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The day ended with the promise

Of a dark and daunting night

Trees whispered their secrets

Through the day's fading light

Which, when heralded

By the lazy falling of leaves

Is ensued by Darkness

A seductive pattern it weaves

Its ebony arms entwine around me

And envelope me from within

So helplessly mesmerised

Like never before have I been

The last thing I see are the stars aglimmer

In the dainty newborn dusk

Just as the nightwind breathes into my ear

And I smell its woody musk

As I close my eyes then

To let it wrap my body tight

I am allured deep into the depths

Of the silvery moonlight

I reach out my hands

Trying to capture the sensual chills

Yet they elude my grasp

Enticing me more and more still

Feeling as if in some hypnotic dream

Hoping I'd never wake up

I 'm reeled further into the arms

Of the drowsy dark

Unable to withstand any longer

I lose all vestige of thought

As I let myself drown in the intensity

To fall into it and get caught

Just, then, the breeze dies down

The whole world seems to pause

The arms of dark making love to me,

Weaving around my soul,

Is the cause.
