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Untitled ~ Chansey46

It was winter break in TR HQ. Everyone else had gone to visit family but Jesse, James, Butch, and Cassidy. There had been a terrible blizzard, and the sky was gray. Jesse and James had fallen asleep in the lounge, by the fire.

They were awoken by Cassidy, "We challenge you to a Snow fort contest."

Jesse responded by saying, "Very well, we accept!" All four of them got their snow stuff on and dashed outside. James and Jesse were one team and Butch and Cassidy were the other team. Each team built a snow fort. When they were all finished, each was proud of their fort.

Suddenly Butch yelled, "Snowball fight!" And they were off! Each pelting each other with snowballs, and ducking and dodging. When they finished they were all tired out.

James and Butch got in a meaningless fight, when James suddenly says to Butch, "I bet I'm more romantic than you are."

"Are not!" said Butch. Meowth came out into the snow, discovered what they were talking about and decided to join in.

"I'll judge!" Meowth declared.

"Fine then." said Butch.

"Fine." said James. They sat there a minute giving each other dirty looks.

"I'll go first." said Butch. He grabbed Cassidy, who had been talking to Jesse, and kissed her passionatly on the lips. She looked stunned. "There," he said pulling away, "Your turn."

James, not wanting to be out-kissed whirled Jesse around, and kissed her on the lips longer than Butch had. They went on for about 3 minutes, when Butch finally said,

"Ok, you win." but they didn't stop. "OK! You win!" he said and pulled them apart.

Jesse muttered, "Wow," while James looked smugly at Butch.

"Let's go inside, it's getting cold." said Cassidy. They trundeled inside, took off their snow gear, and walked back to the lounge. Jesse switched on the TV, still stunned. The news flashed on, where a man was sitting next to a Flareon.

"The recent weather in the local area is said to be caused by a runaway Jinx." Flareon translated what he said in Poketalk.

James switched off the tv with an evil look on his face, "Let's play truth or dare."


"James, truth or dare?" said Butch.

"Um, dare!" answered James excitedly.

"I dare you to french Jesse!" said Butch. James' face went bright red. Jesse's face was almost as red as her hair. Cassidy made it worse by saying,

"What's the matter, James?" in a know-it-all way.

"Nothing at all," said James quickly. He slowly bent his face over to Jesse and quickly touched her mouth with his. Then he let his tongue go. One touch, and he recoiled. He went back, with a look of embarrassment on his face. Jesse looked shocked.

"Um, Cassidy, truth or dare?" said James.

"Truth." she answered.

"How do you really feel about Butch?" said James, a smile spreading across his face. Butch looked as though he had just swallowed a bug.

"I like him." said Cassidy.

"*Like* like him?" said Jesse.

"Um, yeah." she answered.

"Ok, James and Butch! Truth or dare?" said Cassidy.

"Dare!" they said in unison.

"I dare you to go up to Giovanni, in your boxers, and sing, It's not unusual to be loved by anyone." At this Jesse burst out in fits of laughter, and James and Butch turned red as ketchup.

"Ok," they said and wandered into the men's bathroom. They came out, Butch in boxers with Happy faces on them and an undershirt, and James came out in his Jigglypuff boxers. Jesse and Cassidy were trying to stifle their laughter.

Suddenly Giovanni comes out of his room with a grim look on his face.

James and Butch run up to him and start singing, "It's not unusual to be loved by anyone.." and continue through the whole song. Jesse and Cassidy were rolling on the floor in fits of histeric giggles. When James and Butch finish, Giovanni grumbles and walks past them mumbling something about "teenagers not being the same as they used to."

Butch and James came back to Jesse and Cassidy, fully dressed.

"Ok, I need a break," said Cassidy. "Let's go on a walk Jesse." Jesse agreed and they went outside for a walk.


"Where are we, Cassidy?" asked Jesse. They had wandered around for a while and had decided to go back home.

"We'll get back by following the path we came from." said Cassidy.

"Ok." said Jesse they turned around, only to find a Jinx in their way.

"Move it!" yelled Cassidy. The Jinx looked infuriated.

"Cass, I think that's the Jinx on the weather today!" said Jesse. Jinx suddenly held out her hand and unleashed her blizzard attack, which hit Jesse and Cassidy hard. They fainted on the snow, ice cold, and frozen. The Jinx walked away.


"I'm worried about them." came Butch's voice. He had been staring out the window for an hour, waiting for them to return. James, too had worried.

"Maybe we should find them." said James, wrinkles of worry etched on his face.

"Ok." said Butch, and they were out the door in a flash. They traveled along the roads, in their coats searching for their missing partners.

"Jesse! Cassidy!" James yelled, whirling his flashlight around.

He suddenly heard Butch's voice, "Oh my god!" he ran over to see Butch knelt over the limp forms of Jesse and Cassidy.

James ran to Jesse, lifted her up and told Butch, "We've got to get them back to headquarters!" Butch lifted Cassidy up, and followed James. James looked at Jesse's colorless face and ice blue lips.

"How could I have let them go alone!" he thought to himself angrily. He turned around to see Butch kissing Cassidy's forehead and telling her it would be allright. They both knew that they had to get their partners to HQ. soon.


Jesse awoke to the bluriness of light. It made her dizzy. Where was she? Her vision came into focus, and she discovered she was in the lounge. She was on the floor. She felt warm. Her eyes looked over to reveal she had a baggy sweatshirt and pants on her. James' outfit. There were 2 large arms wrapped around her. James. She snuggled farther into his chest. She looked around the room. On the other couch lay Cassidy, still out like a light. Butch was kneeling on the floor holding her hand, and looking at her as if by will, he could make her get up.

"Butch?" Jesse asked faintly. James was a heavy sleeper, so he didn't wake up. Butch heard her and came over. He was wearing his tank top and pants. Cassidy had a sweatshirt on her. Butch's sweatshirt.

"Jesse, I'm so glad you're awake. James was worried sick." he said. There was a murmur from Cassidy, and Butch ran over, and held her hand tightly.

"Butch?" Cassidy whispered faintly as she opened her eyes. Butch looked at her admirably and put a finger to her lips.

"Quiet, rest now." he said in a loving tone. Cassidy's eyes closed again. Butch's comment had woken James up.

"Jesse! You're awake." he said with delight. Jesse smiled. Suddenly, her mind whirred and she fell, back asleep, un-concious.

"Oh, no!" said James. He inspected her, and found a cut on her neck. Something had bitten her!

James said to Butch, "See if Cassidy has any cuts."

Butch looked around on Cassidy and said, "Nope." James rushed to get the nurse, and brought her back.

"Mmmmm, it's a Pokemon bite. A Golbat has poisoned her." said the nurse.

"Oh, can you get the poison out?" asked James. "Yes." she said.


James had been waiting outside emergency care for hours. Cassidy had come too, and she and Butch were holding hands. The light went off, indicating they were done. James waited by the door.

The nurse came out and said, "You may come in." James rushed to Jesse's side and held her hand.

"Jesse?" asked James. Jesse's blue eyes fluttered oped. James. Exactly who she needed right now. She hugged him, and he hugged back.

He kissed her lightly and said, "Welcome back."

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