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¤ site dedicated to BEN AFFLECK ¤
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!i! My Child !i!

The words to describe how I felt the first time I held you in my arms
has yet to be invented
Such a tiny being had given me enormous pleasure
God had trusted me with you
Such a precious li'l thing had brightened my dim world
You are the light
The light that I have endlessly been searching for
You have paved the rocky and bumpy roads that I have been traveling
You have changed me in a way that no one is capable of understanding
All I wish for you, My Child
Is to grow up with the intelligence, strength, health & willpower
needed to survive in this cruel world
Please know that everything that I do will be done for you and you only
Even if it means sacrificing my own happiness
Since you came out in this world I have learned to be more giving
I have learned to share
You taught me how to compromise
And you showed me how to enjoy life more
There will be times when it seems like everything and everyone in the world is againts you
When you stumble upon such a crisis
Know that I will always be just an arm length away


If I can truly tell you how I feel without scaring You away
I would
I know its not love but I'm pretty sure that its more than just a crush
Eversince the 1st time I laid eyes on You
I've never been able to get You out of mymind
U'r the 1st person that comes into mind
Each & every morning that I awake
U'r the last before I lay myself to sleep
You invade not only my days but also my dreams at nite
U'r name I can't 4get
U'r face stamped clearly into my brain
How I long for those lips to touch mine
When You touched my flaming red hair that one day
What a tingling sensation it sent down my spine
How can I let You know without chasing You away
That I want You to be a part of my life...

!i! YOU !i!

You light up my unlit life
You brought sunshine to my dim world
You fixed my broken heart
You turned my frown into a smile
You made me glow like I've never had
You showd me that my heart is capable of loving again
But You also made me wonder
If You're even aware of all these wonderful things You've done to me
In the short span of time that You have been in my life...