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James T. Kirk's Photo

James T. Kirk
William Shatner

Full Name:
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Marital Status:
Military Education:
James Tiberius Kirk
March 22, 2233
Riverside, Iowa (Earth)
Starfleet Academy 2250-2254
2371 on planet Veridian III


  • 2250 - Ensign assigned to USS Republic NCC-1371
  • 2254 - Lieutenant assigned to USS Faragut
  • 2264 - Captain, command of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A
  • 2269 - Admiral in charge of fleet operations
  • 2277 - Appointment to Academy faculty
  • 2286 - Reduced permanently to Captain
  • Preantares Ribbon of Commendation
  • Palm Leaf of Axanar Place Mission
  • Grankite Order of Tactics
  • Medal of Honor
  • Silver Palm with Clusters
  • Starfleet Citation for Conspicuous Gallantry
  • Kragite Order of Heroism

KirK's Relatives:

  • David Marcus (son) - David was born in 2261 who became a scientist. First contact with Kirk was in 2265 when both he and his mother Carol were working on Project Genesis and Kirk had to rescue them from Khan. David was killed in 2285 at the hands of a Klingon who was trying to steal the secret of Genesis in order to obtain power and use it as a weapon.
  • George Samuel and Aurelan Kirk (older brother and sister-in-law) - Kirk calls him Sam. George was a research biologist and Kirk's older brother. He, his wife Aurelan and their three sons lived on the planet Deneva. In 2267, Kirk finds his brother dead and his sister-in-law in a fatal condition. Aurelan dies shortly after. Their deaths was caused by invading neural parasite.
  • Peter Kirk (nephew) - Peter survived the invasion on Deneva by the neural parasites.

Kirk's Friends:

  • Leonard H. McCoy - Bones, as Kirk called him, joined the Enterprise in 2266 and was with them for 27 years as Chief Medical Officer of the USS Enterprise NCC 1701A. He and Kirk in 2293 were convicted in the murder of the Klingon Chancellor Gorkon. That conviction was later overturned.
  • Spock - Kirk's best friend and science officer of the USS Enterprise NCC 1710A.
  • Gary Mitchell - Gary was one of his students and also a good friend back in their early days at Starfleet Academy. He served under Kirk as Lieutenant Commander during Kirk's five-year mission, and Kirk had requested that Gary go with him on his first command. Mitchell had saved Kirk's life by taking a poisonous dart that was meant for Kirk. He died in 2265 on the planet Delta Vega where he was exposed to radiation and was mutated into a God-like being. Kirk fought with Gary on the planet and Gary was killed. He was listed in the logs as having given up his life in the line of duty.
  • Benjamin Finney - He and Kirk at one time were good friends. Finney named his daughter after Kirk (Jamie). He had a grudge against Kirk from the time they were ensigns. Kirk had logged a dangerous and careless mistake that Finney had made. That log entry, claims Finney, has kept him from promotions. Kirk was accused of killing Finney. But it turned out that Finney wasn't killed at all. Kirk found Finney hiding on the ship. Kirk was cleared of all charges.
  • Garth of Izar - Garth was at one time a famous starship captain and one of Kirk's heroes. In the 2250s Garth helped preserve the Federation from his historic victory at Axanar. In 2260 he became seriously injured in an accident. The inhabitants from Antos IV aided in his recovery. They taught him how to repair his body by teaching him cellular metamorphosis. But, although they were able to repair his body, they didn't realize that the accident had rendered Garth criminally insane.
  • Abraham Lincoln - Lincoln was another one of Kirk's heroes whom he met in the episode "The Savage Curtain".
  • Commodore Matt Decker - Matt was the Captain of the USS Constellation. In 2267, his ship encountered an entity in space that Decker calls the berserker, a giant robot ship, a robotic weapon that was made by a dead alien race consuming all that crosses its path including planets for energy. He had sent his entire crew to a planet in the L-374 system but the planet killer had consumed it, leaving Matt alone on his ship and the only survivor. He had taken one of the Enterprise shuttlecraft on a suicide mission to destroy the weapon, but he failed and was killed.
  • Willard Decker (Matt Decker's son) - In 2270-2271, Will was Captain of the Enterprise during the time the ship was being refitted. Kirk recommended him to be assigned to the Enterprise but was later replaced by Kirk and demoted to executive officer when the ship encountered the V'Ger (A 20th century satellite built by NASA called Voyager VI) in 2271. V'Ger had sent a probe to the Enterprise killing Decker's girlfriend ILia and duplicating her in order to communicate with Kirk and his crew. They were finally given permission to visit V'Ger where Will gave up his life in order to save the earth from being destroyed. Both he and Ilia were later listed as missing in action.
  • Commodore Robert Wesley - In 2268, he was the Commander of the Starship Lexington. He was also in charge of the disastrous M-5 computer tests. He had the courage not attack the Enterprise after the M-5 multitronic unit seriously malfunctioned.

Women in Kirk's life:

  • The Enterprise (No. 1) - The Enterprise is Kirk's #1 female in his life. Kirk has forsaken many relationships with women for the Enterprise. He would do anything and everything to protect her. Kirk's relationships with women never lasted very long. He always referred to the Enterprise as a she.
  • Ruth (girlfriend) - Kirk was involved with her when he attended Starfleet Academy in 2252.
  • Janice Lester (girlfriend) - Their relationship lasted a year during his Starfleet Academy days. But Janice became very bitter and harbored a deep hatred of Kirk because she has never been able to command a starship. She always wanted to be a Captain. In 2269 on the planet Camus II, she discovered a life-energy transfer device amonng the ruins in that planet. She used that device to place her mind in Kirk's body in order to command the Enterprise.
  • Dr. Janet Wallace (girlfriend) - Janet and Kirk were romantically involved in 2261, but they had decided to go their separate waves. Janet was an expert in endocrinology and was aboard the Enterprise in 2267. During that time some of the members of the Enterprise were infected with a radiation-induced hyperaccelerating aging disease which was aging them rapidly.
  • Areel Shaw (girlfriend) - She was romantically involved with Kirk in 2263. Areel had prosecuted Kirk in Ben Finney's case when he was accused of his death where they parted friends.
  • Miramanee (wife) - He married Miramanee in 2268. She became pregnant. He was suffering from amnesia at the time on a landing party mission. The inhabitants of the planet believed that Kirk was a fullfillment of prophesy. They saw him as a God. Their happiness did not last. The tribe turned against Kirk (Kirok was the name they gave him) when they learned that he was mortal and they stoned Kirk and Miramanee. Kirk survived, but Miramanee and her unborn child die in Kirk's arms from her injuries. :-( :-(.
  • Edith Keeler (fell in love with her) - Kirk met her when he entered the Guardian of Forever that took him back to earth's past in the 1930s in the TOS episode "The City on the Edge of Forever". They became friends and Kirk fell very much in love with her and was devastates upon discovering that in order to repair history, they had to let her be killed in an auto accident in order not to change the future which would have been a terrible one. She was killed while crossing the street. Dr. McCoy tried to save her, but Kirk hung on to him. This came as a shock to McCoy because he knew he could have saved her, but McCoy did not know the reason for Kirk preventing him.
  • Dr. Carol Marus (girlfriend) - Dr. Marcus was a molecular biologist and a scientist. Project Genesis was her baby. She directed the creation of the object. She and Kirk became romantically involved in the 2260s. That romance led to Carol giving birth to their son David who also became a scientist. But Kirk, at the request of Carol, was never involved in his son's life.

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