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Frank Rich, theatre critic for the New York Times, wrote
the following pre-Broadway review on October 22, 1982
while Plenty was playing at the Public Theater…

"The mostly exemplary supporting cast begins with Mr. Herrmann, who may be giving the performance of his career as Susan's husband, a moneyed, generous, self-reproachful man who sadly pursues his diplomatic calling because, as he plaintively asks, "What other world do I have?" His sputtering collapse is preceded by one brave and rending effort to break through his cheery reserve and jolt Susan back into reality."

Summer (1982) written by Edward Bond, starring Frances Sternhagen, Betty Miller, David Hyde Pierce, and Caitlin Clarke and performed at the Manhattan Theatre Club's main stage. It was set in the former Yugoslavia. According to DHP, he spent a lot of it running around in a bathing suit. DHP mentioned on his interview on Later with Peri that he got a review from Frank Rich that was so bad that to this day he hadn't read it. All he knows about the review was based on Ed Herrmann's condolence note to him which read, "Well, Dear David, I'm sorry about the review but if you're going to mutter your lines, what better place to do it than into Caitlin's breasts?"

Used by permission. Thanks, Eunice!