Tricks of the Trade

  • always point your toes- if your foot is off the ground it should be pointed.
  • look up when you dance- if you look down you will seem like you don't know what you're doing.
  • jump high- make sure your over-the-bridges, clicks, birds, frillies, etc.. are high.
  • kick your butt- do it on everything that you can.
  • posture- stand up straight
  • head- don't let it bob around when you dance, you'll look like a chicken.
  • practice makes perfect- therefore, practice perfectly. Even if the step isn't quite right, keep your posture, head and hands the way they should be.
  • hands- make fists. if you can't, hold a penny in each hand to make sure you are keeping fists (if you aren't the coins will fall out...).
  • blisters are NOT fun- moleskin is your friend...
  • always drink lots of water- dehydration is also not fun...
  • don't pull your socks up in line- if you need to, use sock glue at feisanna to keep them up
  • try to dance in front of judges- but not in their faces
  • don't dance in the back of the stage- it makes you look meek and incompetent
  • BE CONFIDENT!- "strut your stuff" if you weren't good, you wouldn't be at a feis.
  • Cross your feet neatly in line before you dance
  • Don't talk in line, unless absoulutely nessecary
  • Smile- I know it's hard when you're concentrating, but try...
  • Make sure you bow to both the judge(s) and the Musician- its common courtesy
  • Don't mouth the words when you dance
  • Use as much of the stage as you can and be in the front- don't let the other dancer take over
  • When you're standing in line think over your steps so you can get the rhythm of the music
  • Stretch before you dance- if you don't you'll feel it WHEN you dance
  • If you simply can't get clicks, birds, ect. don't fret- start off low, and just get higher as you can.

    Have any tips for dancers? Email them to me at


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