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Trudi Bond - ALL MEANS ALL -



Trudi Bond, SW Washington


There are many levels of faith. When we are believing God for a miracle in our life, we sometimes can be limited by our perception of just one simple word that word is “ALL.”


The word all is not limited in any way shape or form. The importance and true meaning of the word needs to get into our spirit so you can believe that you can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you. (Philippians 4:`3)


When we begin to see what ALL means ALL - our understanding can create a limitless type of faith to believe there will be no boundaries to keep your miracle from you.


If you are believing for healing, take comfort in the fact that God doesn’t want any of His children sick! Jesus bore our sicknesses and diseases; you have the confidence to ask Him for the healing because He did it ALL for you, already.


If there is something that really tugs at your heart, or a special dream that you would like to achieve in life, your desire to do that is most likely put there by God. So if you think you are limited by your circumstances think again! With Philippians 4:13 – possibilities are endless and there is no stopping your hopes and dreams from becoming a reality.


When God’s people take hold of this simple truth then the world can become all He intended it to be. They won’t be plagued by sickness and disease, and will have the strength to go where He leads them. Each person will be able to fulfill whatever has been on their heart. This kind of faith will spread like a wildfire and bring other hearts into the truth; but best of all, it will bring people into the Kingdom of God, because that’s what it’s all about.


If you are believing God for finances, nothing is too big for Him! ALL still means ALL!  The Bible says: that we “have not because you ask not” – we need to ASK, and we also need to BELIEVE when we ask.  If we are not exercising our faith, then we are only hoping. Hope is good, but faith makes things happen.


“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”  Hebrews 11:1


“Without faith it is impossible to please Him.”  Hebrew 11:6a


In His Love,

 Trudi Bond