Top O' the mornin' to yea lads and lassies! I'm Moira (say it~ More-uh or Moi-ruh). This is my Irish dance Webpage full of Roses, shammrocks, fairies and fun. I'm not an expert at dance or anything, but I hope my advice and information helps you out or gives you a good laugh! Don't forget to sign my guestbook and my slam book, and if you have a webpage, why don't you apply for my award?

Solo Dresses and Beyond!

Shhhh, just between us: Tricks of Irish Dance

Jigs, Reels, and Hornpipes: Some Info About the Dances

Feis Forget-me-Nots

What's a Feis????????

My Trophy Case: This is Where I keep track of my Medals

My Feis Pics

The Levels of Irish Dance!

My New Dance Class Diary

Sign My Guestbook View My Guestbook

View My SlamBook

Sign My SlamBook

Erin the Irish Bear seems to be visiting me all the way from ErieLibra's Irish Dancing Page! Isn't Erin A cutie!?

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