Another reason for this collection is to make up a huge, comprehensive astrogation gazeteer. Here's the way this works: When you click on a planet, it will transfer you to a page that has informatin about the planet, and a listing of other planets. Each planet will have a time next to it. That is the duration of a standard trip to that planet using an x1 hyperdrive. Also, the difficulty of the trip is indicated by the color of the planet's name. Lime indicates that the trip is Easy. White means the trip is Moderate, yellow indicates a Difficult journey, and red means a Very difficult to Heroic trip.
A planet symbol means the link is working, a construction button means the link does not work. I would like to give much of the credit of this effort to the designers of this website. It's an excellent Navigation chart. I highly recommend it.
When you are trying to find the distances between two systems, go to the system lowest on the list. This is because as I add systems, the older ones may not be updated. So, for example, let's say you wanted to find the duration of a trip between Alderaan and Kessel. Well, Kessel is lower than Alderaan, so you go there and find the duration. If you went to Alderaan, you would not find Kessel listed there. Also, there's a link to the map of the Galaxy below. I'd like everyone to know that I did not build the Map site. It's someone else's site, and I'd like you to realize that. Thank you.