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Hiraku Sulu's Photo

Hikaru Walter Sulu
George Takei

Full Name:
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Marital Status:
Hikaru Walter Sulu
San Francisco, Earth
Starfleet Academy 2265-2259

Sulu was an active hobbyist. His interests included fencing, botany, old-style hand guns and the martial arts. He is also an accomplished pilot of aircrafts from many cultures and eras which included piloting both an Klingon Bird-of-Prey and a 20th century Earth helicopter. He served as Helm Officer onboard the U.S.S. Enterprise under Captain James T. Kirk.


  • 2265 - Lieutenant, assigned as staff physicist under Captain Kirk.
  • 2370 - Lieutenant Commander under Capt. Decker.
  • 2285 - Commander, USS Enterprise during rescue of Project Genesis team.
  • 2290 - Captain of post-prototype U.S.S. Excelsior.

Sulu's Relatives:

  • Demora (daughter) - In 2278 Sulu had turned down an assignment on the U.S.S. Bozeman when he found out he was a father. He returned to Starfleet Academy in San Francisco and took u a teaching position and adopted Demora Ling as his legal daughter. Demora, like her mother was very intelligent and forthright. She was 12 year old. In 2290 Demora entered Starfleet Academy. She later as the first helm officer of the Excelsior-class U.S.S. Enterprise under Captain John Harriman when Kirk died in 2293 battling Dr. Tolian Soran who was desperately trying to return to the Nexus not caring that by doing so will destroy the planet Veridian III.
Women in Sulu's life:
  • Susan Ling (Demora's mom) - Susan died of Sakuro's disease.

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