Ken Kolb's Experience With TYR #1


"Ty Miller is such a wonderful actor. He's so impressive because he's such a perfectionist. At first, he seems a bit removed, even aloof, but it's only because he's so into his craft. He's always well prepared and very much into his character 'The Kid.'
Yvonne Suhor is the same way. She rarely misses a cue!" Ken Kolb smiles and his deep-set eyes sparkle as he talks about the stars of The Young Riders. "Working with them was great. In fact, I wouldn't mind having a regular role on the show--I could be the new town marshal!"
And you never know, it could happen! Ken's done many guest-star roles on several shows, and this is the second time he's joined The Young Riders team!
"Last year I did an episode called 'Ten Cent Hero,' and I went back this time to do 'Blood Money.' Most of my scenes were with Josh Brolin ('Jimmy Hickok') and I had a chance to get to know him a bit. You can really see a difference between Josh and Ty. Josh is so laid-back, just like a California stereotype! He takes things as they come and if he messes up a line, he just tries again! He's very comfortable to be around!"

Close Relationship!

Ken worked on the show for a few days last season and this time spent eight days in Arizonia, where the show is filmed. One of the things he liked best about working on the series is that everyone has such a close relationship. "The guys were so buddy-buddy. There's a lot of kidding around and arm-punching, yet each is serious about doing the best job possible. Everyone is working for an ultimate goal and it gives a real feeling of comraderie on the set."
According to Ken, the soundstage built in Mescal, Arizonia (30 miles from Tuscon) is a second home to all The Young Riders cast and crew. "It's got all the comforts, and in addition, a wonderful gentleman who is in charge of feeding all those people five days a week! Is he ever good!
"In the morning everyone can get something to eat--anything from a bran muffin to french toast or waffles! At luch or dinner if there's night shooting, you can practically order what you want. There's a menu with five or six items to choose from or is someone is hungry he's always bringing snacks around, even making sure fresh, cold water is always available."
When you listen to Ken talk about working on The Young Riders, you know it was an experience he wont forget. And there's more inside information for you from him in the next issue of STARZ

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Ken Kolb's Experience With TYR #2