I understand that there is a Jedi Academy sourcebook, which includes Kessel. Since I don't have it, the below information is speculation. If some one does have it, I would appreciate their sending me the correct info. I would give them due credit, of course.
Type: Terrestrial
Temperature: Cool
Atmosphere: Type III
Hydrosphere: Dry
Gravity: Light
Terrain: Barren
Length of Day:
Length of Year:
Sapient Species: Humans, various alien criminals
Starport: Limited service
Population: Unknown
Planet Function: Penal Colony
Government: Organized crime
Tech Level: Space
Major exports: Glitterstim spice
Major imports: Foodstuffs, technology
Astrogation to and from Kessel is a very tricky business. Part of it involves getting near Kessel, and the second part involves a short but extremely dangerous jump past the cluster of black holes known as "The Maw." The time required to get to the general area around Kessel is listed below, but the procedure for getting through The Maw is the same no matter where you come from. The journey takes only two hours, but it requires FIVE Very Difficult astrogation rolls. Characters can attempt to get through in a shorter period, but every ten minutes you cut off requires an additional Heroic astrogation roll.
Alderaan: 16d5h
Bespin: 1d7h
Celanon: 2d14h
Corellia: 6d17h
Coruscant: 8d19h
Dagobah: 7d1h
Dantooine: 16d3h
Endor: 4d13h
Gamorr: 9d18h
Lianna: 5d5h
Sullust: 3d16h
Cona: 14d12h
Kashyyyk: 5d17h
Rodia: 10d6h
Nal Hutta: 2d4h
Yavin 4: 3d21h
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