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undefined Lisa Kavita Rajah

Lisa Kavita Rajah

Born on 7 Nov and now well into my early twenties, I was born and bred in little old Singapore. Rebellious kid that I was in my teens, I opted out of the abysmally biased education system back home to pursue my dreams of being a doctor elsewhere. After completing my A Levels and Bachelor of Medical Science in Melbourne / Sydney, it came to be that I had insufficient funding towards the next 3 years which would get me my full medical degree. Eventually I decided to take a gap year in order to sort my finances out and earn some in the form of English pounds, which leaves me where I am today.

Now, Cambridge is a beautiful place. I got here in June, when the flowers were an intensely stunning array of vibrancy and colour and the University Colleges, which date back to 1200s, give name to an architectural magnificence I've never witnessed anywhere else. People seem to feel comfortable with each other on the streets here, not minding the cyclists that whizz by bare inches from them. The town itself, situated in the midst of the many colleges here, is a handy little place to do some shopping, that I do quite often and quite well.

It feels like we're well into winter now. Ok my website is on its Autumn edition, but only because I preferred falling autumn leaves to gray drizzle. The flowers have taken a united stand against blooming, I've decidedly got mild hypothermia 24 hrs a day, and it's not an exciting prospect to go out when it gets dark by 4pm. I have been told that the coldest is yet to come by some grinning faces. For someone used to a warm tropical climate, you don't want to be telling her that. It's just, well, cruel. On the (figurative) bright side, I'm not so inclined to hit the shops, the landscape looks remarkable with skeleton trees, and snuggling up in bed is quite wonderful of course.

The rest of my pages are still under construction so please check back in a while and I'll have something new and exciting put on.

My Poems

My Efforts to Save the World

Current Indian Interests



Time for Music

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