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Nyota Uhura's Photo

Nyota Uhura
Nichelle Nicols

Full Name:
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Marital Status:
Military Education:
Nyota Uhura
United States of Africa, Earth

Uhura was a highly skilled technician and a talented musician. She enjoyed serenading her fellow crew members with song. In 2267, Uhura's memory was wiped out by the space probe Nomad in the TOS episode, "The Changeling", requiring her to be reducated. Uhura has shown a romantic interest in Scotty, but never pursued it. After the reassignment of the USS Enterprise to Starfleet Academy, Uhura served on earth at Starfleet Command where part of her duties were to give lectures. Captain Kirk had requested for her to return to the USS Enterprise NCC 1701-A at her former original post as Communications Officer prior to the Khitomer peace conference.


  • 2266 - Communications Officer
  • 2271 - Lieutenant Commander
  • 2285 - Commander

Uhura's Relatives:

  • M'Umbha (mother) - No data available.
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