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In Loving Memory of Tristan Lloyd Anderson

Tristan became an Angel today.
He will be missed very much,
but will forever remain in the hearts of those
fortunate to have been touched by his love.

*One More Bright Star in Heaven Tonight*

God looked down from the Heavens one night and said to himself, "I need one more Bright Star in Heaven tonight". As he scanned the souls below he noticed one who's spirit shone with a brightness not seen before. he noticed his kindness and compassion. Whose joy and tenderness reached out to others in need. God thought long and hard on this and said to himself "I know this Bright Star will be missed, but I need him here in Heaven tonight. With his unique attributes he would make an extraordinary Angel".

As God reached down and gently took this one Bright Star for the Heavens tonight he noticed the sadness and heartbreak it caused. "Please Please!!" he said, "Don't cry for the one Bright Star is in Heaven tonight. He floats and drifts upon clouds of cotton candy. He walks amongst you, of that you can be assured. If you stop and listen you will hear. If you have faith in what I say, you can take heart he is there watching and helping. Look within your dreams you will see him my friend, he is there. Just look towards the Heavens and you will see one more Bright Star in Heaven tonight.

This lovely poem was written by Lisa Richardson


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This RingSurf Net Ring
is owned by Sandy Anderson.
~ My Parents Are Survivors ~
~ Keeping our children's memories alive ~