So You< >wanna know a lil about Meeh?Okay,suit yourself!*smilez*Here we go...I'm 14 years old and I'm Vietnamese!I live in California and I LOVE comedy shows!Like Whose Line is it Anyways? < >I love stand up comics and so of course,one of my FAVORITE channels is Comedy Central!!!Some of my fave shows are Whose Line is it Anyway,The Simpsons,Daria,Rugrats,Sailormoon(DONT TEASE MEEH!!!*ROFL*),DBZ,and a lil bit of Pokemon...*smilez*I LOVE< >light colors!!!Pastels if you will...I laugh alot-what can I say?hehe!Anyhow,I go to El Camino HighSchool,my birthday is July 19!*ponders*My fave foods are Fried Rice and a Viet Dish that I fergot the name of!Did I mention I was a VERYForgetful person?I have to write everything down...My Best Friends are Fay and Raz...(those are their nicknames..)and I have alot of close friends...Amanda,Quyen,Maeghan,Tom,Brandon and Noah!My hobbies are writing poetry,Netting,working with The Site Fights,listening to music(my fave station is 91.1,then 93.3),playing basketball...things like that!*smilez*I absolutly love fishing and adorably cute stuff!!!*grinz*Well thats I all I can think of about myself!Do you think there is something I should add about myself? Email Meeh!!! *smilez*

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