what she was going to say was caught off by the gag being tied around her mouth. Raul got into the truck. It started to move.


What seemed like hours later, the truck stopped. Ron and the other pokemon were taken by some of the agents while Jessie and James were led out of the truck and into a dark building. Jessie and James knew who they were about to meet, their kidnapper. They were taken into a dark room with a throne in it. On that throne sat…

“Giovanni!” Jessie and James exclaimed at the same time.

“Jessica, James, how good to see you,” Giovanni said with an evil grin on his face.

“Why have you brought us here?” Jessie demanded.

“Perhaps I should explain,” Giovanni said in his charming but evil voice, “As you know, I am trying to create the ultimate pokemon. To do this, I am adding some of the DNA and body parts of other pokemon to this R. O. N.”

“RON!!!” Ron snapped as if to say that it was not an R. O. N., but a ron.

“All these pokemon,” Giovanni continued, “Are easily obtained by my agents, no thanks to you two! There is just one thing missing: Human qualities. If I were to add some human brain tissue, imagine what that would be like! I’d have a pokemon that could do more than just speak! It would have logic skills, it would have an incredible amount of brain capacity! Unfortunately, this is not easily obtained. I’d have to use one of my agents. So of coarse, I’m not going to use my top of the line agents am I? No, I’m going to use my worst agent.” His gaze shifted to James.

James gulped, “ME!?” Giovanni nodded. “But boss, this is crazy!” Jessie said, “You’re killing an agent of yours and all these pokemon that WE have been working hard to capture, thinking that you would use them to become a pokemon master, just to be all powerful?!”

“To make an omelet, you have to break a few eggs.”

“Boss, I have a HUGE fear of sharp pointy things,” James pleaded afraid for his life, “You wouldn’t even be able to get a scalpel near me!”

“Then why do you carry that rose around all the time?” Giovanni asked mischievously.

“Um…’s de-thorned!” This was a poor excuse because both Giovanni and Jessie knew very well that James did not de-thorn the rose.

“So what are you going to do with me?” Jessie asked, “cut me up along with your other science experiments?”

“Actually,” Giovanni said, “I was hoping that you would be my bride.”

“Me?” Jessie asked, “marry YOU?”


“Never in a million years would I marry you inhuman, pokemon killing murderer!”

“Maybe I should put this in a different way,” Giovanni laughed a pushed a button. A large machine was revealed. At the end there was a branch that had a large bright green metapod hanging on the end of it.

“Bring me Mandy,” Giovanni commanded to one of his guards.

“MANDY!” Jessie and James screamed together, “You turned her into a metapod!!!!!”

“caught me red handed,” Giovanni laughed, “except that Mandy is a special metapod, because she will never evolve into butterfree. All she can do is hang on the branch and harden!”

“An evil so twisted,” Jessie murmured.

“Well, what do you choose?” Giovanni asked.

“I choose,” Jessie said, being sure to leave a dramatic pause, “I choose C! None of the above! Arbok! Lickitung! Weezing! GO!”

“wheeze,” weezing protested.

“I know I’m not James, you bloated ball of gas!” Jessie screamed, “But it’s hard for James to call you when he’s so afraid that he can’t speak!”

“W…w….weezing,” James stuttered, “GO!”

“Ha, ha! This’ll be a piece of cake!” Giovanni laughed, “Persian, GO!”

“Meowth! GO!” Meowth called, “okay!” For once Jessie and James didn’t roll their eyes.

Working together, they soon defeated persian.

“No more time for games,” Giovanni said, “R.O. N.! GO!”

Ron began to walk toward Giovanni. He began to walk around him. And Giovanni got a shock as his own pokemon attacked him!

“Okay!” Giovanni sighed, “I surrender!”

“Well,” James, Jessie, and Meowth said.

“Well, what?”

“Well, what do we get for defeating you?” James asked.

“What do you demand?” Giovanni asked.

“First of all,” Jessie said, “We are now the new owners of Team Rocket!”

“WHAT!?” Giovanni screamed, “YOU!? Take over Team Rocket!”

Jessie and James nodded. “Second,” James said, “You sign this paper that promises to leave us alone.” Giovanni signed it.

“Third,” Meowth said, “You announce to all the agents that we are now the leaders of Team Rocket.” Giovanni did as they bided.

“And finally,” Jessie said.

“Yes,” Giovanni said.

“YOU”RE FIRED!” Jessie, James, and Meowth all screamed.


“So,” James asked, “Now that we are the bosses of Team Rocket, what do we do first?”

“Well,” Jessie said, “First we should redecorate this throne room! There needs to be two thrones and we need to re-paint it. I mean, all this black is so tacky. I say we paint it pink.”

“NO!” James said.


James shook his head.


“Green’s okay.”

He looked at Jessie. He had always liked her, but had always denied it. Without thinking, he leaned forward and kissed her.

“Finally!” Meowth whispered to arbok and weezing. They, too, knew that this day would come sooner or later.

All of a sudden, Jessie and James stopped kissing, realizing that Meowth, their pokemon, and a few guards were still standing there. They blushed bright red.

“Um…. I better talk to an internal designer,” Jessie said embarrassed and dashed toward the phone.

“I’m hungry!” James exclaimed, and rushed toward the kitchen. Meowth just laughed, and laughed.

And In the End…

Jessie and James were married 6 years later and became the most powerful pokemon trainers in the world. Even Ash envies their pokemon training abilities. Arbok, lickitung and weezing are known all around the world for their strength. Meowth is content with being top cat of Team Rocket, and wrote a book entitled: My Life With the Best (he only changed the truth a little bit!). Ron of course, was never mutated or became anything else. He continues to become strong and is still owned by Jessie and James as the cherished family pet.

As for Giovanni, well, his future stinks!

“Hey, I’m only a sewer cleaner!” Giovanni yells at me. Well, what can I say, not everyone can have a great future!

As Giovanni put it, “To make an omelet you have to break a few eggs.” It’s the same with futures.


The End

Note: I didn't make up Jessie, James, Lorelei, Meowth, or Jessibelle. They belong to their creators. All the pokemon mentioned don't belong to me.

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