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In Loving Memory of Tristan Lloyd Anderson
Tristan was liked by all that had the pleasure of meeting him. His best friend would have to be a dear little man named Ben. Tristan and Ben spent a great deal of time together in their first year, then they went to Child Care together for the year and a half that followed, as well as time spent together on weekends. The two of them together usually spelt trouble in one way or another, whether it be fighting over toys, or flooding the wash rooms at the Child Care Centre.

Tristan and Ben first met at a parenting group along with another couple of baby boys. But right from the beginning Ben was he closest little friend. Here is a picture of four of the boys from our parenting group. Laughlin, Tristan, Andrew and Ben.

Tristan and his cousin Kayla are only 5 weeks apart in age, so became quite close in the last year. I have put a few pictures of the two little darlings here. The first one is when they are not quite 3 months old. Then another at 18 months, and than my favorite taken on Tristans 2nd birthday.

Here is Tristan with a couple of his friends from Child Care, at Eddies 2nd birthday.


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is owned by Sandy Anderson.
~ My Parents Are Survivors ~
~ Keeping our children's memories alive ~