Have you ever wondered why you seem to be stuck in the same place? Seem
to be going through the same thing over and over again? Things just don’t seem
to work out.
God is a God of seasons; He does things according to His time frame. Ecclesiastes 3
The Greek word for season is zeman: a set time,
an appointed time, a time.
“Is anything too hard for the Lord? At the
appointed time I will return to, according to the time of life, and
God is going to move us from season to season according to His set
time, to help us grow and mature to become complete in Him. How we handle these
seasons is up to us. We can seek God for His guidance and pray for His wisdom
or we can let our minds try to reason through them. Which is
a lost cause.
We some times let ourselves get stuck in a certain season by trying to
manipulate God’s will for our lives to be what we want. Setting our minds on
what makes sense to us, and how we want it to turn out. This simply will not
work and you will find yourself struggling to make sense of your life.
In Exodus chapter 16 God tested
Some time later God tested
“Here I am,” he replied. Then God said,
“Take your son, your only son,
After God brought
Then the Lord said to
Do we grumble and complain about our circumstances?
Not trusting in
the Lord and His word?
Do we take our eyes off
We will be tested; just as the people of
The word of God has all the answers to these tests it just takes study
time and guidance of the Holy Spirit to get the answers.
When we learn to completely
trust God and not pay attention to our circumstances or grumble about
them. Then the true power of God will
come alive in us.
God can’t move us on to the next season until He has worked us through
the present one. He can’t close a door until all that He wants to accomplish is
done; until we totally submit to His will we can’t move on. The more we resist
God’s will the longer we stay put and the more difficult it becomes.
When we stay under God’s umbrella of love, and are obedient, the easier
and shorter the seasons become.