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Music Video: Can't Fight This Feeling: REO Speedwagon ~ Emmy


Reo Speedwagon

{ Director's note : Umm. . . first ONLY JaJR thing and I would appreciate feedback }

[ A female voice is singing ]

I can't fight this feeling any longer

( Jesse in her sleeping bag looking at James about to go to sleep )

And yet I'm still afraid to let it flow

( She looks at him and decides to get up and wake him up so she stands up)

What started out as friendship, has grown stronger

( She walks over to him sleeping peacefully and smiles as she tries unsuccessfully to wake him up )

I only wish I had the strength to let it show

( She gets a look of frustration and pulls out a mallet, looks at it and starts to cry realizing what she was about to do and what she has done so many times )

I tell myself that I can't hold out forever

( James wakes up to the sound of her crying and runs over to her and asks her what is wrong as he grabs her gently by the shoulders, turning her nicely, tilts her head up kindly to look at him, and asks again )

I said there is no reason for my fear

( James pulls her into a hug and she has a look of surprise)

‘Cause I feel so secure when we're together

( Jesse's surprised look turns into a smile and holds him tighter )

You give my life direction

( She pulls away slowly and they look into each other's eyes )

You make everything so clear

( Jesse says this to him and he gets confused )

And even as I wander I'm keeping you in sight

( She turns away to find the words but we see her eyes looking out of their corners looking at James )

You're a candle in the window

(He approaches her again, confused, and puts a caring hand on her shoulder )

On a cold, dark winter's night

( She turns and looks at his and her feet then slowly looks up )

And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might

( She meets his gaze and smiles unsurely )

And I can't fight this feeling anymore

( Jesse says this and James looks confused . . . again )

I've forgotten what I started fighting for

( Jesse looks down mumbling how she doesn't remember why she never said how she felt in the first place )

It's time to bring this ship into the shore

( James suddenly realizes what is FINALLY happening, blushes, but still keeps his gaze on Jesse's head and takes both of her hands in both of his )

And throw away the oars, forever

( He slowly tilts her head up to face him and he gently kisses her lips)

[ Male voice now singing ]

Cause I can't fight this feeling anymore

( You can see Meowth between the couple and he is smiling a, "Finally !" smile with a single tear running down his face )

I've forgotten what I started fighting for

( They release from each other and embrace again)

And if I have to crawl upon the floor

( They let go of each other's hands and go back to sleep in their sleeping bags )

Come crashing through your door

( James wakes Jesse up the nest morning with a gentle kiss on the cheek and she bolts awake in fear )

Baby, I can't fight this feeling anymore

( She realizes who it is and gives him a hug and a good morning )

My life has been such a whirlwind since I saw you

( ~The first time Jesse and James met in the Boss's office and then getting swept out of there in a giant dust cloud~ )

I've been running round in circles in my mind

( James looks at Jesse finishing her breakfast and smiles at her ; she doesn't see that he is looking at her )

And it always seems that I'm following you, girl

( Jesse pulling James by the hand, knocking him out of his trance and pulling him into a long kiss )

Cause you take me to the places that alone I'd never find

( They break apart and walk to hide behind bushes by the side of the path hand in hand )

And even as I wander I'm keeping you in sight

( James goes to hide on the other side of the path to hide but walks backwards so he can still keep an eye on Jesse )

You're a candle in the window on a cold, dark winter's night

( She blows a kiss to him and he "catches" it )

And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might

( Meowth, who had been following, rolls his eyes )

And I can't fight this feeling anymore

( Ash-tachi comes along and TR does their motto but . . .)

I've forgotten what I started fighting for

( when James says love they blush and their 'audience' catches it and smiles)

It's time to bring this ship into the shore

( Jesse and James shake their heads in frustration and in unison throw off their TR uniforms to reveal regular clothes underneath and say that they quit Team Rocket )

And throw away the oars, forever

( Meowth catches the clothes and rips them to shreds telling the couple walking hand in hand to wait up )

Cause I can't fight this feeling anymore

( Ash-tachi look confused and scratch their heads in unison )

I've forgotten what I started fighting for

( Jesse and James walking into the setting sun with James now having his hand around Jesse's waist and both ignoring Meowth who is running to catch up )

And if I have to crawl upon the floor

( Jesse trips over a rock and falls to the ground )

Come crashing through your door

( James quickly bends down to see if she's okay and helps her up but she falls back down clutching her ankle )

Baby, I can't fight this feeling anymore.

( He lifts her into his arms easily and carries her for a while before she reaches up to his face and kisses him fully on the lips causing him to stop and as the music fades, there is a fade-out on the two faces connected )

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