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When it's springtime in Kentucky and

The fruit trees are in bloom

You know that Summer's on it's way

And you hope it gets here soon.

Yesterday,snow was on the bluegrass

But today it looks so green

As you stroll down through the meadow

There seems to be a shimmering blue sheen.

As you stand there by the fence

And gaze out across the fields

You can see the mares and thier babies

As the colts kick up thier heels.

As you wonder on a bit farther

There's a cow and baby calf

The ewe with soft and wooly lambs

Whose antics make you laugh.

As you stand there just relaxing and

Your cares seem far away

'Cause it's Springtime in Kentucky

It's such a glorious day


Then you turn and slowly wander

Back toward home and pots and pans

As the cars whiz down the highway

Heading back to Old Keeneland.

It is there, they have the races

People come from far and near

When the horses leave the starting gate

Such a roar, as the crowd cheers


People sit crowded in the grandstands

Some are rich, some are poor

They've placed bets on their favorites

That's the reason for the loud roar.

We are proud of those great horses

They are thoroughbreds, you see

When it's Springtime in Kentucky

It's a beautiful place to be


When they run the Kentucky Derby

It is held at Churchill Downs

People come from all over the U.S.A.

From big cities and small towns


Then after the races are over and

The people head for home

The winners faces are so happy

The losers are sad and forlorn


Most of us in Old Kentucky

Couldn't care less who won the race

We're just thankful to be living

In such a beautiful place.

Haven't decided what to do

Come visit us in Kentucky

We'll be here to welcome you.

And its wonders you have seen

You'll find the grass isn't blue

It's a lovely shade of green.

Author ......Mickie Anne Emmons...aka: Sassy E

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